This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 246

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:33:58 AM

Chapter 246

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Chapter 246

[Translator Night]

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Kasim couldnt take his eyes off the training ground where the exchanges of blows were taking place.

He had heard about the upcoming showdown from none other than the Hero himself.

You might gain something from it.

Even after learning swordsmanship from the fairies in the Great Forest, Kasim still couldnt break through the wall in front of him.

So the Heros proposal was very welcome to him.

The swordsmanship of the former Sword Saint.

It was Zion, a master of all weapons.

Kasim felt ecstatic at the thought of being able to see how Zion handled the rapier, his primary weapon.

But at the same time, he felt puzzled.

After all, wont the Hero overwhelmingly win?

Anyone would think so.

Because of this, when he heard that Leciel would also be attending the showdown, he couldnt help but be a bit cautious.



I didnt expect this.

If someone who didnt know swordplay saw the scene in front of them, they might mistake it for a match between beginners.

Their exchanges were monotonous.

And the most peculiar thing was that neither of them used mana, as if it had been agreed upon.

When Zion struck downward, the Hero blocked upward.

When Zion slashed horizontally, the Hero countered in the opposite direction.

Occasionally, there were thrusts, but each time, their thrusts cancelled each other out as if choreographed.

Kasims bewildered expression began to change after dozens of repetitions of the same type of attack.

Its not as simple as it seems.

Their swordplay was different.

Although it appeared to be just common slashes, there were constant changes and unpredictable elements within.

Like ripples spreading on a lake.

Like the sudden change to a strong wind in a cliff crevice.

The potential for a myriad of changes was reflected at every moment.

Though his understanding was limited, watching their erratic swordplay was as mesmerizing as viewing the capricious scenery of nature.

I should use an unreasonable expression at this point.

The two swords were constantly changing while remaining static.

Kasim gradually became engrossed in their exchanges.

Well, its not as flashy as I thought it would be, Professor Pierre.

It was then that Labin, sitting next to him, spoke.Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Kasim looked at him in surprise.


Labin shrugged.

I suppose I vaguely understood what theyre trying to show.

How many young professors would receive such a terrifying compliment from Labin?

Kasim chuckled brightly.

Ahaha, you flatter me.

That child seemed to have known from the beginning.


Kasims gaze shifted to the front row at those words.

Leciels eyes were fixed on the Hero and Zion.

In fact, they didnt even hear.

It feels like someone else is fighting.

Zion had gone through countless duels, and Leciel had watched them since childhood.

All of Zions duels were extremely flashy and aggressive.

So, it was natural to expect the same in this showdown.

No one could defeat Grandma in an aggressive fight.

It was obvious.

Hiyashin was the oldest martial family.

Over the years, Hiyashin had collected numerous martial arts and presented them to the world in their own forms.

And Zion was the one who had mastered most of them through tremendous effort.

Hiyashin is the source, the rest are derivatives.

In other words, Zion started by knowing all the challengers techniques one by one.

When the opponent performed a certain technique, Zion would counter with a corresponding technique.

As a result, challengers were constantly pushed into a defensive position and eventually admitted defeat.

If the opponent were demons, there might be someone stronger than her.

But in a one-on-one duel, Zion was practically invincible.

Except for one instance.

That was ten years ago, in a duel with the professor.

There was no fierce battle as usual.

Just one downward strike.

Zions flashy swordsmanship shattered against the Heros sword.

Leciel still remembered the Heros sword cutting through the air under the moonlight.


Swing, strike, thrust.

All swordsmen learn these three actions first.

As their skills improve, they forget these basic actions and focus on more complex and flashy techniques.

It wasnt necessarily a bad thing.

By focusing on difficult and complex movements, they gained insights and abilities.

Through repeated practice and time, when the mastery of the sword became one with the body.

Would it return to the beginning like this?

All those depths of the heart were applied to the most familiar actions.

For a moment, Leciel imagined herself standing between the Hero and Grandma.

It was a scene that brought both relief and satisfaction to Zion.

They had brushed it all off.

After a long time, Zion made a joke.

Hero, its customary to refrain from defeating a revered Sword Saint in front of her granddaughter.

Smiling slightly, the Hero reached out his hand to support Zion.

People from the stands also descended beneath the training ground simultaneously.


The Hero immediately yielded the role of supporting Zion to Leciel.

Leciel seemed to want to embrace her grandmother.

When Zion smiled wryly, she leaned on her granddaughter.

Lost again, huh?

I dont see a loser in my eyes.

Did they teach you eloquence at the academy?

Im speaking from the heart.

Leciels hand on Zions shoulder exerted pressure.

With her face slightly flushed, the girl spoke.

It was a match that made me proud, grandmother. Really.

When did you become so refined?

It was unnecessary to mention how today approached each other as a salvation.

With a glance, Leciel and Zion conveyed their gratitude to the Hero.

The Hero lightly nodded, capturing the dark hope.

The long-standing dampness seeped out of the firewood.

Understanding of Leciel Hiyashin deepens.

Understanding: 20/100 -> 35/100

Understanding of Zion Hiyashin deepens.

Understanding: 5/100 -> 10/100

It was a moment when related comments filled her mind.


Labin approached with an unusually flushed face.

Behind him, Kasim looked at him with a face filled with admiration and excitement.

Kasim also seemed to have gained something from the recent bout.

What was the final strike?

Labin asked in a tone that seemed unbelievable.

Ive never seen anything like that from you before.

Of course.

This was a sword unlike any before, infused with the enlightenment and identity of a doppelganger, unlike the swordsmanship before.

He nodded deeply towards Labin.

This sword was made possible thanks to your teachings. Thank you.


It was a moment of confusion as Labin coughed.

The Heros head lowered even further.

And I apologize.

An unexpected apology.

A contextless apology.

But Labin understood immediately what it was apologizing for.

The expression of the old man, which had once hardened, then shook uncontrollably.

With a huff, Labin turned and headed towards the exit of the arena without saying a word.

As the Hero watched him leave.

His footsteps slowed down again.


A few steps ahead, Labin looked at the Hero.

And spoke with a rough expression.

Now that youve apologized, take care of yourself.

The old mans eyes narrowed.

After scrutinizing the Hero up and down, Labin said abruptly.

And stop doing weird things.

The Hero chuckled faintly.

Dont worry, itll be resolved soon.

Huh, who said I was worried.

With that, Labin left.

Next, Pia, who checked on the condition of the Hero and Zion with a tired look (this match had been boring for her, not being a swordsman), left.

Supporting each other as if embracing, the grandmother and granddaughter also left gently.

Kasim, who had been mumbling something, disappeared after glancing at the atmosphere.

Left alone, the Hero finally relaxed his tense body.

What weird things

This must have been about Theos curse, the Dark Impulse.

Although the symptoms had not yet manifested severely, it was necessary to remove it as soon as possible.

If Labin noticed

It was probably because of being together for the past few days, but it was only a matter of time before others noticed.

Brother its time to find the last Homunculus.

Invitations, the Ravias issue, and the duel with Zion all ended safely.

Now it would be appropriate to leave for work.

With a last step, the Hero left.

His next destination was the Library of Memories.

[Translator Night]

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