This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 248

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:33:53 AM

Chapter 248

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Chapter 248

[Translator Night]

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Meanwhile, other members of the Dawn Knights were also gradually building friendships with the children.

Patients were always bored, after all.

Members who were accustomed to dynamic battlefields often found themselves getting bored easily with peaceful hospital life.

They would sneak out of their quarters to find places of amusement, and the extreme children, who would soon be their comrades, were excellent companions to alleviate their boredom.

Taylor quickly became close to Evergreen and Karen, the two girls.

Since they had started enjoying desserts together in the shopping district on weekends


Of course, Taylor was sipping rum instead of coffee.

The quaintly decorated caf was a bit uncomfortable for her as a former pirate, but she could endure it for these cute girls.

So, where were we?

Uh, about Luke.

Oh, right.

Taylor chuckled.

Its been over a month since you started dating, and youve only held hands?

Evergreen, looking dejected, glanced around and whispered.

Taylor, please lower your voice.


Th-thats not yet.

Taylor chuckled lightly.

Im afraid to even point out where the problem might be.

Is it even a problem?

Are you six years old? No, in one month, even a six-year-old would have been able to kiss. Kids these days are fast.

Evergreen looked resentfully at Karen, who was trying to stifle her laughter.

Just a few days ago, they never thought they would have such casual and private conversations with Taylor.

Completely different from the first impression, huh?

Contrary to the intimidating and tough first impression, Taylor was gentle.

She was like a carefree and refreshing older cousin.

There was no sense of authority whatsoever.

Especially for Karen, who came from the same hometown, she seemed even more attached.

Evergreen felt the same way about Taylor.

To the archers, the legendary archer Taylor was an eternal object of admiration.

There was no reason not to want to spend time training and living together with such a person.

Taylor, are you in a relationship?

A relationship? Me?

Taylor chuckled incredulously.

Oh my, do I look like Im in my twenties?

Um twenty-five? Six?

Taylors lips twisted with pleasure.

Thanks for making me look young. But first, Im married.

Taylor showed the ring on her ring finger.

It was a worn silver ring, not fitting for her reputation.

Given her wealth, she could have bought the most splendid and expensive ring in the world, so it was unexpected.

With sparkling eyes, Evergreen asked.

And your husband? Where is he now?

Hes dead.


Four years ago.

The children fell silent.

He was in the support unit of our knights. He followed me to that dangerous place, thinking he could help the weak Tsk.

Taylor said it as if it were nothing, but nobody believed it was genuine.

It was because she drank rum twice in a row.

Evergreen and Karen hesitated for a moment before quickly changing the subject.

Um, but we heard you were a pirate. Is that true?

So cute and awkward.

Taylor smirked.

Her juniors were starting to like her more and more.

Yeah, thats right. Its an embarrassing past.

Wow, really surprising. You dont look like it at all now!

Even with this eyepatch?

Taylor laughed and tapped the eyepatch covering her left eye.

I probably would have put a hook on my arm and come up.

Indeed, she was a pirate.

And a quite notorious one in the South Sea.

Of course, they mainly targeted military ships and large merchant ships, and they tried to avoid harming people as much as possible, but it was still a shameful past.

But if you ask your principal, shell know very well.


We raided Glendors trade goods quite extensively. Yussi probably still regrets not being able to hang a noose around my neck.

Karen cautiously asked.

But how did you get scouted by Professor for the Dawn Knights? Considering his personality, he would have probably excluded you without asking.

Oh, that.

Taylor hesitated, as if choosing her words carefully, opening and closing her mouth a few times.

The leaders ethics are a bit complicated.


I was the daughter of a pirate.

A bitter smile passed her lips.

I was born and raised a pirate. Im not trying to justify it but I couldnt think of anything else for my life outside of that.

She spent her whole life raiding ships passing through the South Sea.

One day, as usual, they attacked Glendors merchant ship and encountered a young swordsman who was like a monster.

He was a Hero tasked with eliminating annoying pirates, according to Yussis request.

The Hero received a request from Yussi to eliminate the annoying pirates.

The situation is different from about six months ago.

At that time, it was a period when demons were driving stakes for demonic energy supply.

If the treatment finishes quickly, I might be able to return earlier than expected.

So, the Hero was absorbed in flying.

However, it wasnt long before the Hero paused.

It was because the familiar terrain was visible beneath his wings.


He had enough time to take a short tour of the village.

The Hero quickly lowered her altitude.


It was only a few months ago that he had fought with all his might against Malekias forces in Lonkers.

It feels like its been years.

Now he was confident that he could handle even intermediate demons without breaking a sweat, but back then, he had truly exerted himself.

Without everyone joining forces back then, the West might not have been as safe as it is now.

Because Malekias forces had rooted deeply.

Hmm it looks different.

The Hero flew over Lonkers, surveying the village.

He had heard that Yuusi had provided support for several months, and Lonkers seemed to have made very good use of that support.

It used to be known as the garbage bin of the West.

The stench of decay from the walls.

Streets filled with trash.

Residents wandering aimlessly with vacant eyes.

Everything had disappeared.

The neatly organized village was bustling more than before, and the people seemed happier than ever.

The Hero quietly looked down at what he had protected.

Meanwhile, there was someone noticeable.

That guy?


A guard from Lonkers.

He was particularly brave, and his name stuck in his memory.

He was strolling with his wife, and it seemed like they were still popular among the villagers, as laughter echoed around them.

Could anyone looking at them remember the troublemakers they used to be?

The sense of accomplishment from defeating demons and protecting his family and village himself.

Thats what had transformed them like this.

Theyve become better people. Theyll live even better lives from now on.

A deep sense of pride swelled within the Hero.

His heart was filled with warmth.

It felt like meeting a long-lost friend and seeing that they were doing well.

When all this is over, other places on the continent will be like this too.

When that time comes, it might be nice to visit Lonkers again.

The satisfied Hero spread his wings wide.

The scenery of Lonkers quickly faded away.




.Is this the place?

The Hero arrived at the location marked on Rosalyns map.

A secluded coastal village greeted him.


The fresh sea breeze gently swept over his body before swirling and drifting away.

It looks peaceful.

Small fishing boats floating on the sea.

Children swimming and playing on the beach.

What could a powerful magician like Zeros Homunculus be doing in a place like this?

It was beyond imagination.

Anyway how should I find him?

The village was small, but it wasnt easy to find Zero Homunculus at once.

Will he come looking for me if he hears that an outsider has come?

It was rare for travelers to come to such a village.

The villagers glanced at him with curious eyes.

What was a bit surprising was that there was no sign of suspicion in their eyes.

In this day and age that wasnt easy.

Is there an inn?

There was unlikely to be one.

It was at that moment that something familiar caught the Heros eye.

An old man?

A robed old man was calmly looking at him from the corner of the alley.

It was only natural that they were meeting for the first time.

The Hero tilted his head in confusion.

But why does he feel familiar?

A strange feeling began to rise from the tip of his toes and spread through his body.

Joy, excitement, and happiness.

It felt like forgotten memories were gathering once again.

Realizing something, the Hero grinned widely.

A statue.

The old man had the same appearance as the statues of Zero scattered throughout Rosenstark.

At the same time, a hoarse voice echoed in her ear.

Nice to meet you.

After a brief pause, the old man revealed his identity.

I am Zero. Your brother.

[Translator Night]

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