This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 249

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:33:52 AM

Chapter 249

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Chapter 249

[Translator Night]

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Yussi, Taylor, and Noubelmag moved to one side of the ruined workshop.

It took them some time to shake off the embarrassment.

Taylor was the first to speak up.


So what.

Yussi replied roughly, her messy hair emitting smoke from the ends.

Taylor sighed deeply.

Did it fail?

Oh you could tell?

Damn it. How much did you waste?

About 2,000 gold?

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Taylor took out a new bottle from her pocket and took a sip.

No chance of success at all?


As Yussi fell silent, Noubelmag interjected.

Of course, I didnt expect to succeed on the first try.

He looked grimly at the exploded workbench, then nodded decisively.

Well try again.

Yussi regained her strength and stood up straight.

Of course. Maybe itll work next time if we just adjust the mixture a bit.

The greatest blacksmith and alchemist.

But confidence was hard to find on the faces of the two as they faced the upcoming task.

Thats how difficult this project was.

Taylor looked at them pitifully.

Its an unprecedented experiment.

Extracting divine power from sacred stones and relics, then artificially amplifying that concentration.

[TL/N: Consecration and sacred stones are same.]

That was the essence of the experiment that had just exploded.

I hope it works out.

Taylor, looking at her colleagues standing in front of the workbench again, recalled a few days ago.

The day Dante secretly recruited the members.

There might be a way to extend the lifespan of the Hero.

All eyes turned to Dante at once.


Is that possible?

Dante abandoned his usual mischief and spoke seriously.

First, lets review the Heros condition. You all have an idea of the cause of his condition, right?

Everyone nodded.

Of course, the Hero hadnt clearly explained his condition.

But, as Dante said, the members had a rough idea of the situation.

Yeah, its because the vessel of life is damaged.

People are born with a certain amount of life force.

Its called innate vitality or original vitality.

Its a power that cant be used artificially, only borrowed through abilities like Dantes.

But occasionally.

In moments of great crisis, a person might awaken that power, displaying an overwhelming strength that surpasses their limits.

Even members who have overcome numerous trials had experienced such moments once or twice.

The problem is, if you keep using that power recklessly, the person themselves the vessel containing their life force gets damaged.

Using the life force contained in the vessel isnt much of a problem.

But once the vessel starts to deteriorate, it becomes irreversible.

Bottomless poison. The container loses life force faster than it can accumulate. Even if you just sit still, your life force drains away as if youre in a life-and-death struggle.

The members fell silent.

Because it was Dante, who actually traded his life for his abilities, the weight of his words felt heavier.

He shrugged his shoulders.

If he had been an ordinary person, he would have died on the spot from such reckless actions. But because hes such a strong martial artist and has an exceptional life force, hes barely holding on.

Yussi spoke up then.

So whats the way to extend the Heros lifespan?

Dante answered promptly.

Healing with divine power.

Yussis expression became strange.

The other members were equally puzzled.

Yeah, using sacred stones, relics, and healing with the touch of the divine. Do you think I havent thought of that?

Even using the touch of the divine is futile.

According to the previous owner, even gathering the maximum divine power couldnt save someone on the brink of death.

The Hero himself said that amputation wounds are the limit of healing.

We might be able to fill his life force slightly, but

Unfortunately, sacred stones and relics are extremely limited in quantity.

Moreover, due to this recent incident, the supply has been greatly depleted.

Even if we gather all thats left on the market, it would be difficult to significantly extend the Heros lifespan.

In the first place, once the vessel of life is damaged, its just a matter of time before its beyond repair.

As everyone was losing hope


Dante took out an old document from his pocket.

Everyone looked at the pile of papers with curiosity.

Its a document from the First Era.

Whats it about?

Its about someone whose life vessel was destroyed, like the Hero.

As Dante proudly smiled at his bewildered colleagues.

To be precise, its a record of his recovery. What did he say he lived for over thirty years after that.

For a while, no one spoke.

So, the point is, we can heal the leader. If we solve just one thing.

Whats that?


Considering Ive traveled back and forth for hundreds of years, staying for a long time would be appropriate.


He hadnt expected hundreds of years.

The Hero blinked.

What could be so important in this secluded countryside to warrant such a long journey back and forth?

Rosalyn said Izaro is carrying out the task entrusted to him by Zero.

But no matter how much he looked around, there was no sign of anything that Izaro, a powerful homunculus like him, would need to handle here.

It was then that Izaro spoke with a blunt voice.

Itll take about a week to break the curse. If you have any questions during that time, feel free to ask. Ill answer to the best of my ability.

The Hero immediately thought of questions.

What are you doing here? What task did Zero assign to you?

The answer came promptly.

Guarding the seal.

A seal? What seal are you talking about?

The seal of the Gate.

The Hero froze.

The Gate? Are you talking about that Gate, the one that led to the destruction of the First Era?

Scenes from Zeros memories flashed through his mind.

The ominous clusters of magic and dreadful monsters the giant red rift that spewed out the Seven Demons and the Demon King.

Izaro nodded.

Thats right. Why do you think theres only one Gate?

The Hero was speechless.

Izaro looked at him with sunken eyes.

Have you ever seen a fox digging only one burrow?

The sudden question made the Hero tilt his head.

But Izaro didnt expect an answer; he continued speaking directly.

Zero was always anxious.

Before the Hero could ask what about, Izaro turned around abruptly and looked at him.


A foamy wave crashed white behind the old man.

They had reached the coast without realizing it as they walked.

Im talking about you.

Especially towards the end, Zeros anxiety grew uncontrollably. Even though death came earlier than expected, you were incomplete.

Because Zero had violated many taboos in his lifetime, he couldnt enjoy the life span of an archmage.

Therefore, the task of completing the homunculus fell to Depikio Lugo.

Depikio always tried to instill human kindness in me. It must have been Zeros orders.

Originally, Zero didnt trust him.

As the Hero recalled these events, he finally understood Izaros analogy of the fox and the burrow.

Zero had prepared other contingencies. This Gate here is one of them.

Thats right. You had a high probability of success, but it was extremely dangerous.

For a moment, Izaros head turned to the east.


Evil beings who harbor an endless desire to exterminate any life other than their own.

Was it because of Zeros wishes?

The Hero felt a deep anger in Izaros voice, which overlapped with the image of Zero embracing his dead wife and crying in the ruins.

Zero was convinced of the existence of their opposites.

Such a conjecture isnt entirely absurd. Since there was divine power in the First Era.

Yeah, it wasnt just a delusion. In the end, Zero succeeded in meeting their opposites, the Celestials.

The Hero stared at Izaro for a moment.

He looked back at the Hero with an indifferent expression.



Isnt this a joke?

A joke?

The corners of Izaros eyes faintly creased.

The Hero realized belatedly that it was a smile.

Was Zero really like that?

So, do you really believe in the existence of Celestials, the opposite beings to demons? Its hard to believe.

There are all sorts of beings on the other side of the Gate. Including shapeshifters like doppelgangers.


Did you think that a life form that can transform into anything is a creature unique to this world?

What is he talking about?

It was at that moment that the Hero, who had been trying not to be swept away by the flood of information, noticed something strange.

But Ive never heard of Celestials before.

The Heros gaze sank.

Zero opened the Gate to the Celestial Realm.

But now that Gate was sealed, and the Celestials had disappeared.

And Izaro said he was the guardian of that seal.

What problem has arisen?

I should have suspected the extraction of divine power from humans.

, do you think the absolute good is truly on the side of humans?

Before the Hero could respond, Izaro spoke again.

Seeing is believing.


Its better to see it once than to hear it a hundred times.

Are you serious?

Izaros hand emitted a blue ripple.

The Hero looked at the portal in front of him with sunken eyes.

Come, lets go to the Gate.

Izaro whispered.

[Translator Night]

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