This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 250

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:33:50 AM

Chapter 250

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Chapter 250

[Translator Night]

[Proofreader Gun]

When beings from other worlds cross the threshold, they manifest in forms appropriate to the laws of this world.

The Demon King and the original seven demons were no exception.

The Queen of Agony, Malekia, is covered in thorns and flames from head to toe, resembling a dragon.

The old man of loss, Theo, appears as an elderly man on the brink of death.

The Knight of Death, Yol, is a large skeletal figure clad in armor.

As for the Demon King Hero is not sure how to describe that appearance.

Anyway, it was evident that they all took on forms different from their true forms in the demon realm.

Those forms were manifestations of fear interpreted in the ways of humans of this world.

Therefore, as a Hero, there was naturally only one question to ponder.

Then what form would the Celestials take?

The first Celestial to set foot in this world.

Although he didnt know for sure, it wouldnt be the typical Celestial.

Even when the demon realm and this world were connected, the first demons to come to this world were the Demon King and the original seven demons.

Theyre likely to be powerful beings, possibly rivaling the original seven demons, if not the Demon King himself.

As his thoughts reached that point, the Hero stopped in his tracks.

The swirling portal was about to engulf him.

Why is that?

Are you not coming with me?

I asked, standing beside the portal instead of entering it.

A quick shake of his head.

For some reason, he seemed slightly flustered.

I think its better if just you see it.

What? But you just said to come along.

Ill wait outside.

It was a firm refusal.

The Hero glanced at the old man and then gave up on persuading him.

Then at least give me some advice.

Advice? Like what?

Something essential to know before meeting the Celestials.

Izaro pondered carefully for a moment before giving his answer.

Its better to let go of preconceptions.

He could understand what that meant faster than he thought.





The Celestial greeted him.

Instead of returning the greeting, he looked around.

Where is this?

He imagined a place like a prison because it was sealed.

But where the Celestial resided was warm like a home.

Warm lighting and soft colors of the interior.

It was even quite spacious.

Except for the fact that nothing could be seen outside the windows it was quite ordinary.

Whats going on?


A pitch-black darkness rippled outside the window.

As he peered into it, he realized belatedly where this was.

Oh my god.

The abyss.

The touch of Zero is definitely here.

The hidden refuge of the guardians in the sky.

A home in the depths of the abyss.

This kind of unbelievable magic is impossible without Zero.

An abyss

It could be said to be a suitable place even to confine a shapeshifter like a doppelganger.

No matter how regenerative the doppelganger is, it wouldnt be able to withstand the immense pressure of the abyss for thousands of years.

It would flatten out like a snack.


Suddenly, unease surged within him, and he took a deep breath, turning his head sharply.

Before his gaze even reached the Celestial, a deeply comforting scent permeated my nostrils.

It felt like being wrapped in a cozy blanket on a dry desert.

The discomfort when facing a presence of magic and the complete opposite feeling.

Certainly, the being in front of him seemed to be a Celestial.

As the Heros gaze met hers, she waved her hand twice gracefully and greeted him again.


This time, the Hero responded.

Hello, Celestial.

The Hero stared straight at the Celestial.

In a split second.

Countless shadows flitted past his eyes.

There were so many of them, so complex in form, that one might as well call them myriad.

But the amorphous shadows wriggled for only a moment, literally a split second.

The Celestial responded gently, even with his sharp tone.

Anyway, to answer your question, I should explain why Im here first.

That gentleness calmed the Heros excitement.

This Celestial is good.

Incomparable to demons, they were calm, rational, and friendly beings.

Thats why it made him even more uneasy.

Why would harmless-looking beings like this, Izaro and Zero, be trapped in the abyss?

The Celestial spoke softly.

Well, the reason I crossed the threshold was a bit different from Zeros expectations.

What was the reason?

Human extinction.

The Hero was speechless.

The Celestial kindly reiterated her words once more.

I came here to punish humanity.

* * *

Izaro looked at the gradually fading portal with meaningful eyes.

By now, the Hero and the Celestial would be having a conversation.

At this point, as the effectiveness of the seal was running out, it was safe to say that his mission here was over.

What will happen next?

The fact that he shared the Heros story with the Celestial was purely Izaros idea.

Of course, being the inheritor of Zeros intellect, he would have done the same even if Zero were alive.

It was a good persuasion material.

Izaro recalled the time when the Celestial appeared centuries ago.

Thanks to inheriting some of Zeros memories, Izaro could also recall the time when he didnt exist.

It was a shocking and terrifying arrival.

It was an arrival that completely betrayed Zeros expectations.

I will personally punish you tainted by evil!

Fortunately, Zero, who had witnessed the failure of Platooz, didnt fully trust the presence beyond the door, even if it were a Celestial.



It was the moment the Celestial finished speaking.

Shackles made of iron appeared on her wrists and ankles as if they were there all along.

A complex magical array spread over the iron.

It was the seal used by Platooz to trap Zero.

As it was prepared as a countermeasure against him, the powerful Celestials power was greatly weakened, allowing Zero to easily suppress her.


Youve leaned closer to evil.

On what basis do you judge that?

Well uh

Although the explanation continued, in summary, it was as follows.

Because of your desire to open the door to the demon world and bring demons into this world, demons had the opportunity to gain greater power and even greater power.

As a result, there was considerable damage to the heavenly realm.

Punishment for wickedness.

Thats why.

Explanation aside, Zero trembled at the ruthlessness of the Celestials.

But no matter what the circumstances were

Its a failure.

The door to the heavenly realm was closed as soon as they began to fight the Celestials.

Because if reinforcements came over, the situation would become bleak.

Thanks to that, Zero gained one more pawn.

A pawn called a Celestial captive.

He couldnt send her back to the heavenly realm.

There was no energy to open the door again.

But he couldnt kill her either

Too valuable.

If she sided with humanity, she would be an incredible force.

In an era where divine power disappeared, the value of the only being capable of emitting divine power was incalculable.

So he conducted the so-called mental restructuring over several centuries by keeping her trapped in the abyss.

Sharing the Heros life was part of that process.

Surprisingly, the reaction was positive.

The always aloof Celestial showed particular interest in the doppelganger.

Perhaps it was because the process of an extraterrestrial entity experiencing humanity from scratch was so intriguing.

As she replayed the trajectory of the Heros life, the Celestials aversion to humans gradually diminished, and curiosity began to take its place.

Thanks to that, they can no longer be seen as a threat to humanity.

However, Zero couldnt be satisfied with that alone.

If the Celestial actively helps the odds for humanity will be slightly higher.

Whether that possibility would come to fruition depended on the current meeting.

Even if the Hero hadnt been cursed, Zero would have called him here.

The success of his mission over several centuries depended on how great a harvest he would reap.

Hes competent in dealing with humans, but

Seven days until the seal expires.

Will that charm also work on the same extraterrestrial being?

Zero earnestly hoped for a Celestial comrade for the Hero.

[Translator Night]

[Proofreader Gun]

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