This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 251

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:33:45 AM

Chapter 251

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Chapter 251

[Translator Night]

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Ive come to punish humans.

The wicked words spilled out of the celestial being as the Hero stared at her intently, then inquired,


Just as she had explained to Zero centuries ago, the celestial being elaborated on her reasons to the Hero.

Humans corrupted by evil, leading to the dominance of the demonic realm, and so forth.

The celestial being continued her narrative with a monotone reminiscent of reading from a history book.

In the process, the emotions the Hero felt were

Not particularly intimidating, huh? Updated from n0velbIn.(c)o/m

In truth, it was harder for the Hero to feel threatened by a girl calmly recounting stories while sitting on a warm bed.

But above all

So, what now?


Do you still harbor hostile intentions towards humans?

Before the celestial being could respond, the Hero added,

It must have changed.

Why do you think that?

Otherwise, you wouldnt have reason to see me.


The celestial being gazed at the Hero silently for a moment before conceding,

I must admit my initial resolve has waned. Witnessing the intricacies of your life has influenced me.

Thats really fortunate.


It could be endured, the shameful past being shared for good intentions and leading to positive outcomes.

The Hero took a deep breath.

Alright, so whats your plan now?

What plan?

Rosalyn mentioned that Izaros mission as a guardian of the seal is soon to end.

The mission of guarding the seal of the celestial being.

You. Arent you about to be released?

The celestial being grinned and waved her arms.


An unseen chain rattled.

You catch on fast. Yes, thats right. No seal can last forever.



The celestial being rose and reached out towards the swirling abyss with her hand.

In about a month, Ill be freed from this confinement, probably.

It had endured far longer than the seal of the sorcerer who died centuries ago.

Perhaps it was due to Izaros efforts to maintain and extend its effectiveness.

But even that had its limits.

The celestial beings liberation was imminent.

The Hero regained the lost tension.

When youre released, what do you plan to do?

The hesitant Hero added,

Just going back to your homeland wouldnt be a bad idea.

Setting aside the threat to humanity.

If the one who knew his embarrassing past vanished to another dimension, there would be nothing more satisfying.

The Hero looked at the celestial being with hopeful eyes.

But sadly, she merely shook her head.

I wouldnt have the power to open the door when Ive been sealed away for so long. At least, Ill need to rest for a year or two.

You dont have to open the door alone. I have very capable allies. Not as good as Zero, but there are great magicians among them. With your help, it might be possible to open the door.

Well, I could open the door But I still wont go.

Why not!

The Hero unintentionally raised his voice.

The celestial being remained unperturbed, simply continuing with her natural demeanor.

There are plans Ive made while being trapped for so long.


Yeah, a kind of pilgrimage. That kind of plan.

The Hero chuckled.

A pilgrimage?

Planning to visit the temples and sanctuaries buried in the east?

If so, there was no reason to stop her.

If the celestial being visited the demonic realm, it would be quite annoying to the demons.

He changed his attitude.

Thats a good idea. Travel around diligently.

The celestial being smiled broadly.

Isnt it? By reviewing each step of your life, I can come to understand humans a bit more.

The Hero doubted his ears. Well, he actually understood immediately but wanted to doubt.


The stables where you agonized all night. The stream where you sobbed. The bridge where you were rejected and jumped. The gambling den in the harem where Bucks went wild. Those places Ive only experienced through stories or images, I can visit them in person. Its so exciting.

The Hero realized a terrifying fact.

No matter how resilient and mentally strong the celestial being might be compared to humans, being trapped for centuries could make anyone go mad.

In the monotonous and repetitive daily life, someone elses story, which had become as cherished as a holy site, had taken root in her like a belief.

The Hero clenched his fist.

So that means Its just a conjecture, but from our perspective, isnt it better to kill you before youre released? Because youre a huge risk, yeah.

Huh? Theres absolutely no reason for that.

The celestial being shrugged.

Seven times

Yes, its too few.



The Hero hurriedly jumped into the portal.

* * *


After the Hero left.

The daily lives of the Extreme Children were filled with training sessions conducted by the Dawn Knights.

Among them, those specializing in close combat were mainly trained by Iira.

Thanks to her, the condition of the members was the most favorable.


In the center of the training ground, a training dummy was engulfed in white flames and roared in agony.

Standing in front of it with a broadsword in hand, Luke turned to Iira with a face full of joy.

Did did it work?

Yeah. Well done.

White Sword.

Luke was the fastest among the children to grasp Iiras techniques.

It was because of the perfect harmony between the explosive techniques of Raviass martial arts and the precise control emphasized by Felsons martial arts.

Lets do it again.

Without hesitation, Luke rushed forward and thrust the broadsword into the dummys knee.

The ensuing fierce flow of mana.


As mana exploded from the wounded area, white flames engulfed the creatures flesh.

Although it was a monster with excellent regeneration, it couldnt recover and only screamed in agony.

Iira explained while nodding her head.

Demons, especially Malekias kin, have strong regenerative abilities. Its effective.


But its not allowed against people. Its illegal. Its not even allowed in sparring.


Of course, the chances of being caught are slim. But nothing will be left, not even bones or flesh.


Simply put, the principle of the White Sword was explosion-ignition.

It involved exploding mana through the inserted sword, then directing the dispersed mana back to the target.

Simultaneously, manipulating the nature of the mana to drastically lower the ignition point of all adjacent materials.

This resulted in an ever-burning flame that wouldnt extinguish even with water.

As long as there was even a bit of flesh remaining, the inferno would reignite in an instant.

Luke admired the sight, his face filled with wonder.

How could such destructive power come from such a petite body?

Although Iira was smaller than Evergreen and slightly larger than Nyhill, her output seemed to be twice that of Lukes.

Considering that she was injured, it was simply astonishing.

As Iira returned to her position, Luke applauded her.


Youre amazing too. A genius.

Even Iira couldnt help but admire him.

Her deep hazel eyes scanned Luke up and down.

You look like the leader. When he was young.

That was the highest praise for Luke.

His stiff face suddenly flushed red.


Yeah. Handsome.


At the sudden appearance of the word, Luke shook his head in confusion.

Oh, her Imperial language must be awkward.

She probably meant to say well done or impressive.

Luke smiled broadly.

Hahaha Thank you. Ill try to look even better.

Suddenly, without any warning, someone slapped him on the back.

It felt as severe as the sword of Ravias striking right in front of his nose.

A surprise attack?

Luke turned around in surprise.

Hey, Luke.

And faced the beaming Evergreen.

Behind her, Karen and Taylor could be seen whispering something.


The gaze wasnt exactly friendly.

You look extremely pleased.

Evergreen? When did you get here?

Oh, Ive been here since you were busy receiving praise.

Huh? Huh?!

In a corner of the training ground.

Gerald, who was diligently honing his broadsword in isolation, watched the scene and sighed deeply.

White flames flickered at the tip of his spear.

Wow, Gerald, impressive.

It was the praise from his peer, Aidan (male).

The depth of his sigh increased.

What are the demons up to?

[Translator Night]

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