This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 258

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:33:39 AM

Chapter 258

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Chapter 258


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

Join our Discord for release /invite/dbdMDhzWa2


The professor in charge of “monsters in the field,” Bellum.

At the beginning of the semester, Bellum was one of the professors who eagerly tried to find corruption among the Hero by any means necessary.

Only recently did he realize that trying to restrain the Hero was futile and quietly returned to his role as a professor.

However, his earnest heart was now facing a second crisis in life.

The first crisis was the legion of monsters that appeared when he was still a fledgling assistant professor, demolishing the Rosenstark outer wall.

The second crisis was currently unfolding with the invasion of Yol.

‘...To be this unlucky!’

Bellum looked at the undead falling from the sky with trembling eyes.

Although the barrier was still holding, it was a suffocating sight.

He wanted to evacuate immediately, but unfortunately, circumstances did not allow it.

Swallowing his saliva, he approached the senior professor in front of him.

“P-Professor Labin. We’ve all gathered. Please speak...”

Normally, he wouldn’t dare to rush things.

Even among professors, Labin was a different caliber.

Just a cough from Labin would make Bellum and the other professors tremble, trying to gauge his mood.

However, the situation was slightly different with monsters pouring down from above.

Their decision to respond was likely influenced by the presence of Labin, who possessed considerable power.

Bellum felt uneasy, fearing Labin might issue some ridiculous order like “let’s seal them off with all our might.”

“Professor Labin! We need to act quickly!”

As Labin, who had been silently gazing at the sky, finally looked at Bellum.

‘Pathetic bastards....’

In truth, if the professors in their right minds were present, they would have already gone out to fight.

The people gathered before him now were more concerned with their own safety than their duty.

They were the same individuals Labin often looked down upon.

...That’s why he had gathered them.

Labin spoke up.

“Are the professors suggesting we evacuate among ourselves?”

“T-That’s... yes.”

Even so, there was some embarrassment in speaking those words, so Bellum’s voice trailed off.

Labin looked at him with heavy eyes.

“If we regard this as the watershed of humanity’s survival.”

“S-So, shouldn’t it be all the more important for us to preserve ourselves?”

Bellum glanced around as if seeking agreement.

The professors gathered there nodded eagerly.


Labin’s brow furrowed even deeper.

His expression was inscrutable.

Bellum came up with an astonishing excuse at that moment.

“It’s for the greater good. We have a duty to survive and pass on knowledge to future generations! If we’re not here, who will educate the next...?”

...But that was enough nonsense.

With a whoosh-

Bellum looked at the large sword that grazed his ear with widened eyes.


Blood dripped belatedly from his ear to the ground.

Bellum screamed in pain, clutching his ear.

“What kind of madness is this!”

Labin calmly retrieved his sword.

His stern gaze swept over Bellum and the other professors.

The only reason he didn’t kill Bellum was that he was a force capable of fighting.

With a minimum of respect, Labin spoke.

“I have a task for you.”

“P-Professor Labin! Even if it’s you, such senseless acts...”

As Labin’s sword was heard again, no one dared to speak.

“Shut your mouth and listen.”

The senior professor spoke firmly.

“You will go to the outer wall.”

The professors murmured in dissatisfaction.

“T-The outer wall? What do you mean by that?”

What kind of nonsense was it to go to such a dead end?

Right now, they weren’t fighting the enemy outside.

If the undead started to chase them, there would be nowhere to run.

Seeing the professors’ discontented expressions, Labin sighed.

‘...Ignorant bastards who know one thing but not the other. Are these the fools who stand at the lectern?’

The outer wall was equipped with powerful defensive artifacts, incomparable to those inside Rosenstark.

Although currently out of range of the undead’s landing point, once they began to attack Rosenstark, it would be possible to intercept them.

Yol would also try to seize the outer wall as a priority.

As they listened to the explanation, the professors’ expressions became more subtle.

“...W-Why didn’t you tell us earlier? I’ll take the lead. Let’s go up quickly. If we combine our strength, we can break through to the outer wall safely.”


“Professor Labin?”


Labin took out a map from his pocket and threw it at their feet without saying a word.

The professors’ eyes shook violently at the sight.

“These are shelters along the way from the professors’ quarters to the outer wall.”

“What? What are you trying to say?”

“The shelters won’t hold up against Yol’s undead. They may resist for a moment, but they’ll soon be overrun. Rescue them, lead them to the outer wall. As professors, you should inspire the children to fight and move.”

As the difficulty of the escape increased dramatically, the professors were left speechless.

A few quick-witted ones pretended to be serious and picked up the map.

“We... we’ll depart right away.”

But the senior professor was not so easily convinced.

“If you’re just planning to hold out here, you’ll regret it.”


Yussi glanced briefly at Felson before manipulating the controller.

Through the damaged audio device, Ban’s echoing voice came through the image bead.

[...We must... fight together! I will help!]

Felson reached out and caressed the screen.

Forgetting the impending dangerous battle, he smiled proudly.

“My son, my own son.”

Zion, who had been watching alongside, added a word.

“What a fine young man.”

“Haha, his dream is to be son-in-law of Lady Zion.”


At that, Zion laughed like a girl.

“Leciel’s? Oh dear, that must be tough. Leciel has high standards like me.”


A large vein bulged on Felson’s forehead.

‘Well, what about our Ban?’

He managed to smile slightly.

“You have high standards... Isn’t baldness your preference?”

It was a teasing remark about her increased appointments with Labin recently.

But Zion didn’t bother denying it.

“Of all the bald heads, he’s the most handsome.”

A gentle voice.

Her crimson eyes were focused on another screen of the Master Controller.

Felson could readily agree with that statement.

“Well, yes.”

“Is that so?”

With a smirk, Zion grabbed the sword behind her.

As the fierce wind blew, her red hair fluttered like a fan against the night sky.


Simultaneously, a vast amount of mana surged and flames erupted on the blade.

“Anyway... we can’t lose, can we?”

“Of course not.”


Felson also drew his sword, reducing the area of detection that had covered everything nearby to only Yol.

“We kill. Yol. The enemy of our comrades.”

Even Iira, holding a grand bow, stood ready.

“...He’s a tough one to deal with. Meeting that crazy guy here.”

Taylor, holding the longbow, also stood firm.

Finally, Yussi finished manipulating the controller and stood beside them.

She murmured as she put her glasses away.

“...Here he comes.”

There was no trace of fear.

The excitement of the battle they were about to face after a long time filled their azure eyes fiercely.

Seeing this, their comrades nodded approvingly.


Suddenly, the endless rain of undead ceased.


The mist around Yol dissipated quickly.

The blue flames inside their helmets were directed towards them.

[Where is the Hero?]

It was a voice layered with echoes.

As screams and shouts echoed in their ears, a chill froze the bodies of the comrades.

[Only insignificant flames are burning]

However, no one backed down.

They simply brandished their weapons.

[Foolish ones, if you wish, I shall extinguish you]

Yussi prepared the enchantment, muttering softly.

“He won’t be late. Hold on.”

Everyone understood.

Even if their bodies were in good condition, with this number alone, it was impossible to face Yol.

Despite the arrival of the Sword Saint, they were all wounded.

Just holding on was the best they could do.

Felson nodded.

“Yeah, just hold on until the leader arrives.”


The skeletal knight descended slowly with a melancholic clatter.

Simultaneously, all the comrades closed their visors.

Taylor and Iira added a word each.

“Yeah, we can’t send such stuff down to the kids below.”

“He will handle it. The leader.”

Yes, he would.

As always.





The roar shook all of Rosenstark, signaling the beginning of the battle.

... It was about 2 hours and 40 minutes before the hero’s arrival.

[TL/N: Smh there should be instant teleportation, where’s larze when u need her.]

[PR/N: Please no one die.]


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

Join our Discord for release /invite/dbdMDhzWa2


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!