This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 262

Published at 30th of May 2024 11:34:53 AM

Chapter 262

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Chapter 262

[Translator Night]

[Proofreader Gun]

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Control Tower

The heart of the academy, known as the Control Tower, is a facility that supplies magic to the numerous magical devices and infrastructure owned by Rosenstark.

Consequently, the tower boasts the most stringent security of all the academy buildings, with a structure so complex it is nearly impenetrable.

It resembles the magical towers of the First Age in appearance.

For security reasons, the entrance is located solely at the front.

Once past the entrance, guarded by numerous troops and artifacts, visitors are greeted by interconnected polygonal spaces resembling an ant nest.

These include control rooms managing various academy facilities, security offices, storage rooms, administrative offices, communication rooms, and accommodations and rest facilities for staff.

Infamously complex structure.

Newcomers unfamiliar with the layout often found themselves lost all day.

However, during this invasion, the children managed to barely hold off the relentless onslaught of undead thanks to the towers labyrinthine structure.

The children were as much in the dark about the towers layout as anyone else, but

As of this moment, Rosenstarks secret, the Astera Vision, is fully accessible to individuals recorded in the artifact, Iris of Laplace.

Would you like to view the overview of the Astera Vision?

The moment they broke through the encirclement and entered the tower, a strange magic enveloped them.

The entire field of vision turned blue with a loud vibration.

What appeared was a map of the entire Control Tower, with blue and red dots blinking intermittently.

Astera Vision is one of Rosenstarks mysteries, created for the purpose of ensuring the safety of internal personnel and guarding against external intrusions and sabotage.

By precisely analyzing the reflected patterns of magic waves sent out, it detects targets.

It is a mystery that allows for real-time identification of the positions of allies and enemies.

The children utilized this to its fullest extent.

Damn, theyre diverting to another route! Lead them this way!


At the sound of his name, Luke snapped his head up.

At the edge of his dust-clouded vision, Evergreen was running, luring the undead towards a straight corridor.



Lukes magic cut through the waist of the undead rushing down the corridor.

Immediately after, Geralds spear tip exploded with magic, pulverizing the staggering undead.

Nice work, Evergreen! Perfectly lured them in!

The undead, fundamentally mindless corpses, were inevitably drawn to the sight of living humans, despite Yols strong control over them.

Therefore, the children desperately tried to draw the undead away from the Ark Room.

Luke looked at the rear corridor and the Astera Vision with sinking eyes.

Were gradually getting pushed back. Its almost the Ark Room.

The Ark Room, one of the deepest chambers in the tower, housed the large-scale magic stone melting furnace known as the Ark.

It was also where the Astera Vision was hidden.

We have to protect it at all costs.

The tower staff were currently melting all reserved magic stones there and sending them to control rooms in various facilities.

If the defense line were pushed back to the Ark Room, it would practically mean the fall of Rosenstark.

How much longer can we hold out?

It had been over two exhausting hours of ceaseless maneuvering within the tower.

His friends had fought valiantly, but even they had their limits.

Some had already

Luke clenched his fists tightly, grinding his teeth.

If he showed any sign of wavering, it would only further unsettle the others.

What was needed now was hope.


The boys face, now looking up again, was as steadfast as ever.

The children looked at Luke with trusting eyes, waiting for his next words.

Youre doing great! The enemys main force is concentrated on the tower right now, just hold on a little longer, and everyone outside will come to help us!

It was merely a hopeful statement.

In truth, Luke had no idea about the situation outside.

He could only hope things were getting under control as he said.

Otherwise, perhaps the entire Rosenstark had already been swept away, leaving only those in the tower holding out.

Yet, despite all this fear and anxiety, Luke had no choice but to lie with unwavering confidence.

Just a bit longer, a bit longer

Just as Luke was about to continue his encouragement, a thunderous explosion rocked the tower.

He broke off mid-sentence and dashed to a window overlooking the outside.

Could it be?

The problem was, they had been such outstanding swordsmen that, excluding the hero, they had no equals.

Theyre on a different level from the other undead.

Ban hadnt even managed to voice a warning when it happened.

What are you hesitating for! Theyre just two of them! Form a siege and charge!

Some of the front-liners, riding high on their momentum, rushed at the twins.


The Twin Swordsmens scimitars traced arcs in the air.

Three of the attackers were cut down at the waist in a single motion.

If Ban hadnt intervened, the remaining two would have met the same fate.

Covered in their friends blood, the students froze like statues.


Shock and fear swept through their ranks.

However, the Twin Swordsmen seemed indifferent, one slowly walking forward while the other turned and headed towards the tower.

Ban quickly regained his senses.


He couldnt let such monsters reach his friends.

Without a second thought, Ban charged.



The other one blocked his path.

The scimitars strange trajectory made it difficult for even Ban to counter quickly.

Damn it, I cant be stuck here.

But the Twin Swordsman seemed to consider Ban as his sole opponent, refusing to let him pass.


As Ban continued the fierce exchange of blows,


To make matters worse, another horde of undead appeared behind their lines.

Now, they had to split their forces to protect the mages.


Whether due to a particularly powerful undead among them, several mages were torn to shreds and sent flying as their barriers shattered.

The once-rising momentum was broken.

Were being surrounded!

We need to break through the front!

Cant you see that monster ahead?

On the blood-soaked ground, people retreated helplessly.

Only then did they notice the bodies of their fallen comrades scattered on the ground.

Their eyes shook uncontrollably, and some of the more faint-hearted ones were already mentally retreating from the battle.

Maintain formation!

Ban, having barely shaken off the Twin Swordsman, retreated and raised his voice, but it was to no avail.

A faint voice came from beside him.

Oh, God.

Ban looked incredulously at his comrade, who was kneeling and praying.

What kind of god was there in this era?

If he had the hands to pray, he should be swinging a sword instead.

Just as he roughly grabbed his comrade by the collar to pull him up, Ban himself couldnt help but loosen his grip and look to the sky.

The night sky, filled with darkness and an eerie stillness, now had a single ray of light shining through.

It wasnt time for the sun to rise, yet the light was as bright and warm as a winter dawn.

Everyone on the battlefield, including the undead, looked up at the light.

The undead raised their decayed hands towards the sky as if trying to grasp the light.


The light grew brighter and something descended from the boundary between light and darkness.


Amidst the undead turning to ash, a man stood tall.

His face was familiar and nostalgic, yet the emotions Ban felt for the first time shook his heartreverence and admiration.

Ban looked at the figure with trembling eyes.

Divine power, believed to be nonexistent in this era, shimmered like feathers on the mans broad back.

A book from the First Age that Ban had read long ago came to mind at that moment.


The sword, enveloped in white radiance, was swung as a beacon of hope.

[Translator Night]

[Proofreader Gun]

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