This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 266

Published at 30th of May 2024 11:34:50 AM

Chapter 266

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Chapter 266


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

Join our Discord for release /invite/dbdMDhzWa2



Yol transformed into a black mist, flying quickly over the hilltop.

This was a method to evade attacks by discarding his physical body and leaving only his thought-form.

It was similar to the technique Enoch once used to escape from Felson’s grasp.

‘He’s running away with his tail between his legs.’

Even in the midst of the crisis, the Hero felt a small sense of relief.

Although it was regrettable not to have completely eradicated Yol, since he resorted to that last measure, he would no longer be a significant threat to humanity.

The power his true body possessed, along with most of the demonic energy he had gathered in Rosenstark, would have been lost as well.

‘Now then...’

The Hero turned his gaze forward once more.

A large number of people were surrounding the hill.

Among them were members of the Dawn Knights, staff, and students.

It could be said that the majority of the combatants were present.

They had been busy trying to capture the fleeing Yol, but upon realizing they were too late, they began to gradually regroup towards the center of the hill.

...Towards him.

The Hero stood silently.




The people surrounded the ‘Hero’ from a distance.

...No, he could no longer be called a Hero.

Exhausted to the point where even a single Polymorph was impossible after blocking the black rain, he could no longer maintain the form of Ted.

He had to take on his original appearance, the face no one here knew, the one he had when Zero cultivated him.

The people didn’t know what to call the man who stood precariously before them.

“...Is he dead? He’s not moving.”

“No, he’s breathing.”

“Did you see him fighting earlier? What the hell is he?”

“He looks human, but...”

“Some demons look like us too.”

Humans are animals that heavily rely on their sense of sight.

They could not easily equate this unfamiliar man with the Hero they had known.

Even the knights, confused, kept their distance and watched him, while the children who had been close to him were forcibly moved away by the staff.

Surprisingly, those who were friendly with the Hero were the ones who couldn’t say anything.


It was instead another professor, one who had barely exchanged words with the Hero, who spoke up first.

He was an elder professor who had arrived at the hill relatively early and had observed the battle.


He took a step forward as if representing everyone’s curiosity.

“...Who exactly are you?”

The Hero slowly opened his eyes.

Startled, the staff member took a step back but soon returned to his place.

“H-how can you change your appearance to look like so many different people and even replicate their abilities?”

It was a fitting first question.

The Polymorph of a doppelganger was an ability that was incomprehensible and unacceptable by human standards.

Upon realizing the existence of the ability ‘Polymorph,’ humans instinctively felt unease.

It was an ability that could instantly usurp the ‘results’ they had built up throughout their lives.

It shattered the belief in their own uniqueness and originality, a belief every human held.

This led to an intense, instinctive hatred.

As expected, the staff member who had just asked the question had a horribly distorted face.

The Hero looked at him and the humans beyond with clear eyes.


I am not human.

That was the honest answer he was about to give.

But for some reason, the words stuck in his throat and wouldn’t come out.

In the brief silence, the staff member pressed further.

“You can’t answer, can you? Let me ask again, are you a being derived from demonic energy?”


“Answer me! Where is our true Hero, Ted Redymer, and why is a monster like you in his place?”

The murmuring behind him grew louder in agreement.

Gaining courage, the professor drew his sword.

“If you don’t answer, I will attack.”


The blade was clean, as if mocking the hours of tragedy.

The Hero chuckled.

Staring at the metal reflecting the morning sunlight brightly, he pondered.

What if I tell one more lie?

Ted Redymer is alive, recuperating in a hideout due to his injuries.

I am his close friend and disciple, temporarily acting in his stead at his request.

‘...Maybe because I’ve lived my whole life lying.’

Even in a fleeting moment, a plausible lie was born.

‘They might actually believe it.’

Then I could disappear for a while and reappear as Ted after a few months, continuing to act as him.

Receiving a fatal blow that might kill him if done wrong!

‘I can’t die now.’

The demons had learned of Ted’s death faster than expected.

If he died now, humanity would truly face the brink of destruction.

The Hero raised his still-functional arm and shielded himself with it, using his forearm as a shield against his vital organs.

...But there was no sound of impact.


An arrow flying from behind knocked away the arrow aimed at the Hero.


The Hero slowly turned around to see who had saved him.

Emerald eyes, tousled blonde hair.

Evergreen looked at him with trembling eyes.

It was a gaze that sought something beloved hidden behind an unfamiliar face.


The crowd erupted into protests.

“Evergreen Solintail! A mere undergraduate has no place interfering!”

“No, let’s capture him rather than kill him for now.”

“Now is the time when he seems exhausted. If we subdue him and interrogate him, he might reveal his true intentions.”

Some persuaded part of the crowd, who cautiously approached the Hero.

Although they seemed wary of his formidable strength, they soon bravely stepped forward, given his visibly weakened state.

Fortunately, the members hadn’t moved yet.

However, for the Hero in his current state, just them alone posed a significant threat.

...That’s when it happened.



Luke stood in front of those approaching the Hero, blocking their path.

His silent dark eyes.

The boy reached out and picked up the Black Hope lying on the ground, then handed it back to the Hero.

“Are you okay? I’m fine.”

Even when he revealed his true identity, the Hero’s eyes, which had always been calm, trembled for the first time.

And then Ban.

Before he knew it, the one who had come forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with Luke was whispering to the Hero.

“For now, please leave this place. We’ll handle it here.”

Of course, not all of the Extreme Children had moved.

There were more of those who stood by, looking confused.

However, some willingly became a barrier in front of the Hero.

The senior professors shouted furiously.

“...These madmen! Do you know what you’re doing right now? Are you trying to protect a creature that could be a threat to humanity?!”

Gerald raised the spear engraved with the Hero’s emblem and snorted.

“A threat to humanity?”

“Yeah! Haven’t you seen the terrifying power of that creature? One should know their place when faced with power like that. You should know ten by seeing one.....”

Among the crowd.

It was then that Kasim grabbed Pia’s hand and dashed forward.


As the tip of the rapier swung steadily towards the professors, shock erupted.

“Professor Pierre!”

The young professor, who was always deferential and obsequious, was nowhere to be seen.

Kasim’s stern blue eyes turned towards the senior professors.

“Why do those who know ten by seeing one fail to know one by seeing ten?”

Pia’s clattering voice followed behind.

“Nyhill! Now!”


Finally, the Hero felt a small hand clinging to his own body.

At the same time, the landscape of the hillside began to recede.

Those who stood to protect him.

Those who watched in confusion.

Those who clearly revealed themselves as enemies.

They all faded away, as if getting on a swiftly moving carriage.


With Nyhill lifting him halfway, the Hero crossed the ruins of Rosenstark.

Unlike Ted’s massive body, his true form had an average height and weight, allowing him to lean on Nyhill somewhat.

The Hero’s mouth, silent for a while, opened when the external walls of Rosenstark became visible.



As always, the girl’s voice was calm and composed.

The Hero struggled to speak.

“Didn’t you hear?”

“I heard.”

“Yeah, I’m not the Hero.”


The black eyes regained their light as they turned towards the Hero.

“It doesn’t concern me.”


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

Join our Discord for release /invite/dbdMDhzWa2


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