Time Dragon - Chapter 101

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:13:17 AM

Chapter 101

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Several days later, Garon left the region he knew well and flew deeper into the northern reaches of the far northern ice plains.

The further north on the far northern ice plains, the lower the surrounding temperatures, and the environment became increasingly harsh.

Whether it was the thousand-foot ice cliffs or the location of small snow mountains, these were not considered the deepest parts of the far northern ice plains. The biological resources were barely abundant. When Garon erupted at the location of the territory Luna had mentioned, the ice plain creatures he could see in his vision became fewer and fewer.

Both the landscape and the weather became more hostile.

At this time, only sporadic snow was falling around the snow mountains, coupled with the perennial cold wind of the far northern ice plains.

However, after Garon had raced north for an hour, his view was filled with a white-out blizzard, glaciers, snow peaks, large fissures, and other terrains faintly visible in the blizzard. The mournful howling of the storm was like the screams of ghosts, and the goose-down snow became the only color in the world, even the night seemed to be draped in silver because of it.

He was somewhat skeptical about how Molton's two descendants managed to find Luna alive.

The most likely possibility was that Luna had found them first, rather than being sought out.

Navigating through the vast blizzard, Garon flapped his dragon wings, creating an airstream that repelled the storm, sweeping the snow around him aside. As a result, his silver-white dragon scales were hardly covered in much snow.

After another ten minutes or so, a towering ice peak that shot straight into the sky appeared in his vision.

This ice mountain was majestic and steep, standing like a towering giant in the storm, exuding a profound and heavy aura, seemingly unshaken by the surrounding blizzard.

It was several times taller than the ice cliffs he was familiar with, making the small snow mountain look like a child next to an adult.

This majestic mountain standing in the blizzard was precisely where Luna was located.

After approaching the ice mountain for a distance, Garon sensed the presence of dragon kind, specifically the aura of a silver dragon, containing a sacred and inviolable warning.

This signified that this was dragon territory.

Garon lifted his head, gazing towards a spot near the peak, and with a thought, he unleashed his dragon's might.

The mighty dragon's might, like a tidal wave, emanated from Garon, spreading forward.

While the dragon's might was formless, with Garon's growing strength, it had developed a substantial pressure, pushing a circular wave of snow, rising like a white tide in mid-air.

Since it was a supernatural ability, the dragon's might could contain the true dragon's will, even serving as a means of communication.

Though the scene formed seemed fierce, the dragon's might Garon emitted was an unmistakable polite inquiry.

Translated into human terms, it was: Is anyone home?

After patiently waiting for several seconds, a dragon's might containing a welcoming will returned.

Garon's eyes flickered slightly in the air as he shook off the not-so-much snow on his body, revealing his shining silver-white dragon scales and the robust and majestic dragon form, even the omnipresent snowstorm could not hide the cold light reflected from his towering dragon horns.

Then, with a composed expression, he tilted his head upward and flew towards the peak of the ice mountain.

Very soon, Garon looked astonished, observing a structure nestled between the peaks of the ice mountain.

A grand ice crystal palace, somewhat unbelievably large, sat squarely on the ice mountain, and Garon could even see some exquisite carvings on the palace walls.

Around the ice crystal palace, mysterious runes engraved in the surrounding space kept it isolated from the wind and snow, spotlessly clean.

The true dragon's presence was located within the palace.

"Wow, to think someone lives in such a luxurious place."

Garon had always lived in ordinary cave-style dragon nests since birth because he felt quite content with them and had never thought of having a palace-style dragon nest. But now, seeing Luna's ice crystal palace, he couldn't help but entertain the idea of having one himself.

"Gnolls know how to build houses, but a palace like this might be beyond their capability."

Garon shook his head, planning to learn from Luna, then folded his dragon wings and landed in front of the ice crystal palace.

It even had a set of exquisite stairs extending upward!

Garon had to admit he was a bit envious.

Eyeing the palace, which was outrageously large and suitable for super-large dragons, Garon stepped onto the stairs and finally approached a thick ice door.

He extended his dragon claw and pushed forward.

The doors opened in response, revealing a magnificent world of ice crystals inside. The light refracted and reflected among the ice crystals, casting a dazzling, bizarre display, like

 a dream.

Small, medium, large, and super-large to colossal dragon sculptures were lined up on either side, lifelike in appearance.

The interior was spacious, even making Garon's super-large size feel appropriate.

"Garon, it's been a long time."

An elegant voice, clear as a flowing spring, reached Garon's ears.

At the same time, two human-shaped figures emerged from a side door behind the palace. Their small stature was incongruous with the grand palace.

Not all dragons liked to maintain their original form as Garon did; many adult dragons found their large size inconvenient, prone to causing damage, so they preferred to take on small human forms.

With golden hair like a waterfall and skin as fine as milk, Luna was dressed in a classical black gown, which made her skin appear even more dazzlingly white.

She was currently covering her mouth with a light laugh, tilting her head as she seemed to be introducing Garon to another human-shaped female.

Although the person next to Luna also appeared human, she carried a distinct aura of a true dragon, clearly a dragon transformed into a human form.

Her original form was unknown, but her human appearance resembled a petite sixteen-year-old girl with short, white hair to her ears and black pupils, standing no taller than one meter fifty. She listened to Luna's words, her expression astonished and eyes wide with wonder, looking at Garon.

The white-haired girl poked Luna, who was still introducing Garon, signaling Luna to look his way.

Luna was slightly startled, then slowly turned her head to see Garon at that moment.

The tightly fitted silver dragon scales, the sinuous and robust dragon horns, and the super-large robust dragon form made Luna's expression inadvertently resemble that of the girl next to her.

"Is that you, Garon?"

Luna swiftly appeared in front of Garon, looking up at him with some disbelief.

Garon lowered his head, looking at Luna whom he hadn't seen for over half a year, their eyes meeting as he spoke in a deep voice: "Of course, it's me. Don't you remember my aura?"


A gust of fresh air approached, and the white-haired girl also came closer, examining Garon with fascination, especially focusing on his towering dragon horns, almost as if she was glued to them, her gaze intense enough to make Garon slightly uncomfortable.

True dragons were always like this, never hiding their interests.

"Luna, didn't you say he was a white dragon? And just recently reached large size."

"This doesn't look like a large white dragon at all."

The white-haired girl did not look away, speaking simultaneously with Luna.

Luna finally calmed her inner turmoil, patted her chest to slow her racing heart, then looked intently at Garon, saying: "I have the same question."

After a pause, Luna couldn't contain her curiosity, adding: "You haven't used a transformation spell, so how could your appearance change so much?"

"You now look more like a silver dragon."

Garon smiled slightly and replied: "I owe it all to your Dragon Soul Stone, it had a great effect on me."

"As for the changes in appearance, I'm not sure of the specific reasons myself. After using the Dragon Soul Stone, I just transformed into this look."

He turned to look at the white-haired girl, asking: "And you are?"

Noticing Garon's attention, the white-haired girl eagerly answered without waiting for Luna to speak: "I'm Nikolina, from the Gem Dragon clan, Crystal Dragon. I'm ninety-eight years old, two years away from adulthood."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!