Time Dragon - Chapter 112

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:12:35 AM

Chapter 112

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A week later, under the deep night sky, reminiscent of black velvet, Garon was in the Snow Mountain Dragon Nest, organizing some items he needed to take with him.

He had decided to head south.

Among the spoils of war obtained from the human armies, there were several spatial rings.

Garon placed the Redflame Staff, a magical greatsword, some gems, and coins into one of the spatial rings, then curled it with his tongue and placed it in the safest spot on his body—the dragon's maw.

After packing, he took out the Redflame Staff and, with his eyes slightly closed, sensed its connected location.

With Garon's increased spiritual power, this connection felt clearer than ever.

He could visualize a faint, straight line extending from the staff, tethered at one end and stretching toward some place in the south.

"The territory here should be fine without me."

Garon opened his eyes, put away the Redflame Staff, and quietly sensed the strong presence of his followers nearby.

With the Cold Forest Serpent Dragon in the Snow Mountain Dragon Nest, the safety index had sharply increased. Similarly, the Ice Cliff territory was guarded by two white dragons, equally formidable.

In the far northern ice fields, where formidable creatures abound, any who dared to target his lair would face a severe lesson.

Whether it be the two white dragons or the Cold Forest Serpent Dragon, they were among the top predators of the far northern ice fields, not to mention the numerous vassal creatures around.

Moreover, with the Cold Forest Serpent Dragon stationed at the white crystal mine, the Wolfheart clan's winter wolves had been freed up.

Three days ago, Wolf Evil led the wolf pack, along with the Savage Frost Tiger, proposing to Garon to spread his fame and conquer more winter wolf clans.

This was something Garon had previously agreed to and now, considering the situation suitable, he had consented after some thought.

The winter wolves, transformed by the dragon vein, were stronger than ordinary ones. Garon also instructed Wolf Evil that, if they encountered a tough opponent, the Cold Forest Serpent Dragon could intervene.

However, once provoked, this fierce 35-meter creature might spell disaster for those the Wolfheart clan intended to conquer.

Though the winter wolves were quite wary and fearful of the Cold Forest Serpent Dragon's ferocity, they were excited about the upcoming conquests, knowing they could count on its powerful assistance.

The other winter wolf clans, still unaware of what was to come, didn't understand what was about to unfold.

Soon after, Garon left the dragon nest and, after instructing his followers on some matters, flapped his wings and disappeared into the vast night sky, heading south.

Above the thick clouds, the silver dragon bathed in moonlight streaked across the heavens like a silvery meteor, speeding southward.

Garon gazed at the distant, undulating mountain range that grew clearer as he approached.

"I've been in the far northern ice fields for three years."

Garon looked back at the cold, white world one last time before turning his gaze forward.

He felt both the anxiety of leaving his comfort zone and the excitement of witnessing a broader world, a mix of emotions stirring within him.

Though he hadn't left the far northern ice fields, Garon was not unfamiliar with the outside world due to the dragon's heritage.

However, he had never witnessed it firsthand.

Because the journey was long, Garon didn't fly at full speed all the time. Instead, he glided on air currents to conserve energy, hunting for food when he felt hungry, and then continued south after satisfying his hunger.

For him, hunting was a simple task.

No prey could escape from Garon's grasp, even those top predators of the upper ice fields that could terrify ordinary creatures.

With powerful wings beating, the whooshing of the fierce wind was incessant as Garon looked up at the increasingly bright sky.

Leaving the far northern ice fields, the surroundings underwent a massive change.

Temperatures rose, the omnipresent ice and snow began to thin, and the perpetual night of the far northern ice fields gave way to a brighter sky at its borders.

Accustomed to the cold, Garon initially felt slightly uncomfortable as he approached the warmer south, feeling sleepy as the temperature rose.

However, Garon adapted well to new environments, and this state lasted only a short time.

Ice mountains, cold peaks, and snow valleys quickly passed by, replaced by sparse green vegetation and highlands.

As he neared the north, the temperature wasn't high, but to Garon, it felt "warm."

The Dragon Spine Mountains, now clearly visible, displayed lush forests and rugged highlands.

Simultaneously, Garon glanced at the sky again.

Unbeknownst to him, the night had faded, and the first light of dawn appeared on the horizon, casting a pale golden glow on the Dragon Spine Mountains, making them

 appear like a giant dragon clad in golden armor, peacefully sleeping on the land.

Garon was no longer in the far northern ice fields.

He had left the ice fields, experiencing a brief day-night cycle for the first time in this world.

With a sigh, the silver dragon descended, its wingtips swirling with wind, rustling the leaves below.

Orcs, goblins, and dwarves living in the area looked up at Garon's figure with awe, fear, or even hatred.

Garon surveyed the world below, inhaling deeply the plant-scented air, feeling incredibly refreshed.

In the mountains, the richly foliaged forests, gently flowing rivers, and the not-so-cold breeze along with the intermittent growls of wild beasts offered him a novel experience.

These were natural scenes interwoven together, scenes he could not see in the far northern ice fields.

Long flights had tired Garon, and now in this new environment, he planned to land in the verdant mountains to rest and enjoy the local scenery.

As he folded his wings, Garon gently descended.

The once-distant mountains were now directly beneath him.

Though massive, Garon's body didn't stand out starkly among the towering, silent trees.

Many treetops were tinged with sunset-like crimson, along with many other plants and large trees of various colors.

This vibrant, colorful world was starkly different from the monochromatic, silver-clad far northern ice fields, each with its own captivating beauty.

Garon spotted a large tree about thirty feet tall.

Its canopy was wide, and its branches dense. At the treetop, it bore red fruits, similar to apples but several times larger than those Garon remembered.

His eyes brightening, Garon extended his claw, plucked several fruits, and tossed them into his mouth.

The flesh was tender, the juice sweet, and the texture crisp, making Garon unable to resist plucking many more fruits, stuffing them into his mouth in quick succession.

In a blink, the tree was bare, most of its fruits now in Garon's stomach.

After coming to his senses, Garon mused, "I had almost forgotten the taste of fruit."

The far northern ice fields had plants, but whether they bore edible fruits, Garon didn't know—he hadn't found any in three years.

After some thought, Garon decided to take the remaining fruits and some branches, storing them in his spatial ring for future snacking.

Dragons are omnivores; they can consume earth and metal, but Garon preferred meat. However, the occasional fruit offered a different flavor.

Then, feeling a bit sleepy after the journey, drowsiness crept up on him.

With a flutter of his wings, clouds formed, blocking out the sun and spreading in all directions, cloaking Garon's body along with a large area of the land.

In the thick clouds, the silver dragon's body was hidden, and his intimidating presence was subdued, easing the hearts of nearby uneasy beasts or magical creatures.

Garon closed his eyes, curled his long tail in front of him as a pillow, and promptly fell asleep right there.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!