Time Dragon - Chapter 130

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:11:55 AM

Chapter 130

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Time flew swiftly, and the sun had set twice since. It was now early evening, the sky painted with a fiery sunset, and when viewed from the highest point of the central city, the entirety of Yinsco seemed enveloped in a faint reddish hue.

The streets were bustling with people, some hurrying on their way, others strolling leisurely in small groups, chatting and enjoying the lively atmosphere.

Among the crowd walked a young man alongside a fair-haired, fair-skinned elegant woman.

The young man's handsome features, radiant as the morning sun, eclipsed even the evening sky, drawing frequent sidelong glances from passersby. He was tall and well-built, with silver hair and dressed in an exquisite, high-collared nobleman's coat, exuding an indescribable ancient charm.

What attracted the most attention, however, were his platinum-colored pupils and the unique aura that radiated from within him — calm, serene, like a breeze from ancient times that had traveled through the veils of time to the present, or as if echoing from a distant future, stirring ripples of time and blending into this very moment.

The past and the future seemed to converge and gather in his deep and enchanting platinum eyes.

"Garon, I didn't expect your human form and demeanor to be so extraordinary," Luna remarked as they walked. "Look, almost all the human eyes around us are drawn to you."

Garon had not originally intended to transform into his human form. Using the transformation spell, his vast power was compressed into a small human body, which felt somewhat uncomfortable to him.

However, he had transformed today because Luna had come to visit. She mentioned that she was just passing through Yinsco and wanted to stroll through the city. Since she had bumped into Garon, she hoped he would accompany her, and she was curious to see what he looked like as a human.

Persuaded by Luna, Garon had eventually agreed to transform, satisfying her curiosity and joining her for a walk on the bustling streets of Yinsco.

It was Garon's first time appearing in public in human form, and he ignored the intense glances directed his way.

The culture in Moshia was quite liberal. Many young women in the streets did not conceal their enthusiastic and excited expressions when they saw Garon, whispering to their friends beside them.

Not only women but also men found their gaze drawn to Garon. Normally, one might expect envy or even jealousy from others when faced with someone superior, but the gap was so great that Garon noticed few such looks; most were of admiration, and a small portion were as fervent as those of the women.

If not for Luna's presence, Garon would have undoubtedly been approached more directly.

Nevertheless, there were still some bold young women who came forward to ask for Garon's contact details and address, causing Luna to chuckle.

After this happened a few times, Garon, slightly annoyed, deliberately exuded a faint dragon aura, instilling a subtle fear in the people around him, deterring them from coming too close.

In the bustling crowd, people parted like waves before Garon and Luna and closed back behind them, though few could pinpoint this anomaly.

"Are you just passing through Yinsco, or are you here to avenge Morlton?" Garon inquired while taking in the surrounding scenery. "This city belongs to the nation responsible for your friend's death."

Luna's smile faded slightly at the mention of Morlton. After a pause, she sighed softly, "I've known him for decades, and though I left human society, we kept in touch. It's impossible to say I wasn't angry about his death."

She looked around, observing the passersby and continued seriously, "But as I said initially, Morlton's death wasn't due to personal vendetta but rather national conflict."

"If I sought revenge, it would bring disaster to these innocent people around us."

Garon nodded, recognizing Luna's kindness.

"What about targeting Duke Thorns specifically?"

Luna smiled faintly, her eyes lingering on Garon's profile illuminated by the sunset. "Now that this city is under the protection of the great Eternal Dragon, wouldn't targeting the Duke be troubling you?"

She teased him.

Garon remained expressionless and replied calmly, "He's just a human. I have no contract with him; the so-called protection is merely his use of my name."

"If you wish to take revenge on him, don't worry about my feelings."

Luna shook her head, "Without a leader, the country would still descend into chaos, ultimately harming the innocent and weak. Besides, I've never intended to meddle in human conflicts."

Garon paused, turning to look at Luna with curiosity, "What about Morlton's two offspring, Amos and Lilith? Once they grow up and seek revenge on those who destroyed their country,

 what will you do?"

Garon was perceptive.

When Amos had spoken of Moshia, the boy's eyes had blazed with the fire of vengeance, almost spilling over.

He wasn't sure about Lilith, but he suspected she wouldn't let things lie either. Both were extraordinarily gifted and likely to become powerful spellcasters under the protection of a silver dragon, capable of destabilizing a country on their own.

To teach them, Luna had arranged for Nicole to instruct them in mind-control magic and had asked Garon to teach them energy sculpting. With such conditions and their talents, becoming high-ranking mages in the future was almost certain.

Luna fell silent for a few seconds, finally biting her lip and shaking her head lightly, "I don't know."

"I don't want to see too many die because of this in the future, but I have no right to ask them to give up on vengeance."

"Whether they abandon their hatred or swear vengeance, I respect their decision."

Garon nodded slightly, not surprised by Luna's response.

She was too good-natured, never imposing her values on others.

"Then let it be. What's to come will be dealt with by the future you and me."

"No use worrying about it now."

Luna rolled her eyes at him, slightly annoyed, "I thought you might have some good advice."

Garon laughed, "I'd rather not get involved in your affairs."

His laughter fading, he added seriously, "Just remember to warn those kids not to provoke me in the future; I won't be lenient."

Seeing Garon's serious expression, Luna responded earnestly, "Don't worry. You didn't mistreat them before; they hold no hostility towards you. I'll have Amos learn from you, and you'll see what he thinks."

Garon nodded, "That would be best."

The two dragons, disguised as humans, continued their stroll, the time quietly passing by.

Soon, the sun set, and the moon rose, casting a gentle silver glow over Yinsco.

With a banquet celebrating the Eternal Dragon scheduled for the following evening, the city had lifted its curfew, and the streets were lively with people even at night.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Bright fireworks suddenly launched into the sky from somewhere, exploding into a colorful display above.

Garon looked up, surrounded by the joyful noise of the crowd, momentarily lost in thought.

The last time he had been amidst a crowd watching fireworks was in his past life.

The memory briefly surfaced before sinking back into the depths of his mind.


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