Time Dragon - Chapter 138

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:11:16 AM

Chapter 138

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Garon remained silent, his gaze directed toward the Ironstone Defense Line.

Soon after, his dragon might rolled out like a hurricane, pressing the grass nearly flat to the ground before sweeping toward the Ironstone Defense Line.

Roel's dragon might followed closely behind, intertwining with Garon's, both ferocious and captivating.

However, before their dragon might could spread to the Ironstone Defense Line, three massive figures suddenly rose from behind the line, each emitting an astonishing dragon might of their own. These forces collided in the air with Garon and Roel's, causing a myriad of ripples to erupt.

High and proud, three dragon roars echoed one after the other.

Garon's view now included three true dragons, all of immense size.

The most striking was a massive red dragon, twenty-one meters long, its scales a bright red like flames, making it appear as a giant ball of fire.

The other two were a green dragon and a black dragon.

The smallest, the black dragon, was just eighteen meters long. Its scales clung tightly to its flesh, giving it a skeletal and gaunt appearance, barely meeting the threshold for a massive dragon.

The green dragon, on the other hand, was covered in emerald scales that glittered brilliantly.

With the appearance of these three dragons from the Dimo camp, a slight silence fell over the Golden League army, and anxiety could be seen on some soldiers' faces.

The combat power of an average adult true dragon might only be equivalent to that of a high-tier spellcaster, but due to the deep-rooted legends and deeds of true dragons, their intimidating effect on ordinary humans far exceeded that of any spellcaster.

At the same time, the clashing dragon mights of both sides created a turbulent chaos in the air, like two storms colliding.

"Hey, they've really brought true dragons into the fight," Roel commented with an expression that suggested this was no surprise, having likely encountered similar situations many times before.

Then, taking a deep breath, Roel unleashed a deafening roar that significantly intensified the dragon might emanating from him.

Garon, more subdued, quietly intensified his own dragon might.

Though outnumbered, the combined might of Garon and Roel managed to surpass that of their opponents, with much of the overflow rushing towards the Ironstone Defense Line.


Affected by the dragon might, the Dimo soldiers momentarily lost their focus, their eyes going blank and their pupils dilating.

Nearby spellcasters hurriedly cast various protective spells:

Mind Shields.

Faith Enhancement.

Dragon Aura Protection.

Though these spells lessened the terrifying effects of the dragon might on ordinary beings, many soldiers still visibly retained a hint of lingering fear in their eyes.

Taking advantage of the moment, the Grand General Kovardel raised his sword, his voice thundering from beneath his fully covered metal helmet: "For the future of humanity, Golden League army, attack!"


The ground trembled violently.

From stillness to motion, the Golden League army transformed into a golden tidal wave, surging toward the Ironstone Defense Line like a tsunami crashing against rocks.

The lance and shield cavalry from the Principality of Alva charged at the forefront, their mounts, the bronze iron bulls, stomping the earth fiercely as they advanced.

Whiz! Whiz! Whiz!

Mixed with sounds resembling both eagle cries and lion roars, thousands of griffin riders from the Norton Principality took to the skies, their mounts spreading their wings wide and screeching continuously.

Faced with the Golden League army's fierce offensive, the Dimo defenders quickly responded.

On the walls, the menacing heavy crossbows were drawn by several men, loaded with large, spear-like enchanted crossbow bolts, which were then abruptly launched.


The bolts traced dangerous white arcs through the air, like missiles crashing into the ranks of the Golden League army.


Some shield-bearing knights tried to block with their metal shields, which shattered instantly as the knights were impaled by the large bolts.


Explosive sounds followed, with enchanted bolts creating shockwaves about ten meters in diameter, sending knights and accompanying soldiers flying into the air before they crashed back down.

Some bolts aimed at the griffin riders in the air were either blocked or dodged by the agile griffins and their powerful riders, with only a few being shot down.

With bolts raining down like arrows, the Golden League army on the ground suffered quick casualties.

Yet, against their vast numbers, these losses were but a drop in the ocean as they continuously and relentlessly advanced towards the Ironstone Defense Line.

High above, the five true dragons had tacitly moved up to an altitude of six thousand meters.

Amid the fierce winds, they half-heartedly threw a few minor spells at each other while observing the brutal war below as if watching a spectacle.

The female red dragon from the Dimo camp, muscular and robust, wasn't quite to Garon's aesthetic liking

, but Roel seemed quite enamored, his eyes shining as he gazed at her.

Yet, she ignored Roel's gaze and stared menacingly at Garon.

"A silver dragon, actually hired to participate in human warfare and fighting alongside a red dragon. If other metallic dragons knew about this, it would certainly be interesting."

Although her voice held hostility toward Garon, the female red dragon casually unleashed a flame breath, which twisted awkwardly into empty space, not truly intended as an attack.

Garon's gaze remained unchanged, and he similarly half-heartedly released a frost breath, hitting nothing.

Ignoring the female red dragon's somewhat provocative words, he focused on the ongoing battle between the Golden League army and the Dimo defenders below.

Annoyed at being ignored, the female red dragon glared fiercely at Garon.

She opened her mouth, ready to launch a real attack, but before she could act, Roel, no longer pretending, approached her with a cheeky grin, saying, "Before you stands the mighty Lord of Volcanoes, Ash Wing, the great red dragon Roel."

"Beautiful lady of the red dragons, might you be interested in becoming my mate?"

Dragon courtship was typically direct, with clear intentions declared without any roundabout tactics.

Attracted by Roel's proposal, the female red dragon shifted her gaze from Garon to Roel.

The black and green dragons beside her exchanged glances, then watched with interest.

Garon, surprised by Roel's sudden courting, also turned his gaze between Roel and the female red dragon, finding the scene somewhat amusing.

Below, the human armies fought fiercely, with countless lives lost every moment.

Yet, the true dragons they had paid dearly to enlist were merely idling in the high skies, not even pretending anymore, as Roel openly began courting the enemy dragon.


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