Time Dragon - Chapter 146

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:10:59 AM

Chapter 146

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Garon looked at the four chromatic dragons that had been easily knocked down, still alive but immobilized, and shook his head so subtly it was almost imperceptible.

The chromatic dragons often carried an inexplicable arrogance, looking down even on a legendary lich. In such a situation, instead of thinking about how to survive, they dared to attack actively, even believing they could kill their opponent.

However, this arrogance is also characteristic of the chromatic dragons.

Asking them to stop being proud is like asking the wind to stop blowing, an act against the laws of nature.

But after these reckless ones all fell, the pressure suddenly shifted to Garon.

Now, as the only silver dragon soaring in the sky, different in both performance and reaction from the other true dragons, it was hard not to attract Harlis's attention.

Initially, with a total of five true dragons, he wasn't too conspicuous and could mix in, safely using Time Reversal to communicate with the future. But now, as the four chromatic dragons all fell to the ground, Harlis slowly lifted his head, the blue flames in his eye sockets flickering as he fixed his gaze on Garon.

"This is bad."

Garon tensed internally.

In that moment, he felt a chill all over, sensing intense malice in Harlis's gaze.

As if in a trance, he thought he heard the wails of countless living beings, struggling and wailing in an endless world of death, sinking into oblivion.

A wave of fear spread through Garon's heart.

He quickly realized something was amiss, shook his head briskly, took a deep breath, and steadied his mind, dispelling the fear of the legendary lich from his heart.

Beings under the gaze of a legendary lich are affected by its aura of fear.

Knowing he had caught Harlis's attention, Garon's eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Because Time Reversal hadn't worked.

The strands of time power had entered the river of time towards the future, but as usual, he received no feedback.

And he could vaguely feel that it wasn't because the future Garon hadn't noticed his plight, but rather that the future Garon, seemingly enjoying the spectacle, had no immediate intention to intervene.

Only at the very brink of life and death would the future Garon lend a hand.

Garon was somewhat speechless internally, cursing the future Garon.

It seemed he had no choice but to confront the legendary lich.

"But there's no other way now."

Garon's gaze flickered, and after taking a few deep breaths, his mind gradually regained calm and rationality.

Although he had the ability of Time Reversal to ask for help from his future self, as Garon always believed, it's better to rely on oneself. Rather than putting his safety in the hands of his future self, it's better to improve his own strength as much as possible and try to get out of situations that require reliance on his future self.

In case he ever encountered an opponent who could block Time Reversal, he would still have some capacity to resist.

He looked down towards the battlefield below, his gaze sweeping over it inch by inch, finally settling on Harlis.

Unnoticed, a significant portion of the Golden Alliance's high-powered forces had died, their souls and life essences all absorbed by Harlis.

As for the ordinary soldiers of the Golden Alliance, in this area filled with undead, there were no ordinary soldiers left.

And those who were originally on the front lines with Harlis, the high-level casters, and soldiers, or ordinary casters, were mercilessly killed by him as well.

During this process, DiMo's high-level casters didn't resist at all, contributing their magic, life, and souls like puppets, as if they were already under Harlis's control. The DiMo people, not high-level casters, wanted to resist, but it was futile.

The life essence turned into streams of blood-red light, and pale souls, like a torrent, crazily converged on Harlis.

By this time, his appearance had returned to that of an ordinary human in his sixties.

The fluctuations of legendary magic around him caused the surrounding space to ripple and distort slightly, emitting a captivatingly dangerous aura, and it was still strengthening.

The death aura emanating from him was almost blinding.

Harlis looked up at Garon, huffed lightly, showing no concern for Garon, and then continued to close his eyes slightly, extending his arms to embrace the black world of death in front of him, focusing on achieving the truly immortal body of an eternal lich.

"He considers me just another true dragon. This is my opportunity."

Garon's gaze flickered, his expression becoming serious and solemn, all distractions banished from his mind.

His brain worked rapidly, pondering ways to defeat the legendary lich.

While Harlis was still absorbing life essences and souls, if he could hit him with a successful Displacement of Time Breath, he could directly send him away from this time period, making him return to reality only three years later.

"The range of dragon breath isn't long. To ensure a hit, I need to get within a hundred meters, use Time Stop, and then use Displacement of Time Breath."

Time abilities have always been unsolvable below the level of legend.

Garon didn't know if the legendary lich had any means to counter time abilities.

Time Stop is a spell-like ability, meaning it can be broken and countered.

But that was all he had to offer; the spells he knew were nothing in front of a legendary lich.

Watching Harlis intently, determination flashed in Garon's platinum dragon eyes.

After making his decision, Garon tucked in his dragon wings, head down, and his body plunged like a silver missile. In the howling wind, he sped towards Harlis's position.

To avoid alerting his opponent, he didn't use an accelerated state, moving no differently than Roar and the others had shown.

The Slow spell was also ready but not yet cast.

Harlis lifted his eyelids, scoffing.

"You arrogant dragons, always so overconfident."


A black, semi-transparent Paralyzing Touch, filled with countless wailing faces, rose to the sky, like a waterfall flowing upstream, rushing towards Garon.

Garon remained calm, highly alert.

He wasn't sure if he could withstand the effects of the legendary lich's Paralyzing Touch, so it was better not to be touched at all. Otherwise, like the other chromatic dragons, being completely immobilized would leave him at the mercy of others.

The Paralyzing Touch was incredibly fast, at least three times the speed of Garon's diving flight.

But because he was prepared and vigilant, Garon noticed the Paralyzing Touch instantly and shifted his body just in time to dodge the attack.

Now, he was only a thousand meters away from Harlis.

And this distance was rapidly closing.

Nine hundred meters... Eight hundred meters...

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