Time Dragon - Chapter 147

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:10:58 AM

Chapter 147

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Harlis was momentarily taken aback.

The reaction speed of this silver dragon seemed much faster than the other chromatic dragons...

Despite this, Harlis still didn't pay much attention.

Although adult true dragons are powerful, it all depends on who they are compared to. Harlis had already been a legendary spellcaster over a hundred years ago.

Even ancient dragons weren't worthy of his concern.

Under Harlis's control, more than ten Paralyzing Touches suddenly erupted.

Each Paralyzing Touch, thick and extremely long like giant whips or wild pythons, coiled and wrapped around Garon's body from all directions.

With the spell-like ability of a legendary lich, once a Paralyzing Touch hit, the probability of Garon being instantly paralyzed and immobilized was extremely high.

Reflected in Garon's platinum dragon eyes were the Paralyzing Touches drawing ever closer. Garon's gaze remained calm, with a trace of temporal power swiftly passing through his pupils.

Slow Spell·Sixfold! The instantaneously activated Slow Spell hit the legendary lich, still with arms wide open, drawing in souls and life essences.

To the perception of the legendary lich, everything in the outside world seemed to suddenly accelerate. The wails of the undead, the shrieks of ghosts, the trajectories of spells crossing the half-air... everything became extremely dense and chaotic.

Strangely, he didn't detect the slightest fluctuation of magic power.

Legendary spellcasters, being masters at the peak of magical arts, are incredibly sensitive to changes in elemental energy and the strength of magic. At the level of a legendary spellcaster, no spell could be cast without escaping his magical perception.

Harlis's expression darkened, and his eyes burning with blue flames turned towards the sky.

In the vision of the legendary lich, the silver dragon moved as fast as lightning, inexplicably bypassing all Paralyzing Touches in an instant and rapidly approaching him with a flap of its wings.

Harlis could feel an invisible, primordial force enveloping the silver dragon, a force that seemed to exist since the dawn of time.

This same force affected him, putting him in a slowed state.

"This is... the power of time!"

Legendary spellcasters, having understood the fundamental workings of the world to a degree, can sense the flow of time and catch glimpses of the river of time.

Harlis detected an anomaly in time.

"How can the power of time manifest in an adult dragon!"

"Unless, unless..."

At the same time, two rings of black scales entered Harlis's view.

As he was forming a hypothesis in his mind, the blue flames in Harlis's eyes suddenly flared intensely.

On the other side, Garon, using a sixfold acceleration, rushed into the 200-meter range of the legendary lich in a mere instant.

Faster, faster.

If he could bring him within the range of Time Stop, there was a chance to resolve the current predicament on his own. Garon's eyes shone with excitement, and his speed subtly increased again. The airflow roared past his membranous wings, turning the entire dragon into a streak of silver brilliance, too fast to be caught by the naked eye.

He had already opened his mouth, taking a deep breath of the waters of the river of time, yet between his crisscrossing fangs, there seemed to be nothing but bluster.

However, Harlis sensed a dangerous, heart-palpitating sensation coming from the mouth of the silver dragon, a sensation he hadn't felt in a very long time.

The passage of time seemed to slow down, and Harlis's lips parted, squeezing out several clear and magically potent syllables.

180 meters, 160 meters... "Decree·Despair Barrier!"

When Garon was 140 meters away from the legendary lich, he uttered the simple phrase in Noah's common language.

Instantly, deathly aura surged like furious ocean waves, condensing in front of Garon into a thick, pitch-black barrier.

The black barrier formed too quickly, catching the silver dragon off guard. Due to his own speed, he couldn't react in time and crashed into it.

Thud! The twenty-meter-long giant dragon body trembled violently, its four horns striking the black barrier from top to bottom, causing it to crack and dent, yet it was far from shattering.

Unable to stop in time, his body also crashed into the black barrier.

The immense impact reverberated through Garon, cracking his dragon scales and causing fresh red blood to flow.

Garon endured the discomfort, vigorously shaking his head to clear some of the dizziness.

After coming to his senses, he flapped his wings, instantly widening the distance from the black barrier, his expression turning grim.

The plan to use both accelerated state and Slow Spell for a surprise attack didn't work, instead drawing the full attention of the opponent.

"Ha ha, ha ha ha!"

"A Time Dragon, it's actually a Time Dragon."

"The most powerful and rarest among legends, even rarer than deities, a Time Dragon is on the Noah continent! And it's a young, tender, adorable little dragonling!"

Whoosh! The originally indestructible black barrier dissipated like dust, turning into a mist of black, reverting back into dispersing deathly aura.

The legendary lich trembled with excitement, nearly to the point of madness.

Garon could feel a greedy gaze sweeping over his body from head to tail, inch by inch, like a hungry ghost that hadn't eaten for a week upon seeing a fragrant, supreme delicacy, unabashedly revealing its utmost desire and greed.

Just using acceleration and Slow Spell made him recognized. Garon's heart sank.

There are many spells for acceleration and deceleration, being directly recognized like this almost certainly meant one thing.

The legendary lich before him could sense the flow of time.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have reacted so quickly.

"A Time Dragonling, ha ha ha ha! To think I would encounter one."

"I, Harlis, learned legendary enchantment spells at thirty, started from scratch with necromancy at sixty, spent twenty years to step into the realm of necromancy legends again, and developed the true transformation method for an immortal lich body."

Harlis muttered to himself, his voice growing louder.

"I am a genius, my talent unparalleled!"

"If I could obtain the life essence and soul of a Time Dragon, the power of time would also serve me!"

"With my strength, my wisdom, my means... even if the Dragon God incarnate comes seeking revenge, I would not hesitate to slay!"

"Once I fully comprehend the power of time, then, with my immortal lich body, I will rival the gods themselves!"

The legendary lich was ecstatic, laughing madly as if possessed, his eyes unblinkingly fixed on Garon.

Liches truly are madmen. Garon felt a chill from his gaze.

Indeed, once the identity of a Time Dragon was exposed, he, a mere three-year-old dragonling, would definitely attract covetous glances.

Harlis's voice, unhidden, spread across the battlefield.

The surviving high-level casters were astounded, looking up at the silver dragon in the sky.

The once somewhat odd black rings of scales now seemed imbued with the essence of eternal time.

The four color dragons, still paralyzed and unable to move from the Paralyzing Touch, also heard Harlis's voice.

The terms "legendary dragon species" and "Time Dragon" struck their minds like lightning.

The true dragons' pupils contracted, their eyelids trembling, desperately trying to move their bodies, but the paralyzing effect that penetrated their bones left only their eyes barely able to blink.

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