Time Dragon - Chapter 153

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:10:21 AM

Chapter 153

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Within the range of the dragons' might, all ordinary humans were captivated, unable to move. For a long time, they would dream of the terrifying figures of the true dragons and wake up in fright.

Not just the powerless ordinary humans, but also some low-level spellcasters, rangers, and other characters were like drifting boats in the storm-like dragon might, their minds blank.

Beings not of high status struggled to remain calm and collected in such surging dragon might.

"It's hard to imagine that the ugly and powerful lich and these frail, timid humans belong to the same species," Grelsha said, looking down at the chaotic city below.

The power of the legendary lich left a deep impression on the dragons.

Humans have a very low bottom line, but their potential ceiling is incredibly high, making them a peculiar species in the eyes of the true dragons.

Most humans are weak, frail creatures that could be blown away with a breath, but a small portion of them can reach legendary status at an age equivalent to that of a young dragon.

The Silver Dragon led silently at the front.

Garon never considered himself an evil dragon.

He saw his temperament as quite good, rarely getting angry over anything, and was willing to help those in trouble when in a good mood.

But this time, the feeling of being seriously injured truly angered him.

Although partly because Future Garon wanted him to experience it, it was mainly due to the threat posed by Harris.

After entering the south, Garon had heard of Harris, the legendary spellcaster.

He was a native of Dimo.

And the strongest Dimo legend in a millennium, stronger even than the legendary chief mage during Dimo's most prosperous era.

"Harboring a legendary lich, endangering me and causing severe injuries."

Garon narrowed his eyes, a dangerous glint flashing in his platinum dragon pupils.

Whoosh! With a vigorous flap of his wings.

Garon sped up, flying towards the tallest and most majestic Dimo royal court.

The other dragons and spellcasters accelerated behind him, struggling to keep up with Garon.

Soon, the tall royal court buildings, constructed from various high-quality ores and metals, came into Garon's view.

However, what surprised him was that, aside from the members of the Dimo royal family and various guards, there was also a group of priests in white robes and burly paladins riding white-scaled steeds.

On the clothing of the priests and paladins, there was a badge.

The badge bore the emblem of a burning corona.

This was the emblem of the Church of Light.

Many humans surrounded the royal court.

A large number of guards, court mages, and knight warriors were confronting the people of the Church of Light, but they were clearly at a disadvantage.

The core temple of the Church of Light was located in Kraken city.

At this time, the core temple's paladin order and preaching priests had almost entirely mobilized, surrounding the Dimo royal court tightly, with a very tense atmosphere between the two sides.

The arrival of the true dragons broke the stalemate.

Among the tall and burly paladins, one at the forefront, radiating an aura as bright as a lighthouse, fixed his gaze on the sky.

"This is no place for evil dragons!"

The legendary paladin shouted sternly, his voice thundering, carrying a unique power of justice and order.

Garon looked down, seeing a burly human clad in gold and silver interwoven armor, feeling a trace of wariness from his aura.

Legendary beings possess a special aura, as if they merge with the heavens and the earth.

Garon knew at first glance that this man was a legendary being.

However, compared to Harris, this legendary paladin only made Garon slightly wary, without even a sense of danger, indicating he wasn't enough of a threat.

As legends, the gap between him and Harris was significant... Garon thought.

Spellcasters reaching legendary status are much stronger than other extraordinary professions, and Harris was indeed a genius of his kind.

Meanwhile, being reprimanded by a human like this made the five dragons and serpent dragon frown.

Although they could sense danger from this human, with the great legendary dragon species present and having witnessed Garon's power, they were not afraid of the humans below, standing firm.

"Insolent humans, do you wish to die under the breath of true dragons?"

The dragons opened their mouths, brewing their dragon breath.

The legendary paladin huffed, radiating a holy and vigorous aura.

Hearing this, Krichens, who had pledged loyalty to Garon, was startled and quickly said, "Esteemed true dragons, please hold back. That is a legendary paladin of the Church of Light, powerful and protected by the divine light. It's better not to conflict with him; allow me to speak with him."

Garon's gaze remained unchanged, nodding slightly.

Although he was curious if he could defeat an ordinary legend on his own, his purpose wasn't to antagonize the Church of Light.

The Dimo royal court was protected by a massive magical barrier, imbued with anti-air and privacy-sealing powers, preventing Garon from rashly entering.

However, having just emerged from the realm of the dead and after a battle with Harris, Garon was still sensitive, sensing a death power akin to Harris's within the royal court.

This might be the reason why the Church of Light's people surrounded the Dimo royal court.

Magical brilliance flashed, and Krichens landed on the ground.

After adjusting his robes, he raised his head with neither humility nor arrogance, saying softly, "Esteemed Sir Kains, Grandmaster of the Church of Light's Paladin Order, I am Krichens, an 8th-ring enchantment high-ranking spellcaster from the Bara Duchy, long admiring your name."

"Please, do not be angered. The true dragons are here merely to seek justice. A righteous paladin should not obstruct the right cause."

Kains, the legendary paladin's name.

Kains shifted his gaze from the sky back to Krichens, frowning slightly, "I've heard of you. As a distinguished spellcaster, why do you stand with the chromatic dragons?"

Legendary beings have exceptional insight.

As a paladin, he has a unique ability to discern the alignment of beings.

Although he didn't recognize Garon as a Time Dragon, he didn't mistake him for a Silver Dragon either, not seeing Silver Dragon traits in Garon.

To him, the Silver Dragon stood in a gray area between light and darkness.

On the other side, hearing Krichens's name, the Dimo royal guards and spellcasters showed vigilance and disdain.

Someone couldn't help but say with disgust, "Golden League's duchy spellcaster, so arrogant to intrude into our Dimo royal city?"

"You rebels, destined for hell!"

Krichens ignored these comments, carefully choosing his words to Kains in a narrative tone, "We have just ended a war involving evil forces, brutal and cruel."

"Six hundred thousand of the Golden League Army, over two hundred thousand of Dimo's defending army, all perished in the evil lich's scheme."

"The only survivors are myself, Frederic, and a few esteemed true dragons."

"If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself at the Ironstone defense line, where the death energy now obscures the sky."

"And all of this, the Dimo royal family is undeniably involved. The legendary lich's predecessor was Harris, the renowned chief mage of Dimo."

Krichens laid out the events, omitting the specifics of Harris's death.

Kains's expression darkened as he listened, becoming increasingly grave.

"The Pope had sensed an evil force driving the war in the southern human duchies."

"But because it was well-hidden, he couldn't pinpoint it, leading to today's disaster."

Pausing, Kains sighed deeply, praying sincerely for the deceased, "May the glory of the gods shine upon those poor souls and protect the spirits of the deceased in peace."

He glanced again at the dragons circling in the sky, then withdrew his gaze, turning solemnly to the Dimo royal guard captain, "I give you one last chance, deactivate the defensive barrier, allow us to enter the royal court, and investigate the source of the evil!"

When Harris's phylactery exploded, it released a staggering amount of legendary-level death energy.

The Church of Light immediately sensed it, mobilizing the paladin order to the Dimo royal court, but were blocked by the court's guards.

The royal court's defense forces were naturally no match for the paladins and priests, but hoping for peaceful communication, they informed them of the evil force's eruption within the royal court. Unfortunately, the other side refused to lower their defenses.

Under the prestige of the legendary being, the guard captain's face turned pale.

But he couldn't decide on this matter.

Opening the royal court's protective barrier would surely lead to his execution. Although the legendary paladin was powerful and adhered to his creed, being a genuinely good person, even provoking him wouldn't endanger their lives.

The paladin's sword targets only evil beings and enemies with deep sins.

The guard captain clenched his weapon, as if seeking more courage and confidence.

"Sorry, Sir Kains."

"This is the Dimo royal court, not your church's territory. The king said you can't come in, please don't make it difficult for us."

Kains's face darkened, his expression as fierce as a lion's.

"I have sworn an oath before the gods as a forefather, to protect the light and eradicate evil!"

"There are evil beings hiding in the Dimo royal court; are you intending to shelter evil?"

"Goodness, honesty, courage, compassion are the creeds of a paladin, but the gods say, the most righteous knight, when necessary, can execute the justice of eradicating evil with violence."

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