Time Dragon - Chapter 154

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:10:20 AM

Chapter 154

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Kains's voice was heavy, imbued with his strong will as firm as steel. His last words fell like a thunderclap, carrying an awe-inspiring force.

In front of Kains, the captain of the guards almost fell to his knees, weakened.

Kains's eyes shone like the sun, surrounded by a blinding halo of sanctity.

Facing the legendary being's might, the guard captain stood firm despite the sweat on his forehead, eventually pleading with a trembling voice, "We... are just following orders."

"Truly sorry, Sir Kains, please try to understand our position."

"If you insist on forcing your way through, we will have to resist with our lives."

Kains's brows furrowed deeply, hesitating in the face of such a pleading human, unable to bring himself to act.

The opponent wasn't an evil creature, just soldiers following orders.

Moreover, the burst of necromantic aura from the phylactery's destruction was fleeting, now dissipated, and the Church lacked concrete evidence of evil beings within the Dimo royal court.

Above, Garon watched the situation unfold, shaking his head almost imperceptibly.

The Church's forces had been in a standoff here for a long time, blocked by the weaker Dimo guards. If they had chosen to storm through, the royal court's defenses and guards would have been ineffective against the powerful Church knights.

The Church of Light on Noah Continent, as Garon saw in his previous world, was different from many fantasy narratives.

The deities they worshipped were genuinely benevolent, not hypocritical.

During wars or disasters, many survived thanks to the Church's aid.

The Church's paladins were pure-hearted, willing to sacrifice, and brave, chosen for their role through their holy power to protect the weak and fight evil.

If the Church were to be rated, it would almost exclusively receive positive reviews on Noah Continent.

Any negative reviews would likely be maliciously made by evil creatures.

Against evil beings, paladins strike with thunderous force, mercilessly killing them to the point of annihilating their souls.

But when facing ordinary humans, they hesitate.

Conflict inevitably leads to injuries, and harming the innocent is a matter requiring sincere repentance and prayers for forgiveness from the paladins.

As Kains pondered how to persuade the guards to let them in, a low dragon's hum came from the sky.

"The Dimo royal family hired my subordinates to assist in battle, only paying a portion of the advance. A significant portion of the compensation remains unpaid."

"Now that the war is over, according to the contract, my subordinates have the right to enter the royal court and receive their due compensation."

Garon spoke indifferently.

Below, the guards watched by the Silver Dragon tensed up.

The guard captain again showed a distressed expression, "Lord Dragon, the king has ordered that no foreign entities may enter the royal court. We really..."

Before he could finish, a heavy snort came from the sky.

Garon's gaze sharpened.

Dragon might erupted.

The two Red Dragons, along with the Black and Green Dragons, released their dragon might in unison.

The overwhelming dragon might, like a waterfall, pressed heavily on every Dimo guard, whitening their faces and making them feel as though a giant mountain weighed on their hearts, nearly suffocating.

Simultaneously, the defensive formation reacted to the dragon might, magical energy rising, illuminating a semi-transparent, dome-shaped barrier.

The formation weakened much of the dragon might, improving the guards' conditions significantly.

Then, Kains looked up, "What do you intend to do?"

Garon ignored him, his expression unchanged, his voice calm.

"Krichens, Frederic."

"Open this formation."

"Yes," the two high-ranking spellcasters nodded, rising into the air amidst magical currents, approaching the Dimo royal court's protective formation.

After a brief observation.

"Leave it to me," Krichens smiled, "I've spent some time studying formations."

Frederic, a transmutation school spellcaster, scratched his head, "Then I'll leave it to you. If it were me, I'd just blast it open."

Krichens, an 8th-ring enchantment high-ranking spellcaster.

The enchantment school is known for its diverse and varied means.

He gently traced in the air with magic as ink, drawing a multitude of spell runes.

These runes, upon formation, directly flew towards the Dimo royal court's protective formation, ultimately creating a circular outline several meters in radius.

Dimo's spellcasters attempted to stop Krichens's actions.

But under the watchful eyes of the dragons above, they felt a chill, daring not to act.

Krichens stepped back, directing his magic towards the inscribed runes.


Boom! The spell runes lit up with dazzling light, dissolving the energy barrier in the middle, breaking a large hole in the protective formation.

"Breaking a fully covering formation like this, creating an opening, isn't difficult," Krichens said.

"Hmph! Damned Dimo royal family, you will pay for your actions!" Grelsha's eyes blazed with fury, cursing.

Then, she looked at Garon.

Garon nodded slowly.

Boom! The Red Dragon flapped its wings, entering the Dimo royal court through the formation breach like a red dragon-shaped flame.

Following suit, the chromatic dragons and the serpent dragon entered, releasing their dragon might, petrifying the guards below, rendering them stiff and immobile.

Kains, on guard, glanced at Garon. Seeing the guards affected by the dragon might but without casualties, his wariness eased slightly.

Unless deliberately concealing their presence, powerful beings have a mutual sensing.

Garon could sense Kains's power, and correspondingly, Kains felt a strong threat from the Silver Dragon upon first sight.

"The formation is broken, and the guards can't stop us, no need to thank me."

Garon smiled slightly at Kains, then vanished from the spot, entering the Dimo royal court with incredible speed.

The legendary paladin pondered for a moment, "Follow me into the Dimo royal court, stay firm in your beliefs, and remain vigilant!"

Harris was powerful at his peak, and even the Pope of the Church of Light was only on par with him. Kains, cautious of Harris's potential contingencies, led the paladin order into the royal court.

Soon, in front of a towering, castle-like building, Garon stopped.

Here, he sensed an aura akin to Harris's.

Weak, but Garon's vivid impression of Harris allowed him to detect it keenly.

"Harris really trusted the Dimo royal family, hiding his phylactery deep within the royal court," Garon thought silently.

His main purpose in coming to the Dimo Kingdom was for the legendary lich's treasures.

Searching the site of Harris's explosion, Garon found nothing valuable, inconsistent with Harris's status.

A lich's body is a condensation of magical power, with treasures usually stored alongside the soul in the phylactery.

With Harris dying by his hand, Garon wouldn't miss out on these spoils of war, rightfully his.

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