Time Dragon - Chapter 164

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:10:06 AM

Chapter 164

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High in the sky, the silver dragon spiraled down in a dive.

Garon, like a massive white meteor, plummeted towards the ground with a trail of light trailing behind him.

From appearing above the great canyon to thunderously landing on a snow-capped peak, it took only a few blinks of an eye. His powerful dragon claws firmly grasped the rugged, steep rocks and snow walls.

At the foot of the snow mountain, in the narrow passageways of the canyon, a momentary silence ensued on the battlefield.

With howls of excitement, joy, and awe, as if welcoming the arrival of the great true dragon, the frost giants and their troll and ogre servants turned pale, trembling under the tangible dragon might.

The silver dragon stood quietly on the snow-capped peak, its dragon wings shielding it from the snow and wind, slowly retracting as it looked down from above.

His platinum dragon eyes were indifferent, devoid of emotion, yet seemed to carry a chilling killing intent.

Under the gaze of the giant true dragon, all frost giants felt a deep unease.

"Thirteen frost giants, over two hundred trolls and ogres, and a Dark Guardian?"

Garon slightly turned his neck, his gaze sweeping across the battlefield, finally locking onto the towering figure with dark blue skin, standing twelve meters tall.

To Garon, the strength of ordinary frost giants posed no challenge, even with the slight boost from the Dark Blessing spell.

Only a frost giant of a higher breed, the Dark Frost Giant, could catch his attention among those present.

However, considering the numbers of the united frost giant tribes mentioned by the winter wolves, a single Dark Guardian wouldn't be enough to unite them. It's powerful but not to the extent of possessing legendary strength.

"The frost giant union's chief is probably someone else."

Garon's eyes narrowed slightly, reflecting the silhouette of the Dark Frost Giant.

In his view, this Dark Frost Giant was over seven hundred years old, an extremely old frost giant. Even without the boost from dark forces, it was considered a powerhouse among frost giants.

As for the chief of the frost giant tribe he had eradicated, claiming to be the strongest on the northern ice plains was clearly an exaggeration.

After locking onto the Dark Frost Giant, Garon opened his mouth, brewing the Breath of Time Stealing, with the formless power of time swirling between his fangs.

Meanwhile, the Dark Frost Giant's heart tightened, as if gripped by an invisible hand, slowly contracting.

This sensation was a body's instinctive response to encountering extreme danger.

Looking up at the silver dragon standing on the snow peak, the Dark Frost Giant's face was grave, his hands tightly gripping the giant axe, his legs spread wide on the ground, ready for battle.

"Lord Garon, such minor characters do not require your direct intervention."

"As your subordinates, please allow us to take care of this for you!"

The two red dragons hovered in the air, flames flickering at the edges of their wings. They licked their lips, glanced at the tense Dark Frost Giant below, then addressed Garon.

In the land of Noa, giants were not numerous, and Roel and Gresha had not encountered any in the south.

Discovering so many frost giants on the northern ice plains, they couldn't hide their excitement, their desire for slaughter rising.

Garon's gaze shifted, withdrawing the power of time, and nodded slightly.

"Go, reduce these giants and their servants to ashes."

He said calmly.

"At your command!"

The two red dragons grinned, their faces turning fierce.

In the next moment, they flapped their wings, their bodies surrounded by flames.

The sudden rise in temperature caused a violent reaction with the cold air of the northern ice plains, generating a large amount of white hot steam. This steam, mixed with flames, enveloped the giant bodies of the red dragons, diving towards the Dark Frost Giant.

Meanwhile, Fred and Krichens exchanged glances, beginning to cast spells to help the wolf pack clear the ordinary frost giants and their troll and ogre servants.

The two high-level spellcasters were very powerful.

With their help, the battle situation in the canyon quickly turned one-sided.

"These frost giants are not many, just a part."

Garon thought silently.

At that moment, the two red dragons diving towards the Dark Frost Giant drew a deep breath and then opened their mouths.

Within their crisscrossed sharp dragon teeth, a tumultuous fireball raged.

The nearby snowy world was illuminated red.

Frost giants, being of a cold attribute, suffered nearly double damage from high-temperature fire attacks. Conversely, frost attacks from frost giants also had an added effect on red dragons, as cold and fire attributes counter each other.

The Dark Frost Giant, despite being endowed with dark power, was essentially a creature of cold attribute.

Facing the two red dragons, upon feeling the scorching temperature from their mouths, it couldn't help but look gravely serious.

Thick, wall-like ice crystal shields emerged with elemental aura, condensing into existence.

The Dark Frost Giant, clad in leather armor, holding a giant axe in his right hand and a shield in his left, stared down the roaring red dragons, accompanied by dense smoke and flames.

Dark Slash! The giant's muscular arms bulged, pulling the giant axe from right to left, creating a blinding cold light that cut through the snow.

Then, it swung the axe in the opposite direction, slashing through the air with force.

Hum! The black blade, almost as large as the red dragons, whistled out from the axe, cutting through the air and snow, with continuous dark light as if blooming death flowers.

"Humph, ugly things, merely struggling in vain before me!"

Roel tucked in his dragon wings, hugging his body.

With a nimble rotation, he confidently maneuvered through the large arc of dark blades.

Gresha did the same, dodging the Dark Frost Giant's attacks.

Red dragons, among the five dragon kinds, possess the strongest bodies, filled with bulging muscles under their scales, giving them great agility.

The Dark Frost Giant's axe strikes left ugly scars on the snowy mountains behind, deeply embedding into the mountain body, causing violent tremors.

On the other side, as they dodged the strikes, both dragons opened their mouths wide.

Bright firelight entered the Dark Frost Giant's vision, then filled it completely.

Boom! Boom! Two streams of fiery flames, with the heat to melt metal and dense smoke, poured out from the mouths of the red dragons like dazzling firewaterfalls, fiercely targeting the Dark Frost Giant.

Dragon breaths move quickly.

Once the target is locked and within range, only creatures very adept at agility have a chance to dodge the dragon's breath.

And frost giants are clearly not of this type.

The Dark Frost Giant was no exception.

In such a situation, the Dark Frost Giant could only defend on the spot, resisting the dragon breath attack.

Bang! The shield slammed down, standing like a towering ice-blue wall directly on the ground, its lower end digging into the earth, while the Dark Frost Giant ducked its head, leaning on the shield with his shoulder and body side, his legs firmly planted.

The next moment, the dazzling flames crashed against the ice shield.

Boom! Fireworks exploded, flames lashing against the Dark Frost Giant's shield like giant waves, the impact nearly flipping him over.

Facing the breath of two adult red dragons, the Dark Frost Giant clenched his teeth, veins bulging on his forehead, desperately holding the shield.

Dragon breath, besides high temperature, also carries a terrifying impact, enough to instantly destroy tall buildings.

Under such impact, the Dark Frost Giant's body and shield were pushed back, leaving a deep trench on the ground.

Furthermore, flames licked around the edges of the shield, scorching the Dark Frost Giant's skin, leaving bright red marks with a sizzling sound of flesh tearing.

Under the agonizing pain from the flame damage, the Dark Frost Giant's face twisted, panting heavily, in excruciating pain.

And the ice crystal shield in his hand was thinning at a visible rate, with cracks gradually spreading.

Although magical power was still emitting from the Dark Frost Giant, constantly condensing ice, it struggled in vain under the flame breath, unable to fully resist.

If it were just one adult red dragon, the Dark Frost Giant might have had a slight advantage using the dark power and frost force duality against a single opponent.

But Roel and Gresha showed no mercy when facing the giant, attacking together without hesitation.

Under the double dragon breath, the Dark Frost Giant's magical power drained like floodgates opened.

In just under ten seconds, the ice crystal shield in front of the Dark Frost Giant was left with only a thin layer, the firelight shining through the translucent ice onto the back, turning the dark giant into a red-black color.

The next moment, the thin shield covered in cracks could no longer hold.

Crash! With an explosive sound, the shield resisting the flame breath instantly shattered into tiny ice crystal fragments, which hadn't even hit the ground before being melted into steam by the scorching flames.

In the eyes of the Dark Frost Giant, filled with despair and horror, the engulfing flames of the dragon breath surged over.

Boom! Without the restraint of the shield, the fire instantly engulfed the Dark Frost Giant's body.

Ahhhh... A terrible scream echoed from the giant human torch.

The Dark Frost Giant was directly pressed down by the dragon breath's immense force, covered in flames capable of melting metal, his skin rapidly turning charred, emitting the smell of burning flesh.

Evil black aura emitted from its body, along with cold air, struggling against the damage from the flame breath.

Unfortunately, as Roel said, it was merely a struggle in vain.

Adult white dragons would have no chance against a Dark Frost Giant except for fleeing, but two adult red dragons could easily kill it together.

"Such strength is not enough to be the leader of the united frost giant tribes."

Garon looked down at the battlefield, watching the Dark Frost Giant being burned by Roel and Gresha's dragon breath, thinking to himself.

According to his estimation, there should be a legendary strength giant leader among them, but the current Dark Frost Giant clearly wasn't it.

On the other side, without sufficient power to escape the red dragons' flame breath, the Dark Frost Giant's screams gradually weakened, eventually unable to emit any evil aura or frost air, completely exposed under the red dragons' breath.

Its flesh visibly carbonized at a visible rate, burned to ashes.

The harsh cold wind of the great canyon howled non-stop but couldn't disperse the liquid-like scorching flames.

Nearby ordinary frost giants wanted to help, but they were already overwhelmed.

The numerous wolf pack already had the advantage, now with two high-ranking spellcasters occasionally casting spells to assist, leaving only one barely alive ordinary frost giant, covered in grievous wounds, unable to last a few seconds.

As for the troll and ogre servants, they were torn to unrecognizable pieces by the wolf pack.

However, trolls have a remarkable regeneration ability, with some remaining limbs constantly wriggling, trying to reform into a complete shape, but Fred used simple low-level transmutation spells to spray them with strong acid, corroding them into ashes.

Trolls fear strong acid and flames, unable to regenerate under these attacks.

Seconds later, the Dark Frost Giant died out, turning into a humanoid outline of ashes almost branded on the scorched ground, then blown away by the wind.

By this time, the two red dragons had stopped their breaths, the roaring flames disappearing, leaving only the still-hot ground and the large amount of melted snow around silently recounting the recent scene.

"Giants are nothing more than this, only able to bully those with inferior bloodlines on the northern ice plains, powerless before the mighty red dragons."

Roel scoffed, exhaling sparks from his nostrils.

Gresha nodded in agreement, proudly saying, "Giants? These creatures that only rely on numbers to swagger, are not worthy of being our enemies!"

In the legacy records of the dragon-giant wars, dragons always held the advantage, only later weakened by the involvement of other high-ranking races, leading to their fall from dominion over the prime material plane.

Although no longer holding supreme power, today's dragon race remains strong, a pinnacle species few dare to provoke.

Compared to the individual strength of true dragons, true giants have much watered down.

Roel and Gresha are just average members among red dragons, while the Dark Frost Giant was at least a tribal leader, an outstanding individual, but under the attack of two ordinary adult red dragons, it couldn't last long.

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