Time Dragon - Chapter 177

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:09:47 AM

Chapter 177

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"Tell them, creatures that provoke the true dragons should rightfully be reduced to ashes in the dragons' wrath."

"Yet, the great Eternal Dragon is willing to offer them a chance to live."

"Submit under the dragon's wings, or be turned into ashes in the flames."

As Krichens and Fred arrived, standing behind Garon, Garon slightly bowed his head, looking down at the gathering of Fire Dwarves, and calmly instructed Krichens.

Opposite, the Fire Dwarves, who disliked being looked down upon, did not utter a single complaint this time.

Ultimately, they were resigned.

In the face of a power that could easily annihilate their entire clan, their habitual dislike became irrelevant.

After receiving Garon's command, Krichens looked at the stout Fire Dwarves, who barely reached his waist but were nearly twice as wide, and conveyed Garon's words in Dwarvish.

He spoke Dwarvish very fluently.

The Fire Dwarves' dialect was harder for Krichens to understand.

These dwarves didn't speak the Common Tongue, only their native language.

Moreover, the pure Dwarvish that Krichens spoke was quite easy for the Fire Dwarves to understand, like the relationship between Mandarin and regional dialects. The Fire Dwarves probably couldn't speak as fluently in pure Dwarvish as Krichens.

After understanding the intentions of the silver dragon, a disturbance broke out among the Fire Dwarves.

The ordinary Fire Dwarves remained silent, while the elder and the Firebeard leader quickly conversed in their muffled Fire Dwarvish dialect. They occasionally asked Krichens questions, to which he replied with an expressionless face.

A moment later, the two spokespeople of the Firebeard clan solemnly asked Krichens a question, then both looked at Garon.

Without waiting for Garon to cast an inquiring look, Krichens proactively said, "They are asking where you come from and what your intentions are."

"They say if you are here for slaughter and war, the righteous dwarves swear never to submit or swear fealty."

"If not, for the survival of the Firebeard clan, they are willing to become subjects of the legendary true dragon."

Fire Dwarves, though quick-tempered, are fundamentally creatures of a good and orderly alignment.

The silver dragon pondered for a moment, then calmly said, "First ask them, the flesh-and-blood beings living in this plane, whether they have united in will or are fragmented, each fighting for themselves."

"And what is the relationship between these elemental beings and the flesh-and-blood beings, which side is stronger?"

Krichens nodded, then turned to the Fire Dwarves and asked aloud.

Almost instantly as he finished speaking, a tumultuous discussion erupted among the Fire Dwarves.

This was somewhat unexpected.

Dwarves are typically reserved and stern, rarely speaking out unless absolutely necessary, so such a clamorous response indicated a pressing issue.

Moreover, Garon could see unfeigned anger on their faces.

With the dwarves' straightforward temperament, they wouldn't feign anger.

Although he couldn't understand the Fire Dwarves' language, the fluctuating tones of their speech and the changing expressions on their faces revealed much.

This anger was not directed at Garon.

Krichens listened carefully to the Fire Dwarves' discussion.

Amidst the noisy discussion, understanding the heavily accented Dwarvish was challenging for him.

But the wise mage was up for the challenge.

The elder banged his bronze-bound staff on the ground, creating cracks with his force, then shouted loudly, calming the somewhat chaotic Fire Dwarves.

Then, he spoke earnestly to Krichens.

Seemingly realizing that Krichens might not fully understand their dialect, the elder spoke slowly and clearly, making his intentions known to Krichens.

As time passed slowly, gusts of sulfur-scented hot wind continuously blew.

After about three minutes of continuous discussion, the elder stopped.

Krichens nodded slightly, then looked at Garon and whispered, "Sir, the flesh-and-blood beings here are fighting independently, with no unity, and their situation is quite dire."

"This elemental semi-plane is dominated by elemental beings, with elemental giants occupying ninety percent of the lava semi-plane's land. Moreover, these elemental beings consider themselves superior, looking down on other life forms and occasionally oppressing the flesh-and-blood beings."

Garon nodded slightly, listening to Krichens' words.

This situation was roughly what he had anticipated.

Whether it's a pure elemental plane or a semi-elemental plane, the sky and earth composed of elemental energy undoubtedly belong to elemental beings, a paradise for them, where flesh-and-blood beings struggle to survive.

"Ninety percent of the land is under the control of elemental beings."

The silver dragon's eyes flashed with a sharp light.

After a pause, Krichens added, "This is the territory of the Firebeard clan, and this five-hundred-year-old Fire Dwarf caster is the clan's elder."

"He has witnessed elemental giants destroying tribes of flesh-and-blood beings."

"Some tribes were incinerated by fire giants, others crushed to pieces by earth giants."

"Wars among the giants are constant, and now most flesh-and-blood species survive in the gaps between these conflicts."

"Five hundred years. That's quite long-lived."

Garon looked at the Fire Dwarf caster in surprise.

His beard was not the vibrant red of other Fire Dwarves but had turned dull and white.

Yet, the elder's eyes were still bright and spirited, not showing the frailty of age.

Dwarves are not as short-lived as humans; they are long-lived.

A typical dwarf reaches adulthood around forty and approaches the end of their lifespan in their four hundreds. Living to five hundred years is considered very long-lived, almost equivalent to a human reaching one hundred and twenty years.

This longevity is likely related to his near-high-level caster status.

Magic flowing through the body and purifying the blood can extend life to some extent.

After listening to Krichens' translation, Garon fell silent, his dragon claws caressing his chin's keratin layer, lost in thought.

All the Fire Dwarves watched the silver dragon nervously.

Waiting for his response, or perhaps, his judgment.

In the heavy atmosphere, time seemed to pass exceedingly slowly, some Fire Dwarves' faces and palms breaking out in sweat, uncertain if it was due to the hot wind or nervousness.


After about three minutes.

Under the visibly tense gaze of the Fire Dwarves, the silver dragon slowly spoke.

"Tell them, I come from the prime material world, and I am here for peace and unity."

Pausing, Garon added, "The rule of the elemental giants here, oppressing the flesh-and-blood beings, will come to an end."

Peace and unity. Krichens appeared surprised.

They were well aware of the silver dragon's intentions for coming to the lava semi-plane.

But after a moment's thought, peace and unity seemed accurate.

Once this semi-plane is under a unified will, peace will naturally follow, as the current state of the lava semi-plane is far from peaceful, with constant conflict between fire and earth elements, and occasional friction between elemental and flesh-and-blood beings.

The high-level caster, loyal to the Time Dragon, rationalized Garon's words.

Krichens carefully chose his words and explained the silver dragon's intentions to the Fire Dwarves in pure Dwarvish, speaking slowly.

As the high-level caster spoke calmly and collectedly, the surrounding Fire Dwarves' expressions gradually became excited.

Hope shone in their eyes.

The Firebeard clan leader, Fire Dwarf Rick, and the elder, whose prestige exceeded the leader's, both bowed to Garon, expressing their respect in a low voice.

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