Time Dragon - Chapter 183

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:09:41 AM

Chapter 183

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"The territory of fire elements, near Flamesteel City, is indeed assembling an army."

"Countless fire elemental beings are gathering together, forming a formidable force. It seems they are serious about making a move."

Roar recalls the scene he witnessed.

What was it like? From a bird's-eye view, the densely packed fire elemental beings stretched as far as the eye could see, converging towards Flamesteel City from all directions like rivers into the sea. Under the command of the fire giants, the land, already slightly scorched, glowed redder than the sky due to the gathering of fire elemental beings.

In this air, flames rage so fiercely that ordinary flesh and blood beings couldn't survive a second.

Fire dogs, wolves, tigers, lions, eagles... In addition, there are intelligent, humanoid fire elements.

Small, medium, large, advanced fire elements, elder fire elements, fire giants... Many fire giants ascend from the lowest level of small fire elements step by step.

Each fire giant is at least equivalent to a mid-level spellcaster.

The elite among them possess the strength of high-level spellcasters, specializing in destructive flame sculpting spells.

Among all elemental beings, fire elements are undoubtedly the most destructive.

However, the highly intelligent fire giants, the noble class of fire elemental life, are scarce in number, with less than two hundred in Flamesteel City. The main force of the fire elemental army is composed of non-giant elements, with fire giants as their commanders.

"This was inevitable."

"To unify the lava demi-plane, this is the only chance for the fire giants."

Garon's expression doesn't change much.

"The earth giants have noticed the movements in Flamesteel City and are also making countermeasures."

"Their territory of stone forests and rock walls has increased, turning the entire earth giant territory into a massive maze. Many earth elemental beings hide within, almost invisible on the surface."

Gresha, who had scouted the Stone City Labyrinth, reports.

Earth elemental beings generally possess the ability to burrow, with some earth giants even constructing fortresses underground.

The two red dragons continue reporting what they've seen, eventually becoming excited, licking their fangs, "After the war, once those fire elements are dealt with, this place will become your world."

"We like it here and hope you will allow us to settle down."

Compared to the elementally balanced prime material world, red dragons prefer the environment of the lava demi-plane.

Here, they feel their growth accelerating significantly.

Over time, they will gradually gain strength beyond red dragons of the same age.

Garon nods lightly, "That was my promise to you, and it shall be."

The two red dragons didn't become his followers because of Garon's legendary strength or his identity as a time dragon.

It was mainly because of Garon's past promise.

"Thank you, noble Eternal Dragon."

Roar and Gresha are simultaneously pleased.

Then, the two red dragons leave.

Shortly after, a firebird flies to the location of the volcano dragon's nest, circling and releasing a familiar aura of Garon.

"Come in, my friend."

After receiving a response, the firebird traces a bright arc in the air and flies into the dragon's nest.

"My army is fully assembled and will surge towards the territory of the earth elements tomorrow."

"The fire elemental army is powerful enough. With your help, the demise of the earth giants is imminent."

"As for your followers... the fire elements don't need them. They won't impact the battle."

The voice of the Flamesteel City lord comes from the firebird.

Garon nods, pondering before responding, "If that's the case, I won't let my followers sacrifice in vain."

He pauses, then adds, "However, I will bring a few of my trusted subordinates to contribute to our alliance."

After dealing with the earth giants, if the fire giants turn hostile, the Flamesteel City lord's fire giants and fire elemental army could pose a significant problem. However, bringing a group of high-ranking fighters will mitigate these concerns.

"Of course, that's very welcome."

The firebird tilts its head, appearing harmless.

"See you tomorrow at the Scorching Flame Mountain Range."

The Scorching Flame Mountain Range, located between the territories of fire and earth elements, is a series of continuous volcanoes.

"Without your help, I wouldn't have the confidence to defeat those earth giants in one fell swoop, making this assembled army pointless."

"My friend, I can't wait to meet you in person."

The eager voice of the Flamesteel City lord emanates from the firebird.

Garon smiles, "I'll be there as promised."

He detects the subtext in the Flamesteel City lord's words. Without his presence, the fire elemental army probably won't cross the Scorching Flame Mountain Range.

The Flamesteel City lord doesn't intend to give Garon a chance to sit back and watch.

Elemental beings differ from flesh and blood beings; they don't need logistics as their sustenance comes from the elemental energy in the air, excluding giants, they also don't consider morale.

Assembling an army and preparing for war is straightforward for them.

Failing to fight won't cause losses.

After a brief chat, the firebird dissipates into flames.

Garon withdraws his gaze, turning to immerse himself in the magma pool, closing his eyes.

Elemental giants are high-level beings, their essence and potential no less than dragons. The Flamesteel City lord is confident in eventually defeating the legendary dragon, becoming the final victor and claiming the sweet fruit of the lava demi-plane.

After all, this is its home field.

Except for anomalies like Garon, ninety-nine percent of legendary beings have fought countless battles, overcoming numerous dangers to become respected legends.

Thus, legendary beings nearly always possess an invincible belief, unafraid of battle.

Even facing opponents of the same tier, they maintain unwavering confidence in victory before the final outcome. Balton is like this, and so is the Flamesteel City lord. They've experienced much but have invariably emerged victorious.

They are all confident in their strength.

Garon too, but his confidence doesn't stem from countless challenges but from the innate talent of a time dragon.

Confidence derived from innate abilities is more substantial than that born from experience.

"Against a legendary element... If I use Time Dragon's Reversal, even if I lose."

Garon knows he's invincible beneath the divine level.

But such "invincibility" is an illusion, not a reflection of his true power.

Being beaten to near death, then having a future Garon intervene, is a last resort. If possible, Garon hopes never to rely on Time Dragon's Reversal again.

Garon submerges his body in the magma pool, adjusting his physical and mental state to peak condition for tomorrow's battle.

The River of Time flows steadily around him, strands of it merging into his body, becoming his time power.

Time slowly passes, undisturbed.

Garon serenely draws power from the River of Time.

But two hours later, a disturbance from the River of Time interrupts Garon's tranquility.

The silver dragon suddenly opens his eyes.

Platinum dragon eyes gleam, the Black Scale Ring glows faintly, reflecting the ever-present, illusory river in his gaze.

In his vision, the River of Time, usually calm, now ripples and swirls, revealing a scene of endless sands within the vortex.

A voice crosses the River of Time, connecting directly to Garon's heart through the power of time.

"Help, future Garon, help me."

"I'm dying, if you don't come, I'm going to die."

"Don't ignore me, requesting assistance, requesting assistance."

"Ah, it hurts, I've been hit, I'm down, come on, dragon, where's the trust between me and myself?"


"If you don't come, I'm really going to be gone."

"Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry."

Garon: ... The continuous pleas for help buzz in his mind like an annoying fly.

At this moment, Garon seriously doubts if this is really him.

It's not his style.

Taking a deep breath, Garon's gaze pierces the River of Time, focusing on the scene of the Garon who triggered Time Dragon's Reversal.

An endless desert, rolling sands under the merciless sun, baking the world below.

Amidst such an environment, a brass-colored dragon scrambles across the ground in a rather pitiful state.

This is a brass dragon, a member of the metallic dragon family.

Brass dragons are naturally talkative, their racial nature potentially influencing other timelines' Garons.

For example, Garon himself, influenced by the white dragon bloodline, was rather evil at birth.

Prone to violence, occasionally beating up dragon siblings.

Fond of revenge, harboring resentment for his mother's cold expulsion, seizing her territory and treasures.

But this influence diminishes over time and with growing strength; he has now become more neutral.

Back to the main point, the brass Garon using Time Dragon's Reversal is just over six meters long, with a Black Scale Ring around its neck, desperately fleeing using its acceleration ability, seemingly unaware of other time-related spells.

Buzz! The air vibrates intensely.

A cylindrical pulse of energy descends from the sky.

The brass Garon reacts swiftly, its speed in acceleration state also rapid, but the pulse energy is too fierce, inevitably affecting it.

Grazing past the brass Garon's scales.

Boom! The ground explodes, sand grains torn by the energy into even finer particles, like dust.


Crack, crack, pieces of brass-like scales tear apart, blood spills onto the scorching desert, blooming crimson flowers.

The brass Garon stumbles, its pace disrupted, rolling on the ground, creating a long trench.

"Ah, I'm going to die."

"Which Garon will save me, I'll thank you three thousand times a day, three thousand times."

The brass Garon's plea echoes in Garon's mind.

Garon glances at it.

The brass Garon is very young, not even a year old, its defenses evidently fragile. After being hit, its aura rapidly weakens, and it struggles to maintain its accelerated state, significantly slowing down.

"I can't just watch anymore."

Garon makes a decision.

Without the means of future Garon to reverse time and heal wounds, continuing to watch and not intervening could lead to the brass Garon's death if it's hit by that pulse energy again.

Garon's Black Scale Ring glows, the River of Time around him begins to swirl in reverse.

Time around him freezes.

The power of time within him flows rapidly.

Instantly, a avatar of Garon, formed by the power of time, dives into the vortex created by Time Dragon's Reversal.

Simultaneously, another cylindrical pulse of energy targets the brass Garon from above.

At this moment, the brass Garon, depleted of time power and unable to use its acceleration state, injured and slowed, faces despair under the fast-approaching pulse energy attack.

It can't evade.

The scent of death approaches, as if a giant hand grasps its heart.

The brass Garon instinctively closes its eyes.

But a few seconds later, the anticipated pain doesn't arrive.

It feels the fluctuation of time power, its expression relaxing, slowly opening its eyes.

Time around them stands still.

The swirling sands in the air remain motionless, suspended particles create an eerie scene.

The enemy hundreds of meters away also freezes mid-air.

The attacker's strike also halts, leaving a distorted path in the air.

The brass Garon looks up.

Under the blazing sun, shimmering silver scales and unevenly distributed majestic horns of a massive twenty-meter-long silver dragon... this avatar of time power enters the brass Garon's sight.

"Why did you take so long? I was almost dead."

The brass Garon is momentarily stunned, then looks at its bloodied, mangled flesh, mumbling softly.

Garon hovers in mid-air, calmly glancing at the brass Garon.

Its wounds seem severe but are mostly superficial; vital areas like organs and bones are unharmed, retaining some mobility.

When he was hit by the decree of death, he was on the brink of hell.

"Be grateful, I came quickly enough."

Garon internally criticizes.

However, outwardly, he maintains the dignity and mystery of future Garon.

"Life is long and dull; we must find small joys."

"Injuries become increasingly rare over time; cherish this rare experience."

He repeats the words of future Garon.

Hearing this, the brass Garon's expression darkens, its lips buzzing, but it remains silent.

What it thinks, Garon can only guess.

Hopefully, it's not some special 'legacy' of the time dragon.

Then, Garon's gaze shifts to the enemy that forced the brass Garon to use Time Dragon's Reversal.

It's also a dragon.

A dragon covered in deep blue scales with a metallic sheen, fierce and formidable, twenty-five meters long.

Its snout is large, with protruding teeth at the front of its jaws, and a pair of modest horns extending from above its eyes. Its tail is long and thin, unlike most true dragons.

"A ferrous dragon, cobalt dragon?"

Garon is slightly taken aback.

The ferrous dragon family, also known as heavy metal dragons.

Cobalt, iron, nickel, chromium... these heavy metal dragons were once part of the metallic dragon family but were expelled by Bahamut after internal conflicts and defeats, becoming the heavy metal dragon family.

Heavy metal dragons are sworn enemies of metallic dragons.

The most powerful, the iron dragon, can compete with red and silver dragons of the same age without falling short.

As for cobalt dragons, they are slightly weaker than blue dragons but definitely stronger than green dragons at the same age.

"I haven't heard of heavy metal dragons existing on Noah's continent."

In the most common true dragon classifications, heavy metal dragons no longer exist.

Their numbers are exceedingly rare, and Garon didn't expect to encounter a heavy metal cobalt dragon this way.

Since it's not his true body but an avatar formed by time power, with the passage of time and usage of abilities, Garon can't stay long, so he ends the time stop.

The dry desert wind resumes, sand spreading anew.

The world becomes hazy, veiled in a layer of yellow mist.

Simultaneously, the twenty-five-meter-long cobalt dragon's expression suddenly changes, revealing a puzzled look.

It was affected by the time stop but couldn't sense the fluctuation of time power.

In the cobalt dragon's mind, it had just launched its magnetic pulse breath, but before hitting its target, its vision blurred, and it saw this massive silver dragon.

Was it invisible here all along?

The cobalt dragon bares its crisscrossing fangs, its gaze turning fierce.

The enmity between heavy metal and metallic dragons is like fire and water; upon meeting, they must fight, even ignoring the dragons' unwritten rule of internal conflicts without fatal outcomes, killing the opponent if they have the upper hand.

Neither the five chromatic nor metallic dragons share this level of hatred.

The metallic dragon deity, Bahamut, doesn't intervene much, as long as his beloved gold dragons aren't harmed.

Encountering a silver dragon for the first time, and without legendary insight, the cobalt dragon judges Garon as a silver dragon due to its assistance to the brass dragon.

Like many who first encounter Garon, it mistakes him for a silver dragon.

The deep-seated hatred ignites fierce flames in the cobalt dragon's eyes, fixating on Garon.

Such a long day... Only monthly tickets can comfort the author's weary soul.

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