Time Dragon - Chapter 191

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:09:18 AM

Chapter 191

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"My friend, what do you mean by this?"

The Flame Steel City lord's somewhat icy words reached Garon's ears, causing the flames on his body to churn uncontrollably, a clear sign of his inner turmoil.

Due to a previous incident of being stood up, the Flame Steel City lord had never truly liked Garon, viewing dragons as arrogant and disrespectful towards himself, a fellow legendary being.

Now, just as he was about to end his grudge with the Stone City lord, he was obstructed again... The Flame Steel City lord was very dissatisfied.

After hearing the Flame Steel City lord's words, Garon remained unfazed and stopped his breath attack.

The silver dragon flapped its wings, pushing away the surrounding flames with a gust of wind, his platinum pupils reflecting the image of the Flame Steel City lord.

He grinned, looking into the Flame Steel City lord's fiery eyes, and said, "The body of a legendary earth giant is a precious material. It's a pity to destroy it in your flames. How about giving it to me? I'm very interested in it."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Flame Steel City lord's expression darkened.

He had struggled against the Stone City lord for many years, the two being irreconcilable enemies.

But this did not mean they had personal vendettas.

Their endless battles stemmed from irreconcilable differences in stance.

In fact, as legendary elemental giants living in the lava demi-plane, the Flame Steel City lord and the Stone City lord had many interactions and a complex relationship.

The Stone City lord could turn to ashes under his flames.

That was the fate of the defeated.

However, turning the body of an elemental into one's collection, a practice Garon saw as normal, was intolerable for elemental beings, much like how necromancers were always looked down upon.

"I'm afraid I can't agree to your request."

"This war is between us elemental beings. How to deal with the defeated is my right."

The Flame Steel City lord's voice was flat and indifferent.

He suppressed his anger, not wanting to confront Garon directly at this moment.

Because the other earth elementals on the battlefield had not yet been eradicated, and confronting Garon now, although not feared, was less optimal than first clearing the earth elementals.

Once the earth elementals were eradicated, the earth elemental energy in the lava demi-plane would also weaken.

This would greatly increase his strength.

Then dealing with the legendary dragon from the material world would not be too late.

After speaking, the Flame Steel City lord once again unleashed flames towards the scattered stones, but was once again intercepted by Garon.

At this point, the flames on the Flame Steel City lord's body were boiling.

"Without my help, you couldn't have defeated the Stone City lord."

"So, I cannot agree with what you've said."

Garon shook his head, locking eyes with the Flame Steel City lord, his voice deep.

"Then, it's unfortunate, but it seems we can no longer call each other friends."

The Flame Steel City lord also shook his head, and in the next moment, a torrent of flames rolled off him, his voice growing more irate.

"This is the elemental plane, the home field of elemental beings!"

"Opposing me here, Garon, you should consider the consequences."

The Flame Steel City lord called Garon by his name, dropping any pretense of friendliness.

Unbeknownst to when, some elite fire giants had left the battlefield, gathering around. On Garon's side, two red dragons and two human spellcasters quietly gathered, boldly confronting the fire giants.

Garon chuckled, no longer wasting words with the Flame Steel City lord.

He wanted the Stone City lord's body materials, and the elemental core of the legendary fire elemental was also his target. Regardless of how the Flame Steel City lord had responded, the situation would have ended up the same.

Garon would not give the Flame Steel City lord a chance to increase his power.

He was well aware of the connection between the elemental plane and elemental beings.

"Very well, it seems you've made your choice."

The Flame Steel City lord, seeing Garon ignoring him, his gaze darkened.

In the next moment, a sword forged of flames was raised high, and with a frigid slash, it was directed at Garon through the air.

The surrounding fire giants also unleashed flames, augmenting the Flame Steel City lord's attack.

Thus, a torrent of flames surged forth, carrying terrifying heat, rolling forward like waves on a raging sea.

Just then, the ground suddenly began to shake and rumble.

A sinister, dark green figure was faintly visible through the cracks in the ground.

Amidst the breaking sounds of the earth, a serpent dragon over thirty meters in length burst through the damaged surface behind the Flame Steel City lord, its body coiling and roaring, sharp claws reaching for the Flame Steel City lord's back.

Having just launched a full-force attack, the flames on the Flame Steel City lord dimmed slightly.

But this did not mean that creatures below legendary could pose a threat to him.

"I've already noticed you!"

"Foolish little thing."

The Flame Steel City lord suddenly turned around, the flaming giant sword sweeping across, the flames condensing into a blade, cutting through the serpent dragon's claws through the air.

Instantly, like a hot knife through butter, the flaming blade easily sliced through the dark green dragon scales, cutting through flesh, severing the serpent dragon's claw, with flames still swirling around the severed part.

However, under this strike, the Flame Steel City lord did not see fear or panic in the cruel little eyes of the serpent dragon.

He saw rising malice and satisfaction.

He saw in the wide-open mouth of the serpent dragon, among the crisscrossing fangs, a dark figure flickering in and out of visibility.

In that instant, the dark figure burst forth, shooting out from the mouth of the serpent dragon.

The long-hidden Balton, upon leaving the serpent dragon's mouth, grew in the wind, quickly becoming an eighteen-meter tall, tower-like black giant.

In the hands of the black giant was a cold, white, massive battle axe.

The grim axe blade flashed with a painfully bright cold light.

At the first sight of this huge battle axe, the Flame Steel City lord's heart tightened, if it had one.

The legendary equipment that had troubled Garon for a long time, especially effective against fire elemental beings due to its frost attribute, immediately put the Flame Steel City lord on full alert. In this unprepared situation, Balton had already approached within less than a hundred meters of the Flame Steel City lord.

For legendary beings, this distance was as close as face to face.

"Where did this legendary frost giant come from!"

The Flame Steel City lord's eyes narrowed, identifying Balton's origin.

In this situation, he had no time to think further.

At the critical moment, the Flame Steel City lord's body erupted in flames, overloading his power, then an endless sea of flames emerged between Balton and the Flame Steel City lord, like a waterfall of fire pouring down from the heavens.

At this, the Flame Steel City lord breathed a sigh of relief.

Frost beings, if they attempted to break through his flames, would only meet a miserable end.


A roar in the language of giants erupted from Balton.

A sinister, thick

armor crackled, extending from the handle of the axe, suddenly covering the black frost giant's body.

With the Winter Armor equipped, Balton ignored the sky-high flames and charged forward, twisting his waist and gripping the Winter Axe with both arms, aiming a powerful swing at the Flame Steel City lord from below.

The sound of buzzing filled the air as the freezing wind swept up the flames, intertwining red and blue.

The cold axe blade, entwined with flames, sliced upward from the center of the Flame Steel City lord's storm-like lower body.

The Flame Steel City lord's eyes widened in shock, but it was too late to dodge.

As soon as the Winter Axe made contact with the Flame Steel City lord's body, it erupted with intense frost, nearly freezing his body solid. Then, under Balton's immense strength, the cold white Winter Axe flashed past, cutting through the Flame Steel City lord's body.

With a loud boom, flames scattered in all directions.

The cold light of the axe cleanly split the Flame Steel City lord into two, dividing him in half.

This unexpected ambush not only showcased the strategic depth of Garon and his allies but also highlighted the volatile alliances and betrayals among the elemental beings and legendary creatures. In the elemental plane, where power dynamics shift rapidly, even a momentary distraction or miscalculation can lead to dramatic turns in battle outcomes. The presence of Balton, a legendary frost giant, with a weapon specifically designed to counter fire elementals, turned the tide in an already tense confrontation, underscoring the critical importance of choosing allies wisely and the unpredictable nature of

As the Flame Steel City lord's divided form began to fall, the battlefield fell into a momentary silence, a testament to the swift and brutal turn of events. The flames that had once roared fiercely around the lord of fire now flickered uncertainly, as if mourning their master's defeat.

Garon, observing from a distance, allowed himself a small smile of satisfaction. The outcome of this ambush not only weakened a major adversary but also demonstrated the effectiveness of unexpected alliances and the power of legendary equipment when wielded with precision and strategy.

The fire giants, witnessing the downfall of their leader, hesitated, their morale shattered. The elemental beings, bound by their allegiance and the overwhelming presence of their lord, now found themselves leaderless on a battlefield that had suddenly turned against them.

Balton, standing tall amidst the flickering flames, turned his gaze towards the remnants of the fire giants. His imposing presence and the display of sheer power served as a deterrent, making it clear that any further aggression would be met with swift retribution. The frost giant's actions had not only secured a decisive victory but also established him as a formidable force on the elemental plane.

Meanwhile, Garon and his allies began to regroup, their attention now turning to the spoils of their victory and the future implications of their actions. The defeat of the Flame Steel City lord was a significant shift in the power dynamics of the lava demi-plane, opening up new opportunities and challenges for all involved.

The elemental cores and materials from the Stone City lord, now unclaimed in the aftermath of the battle, became a point of interest. Garon, aware of their value, was keen on securing them to bolster his own strength and possibly create new alliances with the materials as leverage.

However, the victory also raised questions about the balance of power within the elemental plane. With the Flame Steel City lord defeated, a vacuum had been created, one that would undoubtedly attract other ambitious elemental beings and adventurers from the material world, each looking to carve out their own domain or secure valuable resources.

As the dust settled, Garon and Balton, along with their allies, began to make plans for the future. They knew that their actions had set in motion a series of events that would reshape the landscape of the elemental plane. The task ahead was to navigate these changes, ensuring their survival and dominance in a world where alliances were fragile, and power was the ultimate currency.

Thus, as the battlefield quieted, the victors took a moment to reflect on their triumph and the path that lay ahead. The elemental plane was a realm of endless possibilities and peril, where the only constant was change. For Garon and his newfound allies, the journey was just beginning, a journey fraught with danger but also ripe with opportunity.

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