Time Dragon - Chapter 199

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:09:10 AM

Chapter 199

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Time flies quickly.

After Yuna decided to leave her comfort zone and temporarily follow Garon, she played in his dragon lair for a while before returning alone to her lair at the crystal wall boundary to collect her modest treasure collection.

As for her dragon lair, since it was built in the semi-solid, semi-liquid lava river and entirely supported by Yuna's power, it had no structure of its own.

When Yuna decided to leave, abandoning the dragon lair was very simple.

The moment the power dissipated, the original lair collapsed under the pressure of the lava, and the vacant area was completely filled with scorching lava.

Now, Yuna has once again built a simple nest near Garon's lair using her power.

Compared to before, it was still rudimentary.

In Garon's view, a lair constructed solely with power was akin to randomly digging a hole in the mountainside.

Only dragons like Yuna, who don't care much about their living environment, could stay in such a rudimentary lair.

However, under Garon's orders, the fire dwarves were using decent building materials to help her renovate and expand it. In the lava demi-plane, mineral resources were abundant, making it easy to build dragon lairs.

At the foot of the volcano, on a dry and scorched ground.

A silver dragon stood, focused, with a commanding dragon aura emanating from him.

Garon quietly chanted spells, the magic within him surged, guided by his mental power into the already inscribed spell model, quickly forming an elemental glow in the shape of a door.

Soon, as the chant neared its end, ripples began to disturb the surrounding space.

Like ripples in a lake caused by raindrops, they started small but quickly grew into tumultuous waves.

The space, like a mirror, visibly twisted into folds and rapidly expanded in all directions, turning the folds into cracks that outlined a door.

Meanwhile, Garon stopped chanting without uttering the final syllable.

The portal did not fully open.

However, upon observing the spatial anomalies, he knew he had successfully mastered the art of plane teleportation.

"This is the first high-level spell I've learned, worth commemorating."

Garon's eyes shone with joy.

Learning high-level spells was not easy. If it weren't for his close encounter and understanding of the crystal wall at the plane's boundary, giving him some insight into the principles of portals, it would have taken him at least a few more weeks to learn.

Ordinary spellcasters might spend years in seclusion without mastering a high-level spell.

As the supply of magic power was cut off, the spatial cracks, like wrinkles on fabric, were smoothed out by an invisible hand, disappearing in an instant.

"It's time to return to the Noah Continent."

Garon looked up at the sky.

There was no sun here; the sky was filled with rolling flames, serving as endless sunlight, making the weather of the lava demi-plane perpetually red, without day or night, unique in color.

After getting used to the sultry air filled with sulfur, Garon began to miss the cool, fresh air of the northern ice fields.

Though not a true ice dragon by nature, having been born and spent his earliest years in the northern ice fields, Garon had a deep preference for the pristine white scenery of snow-covered landscapes.

"Garon, won't you eat some?"

"This grilled Red Ridge Spine Beast meat is really delicious."

Yuna's mumbling voice came from the side, seemingly chewing on food.

Garon shifted his gaze from the flame-filled sky back to Yuna, not far away. Her radiant scales, reflecting all light, shimmered with a ruby-like luster, mirroring the tumbling flame clouds.

She was eating.

Force dragons could replenish their strength by absorbing energy from force fields, but they could also eat like true dragons, though it wasn't necessary.

Having not eaten proper food for a long time, Yuna was enjoying her meal, continuously chewing, leaving only a roasted leg of the nearly ten-meter-long giant beast.

The Red Ridge Spine Beast, a large, docile beast in the lava demi-plane, resembled an oversized red wild boar in appearance, providing ample meat but was relatively tame and could be domesticated. Its ability to grow by eating soil, similar to dragons, made it a vital source of sustenance for many creatures in the lava demi-plane.

"No thanks, you enjoy."

Garon glanced at the beast meat covered in Yuna's saliva and shook his head.

He had eaten enough Red Ridge Spine Beasts upon his arrival to find their taste average and texture monotonous. Now, he had little interest in them.

Moreover, Garon's appetite had actually decreased. Without considering the pleasure of eating, consuming food equal to his weight could sustain him for a month or two without needing more.

This was a significant reduction compared to his time as an extra-large dragon, where he consumed food several times his weight weekly.

Now, as he breathed, traces of the Chrono River's water also provided him with a strange energy, allowing him to replenish his strength to some extent.

He couldn't rely solely on energy fields for sustenance like force dragons yet, but he believed that with time and growth, he might sustain himself just by consuming the Chrono River's water. However, as a food enthusiast, Garon would occasionally indulge in eating for pleasure.

Yuna responded with an "oh" and finished the remaining meat with relish, licking her lips with satisfaction.

Garon, looking at Yuna, suddenly became curious, "Where did you live before? The Prime Material Plane or another outer plane?"

He asked.

Yuna's tone brightened, "I lived with my mother in the Elemental Plane of Air."

"That place is fascinating. There's no ground, only sky above and below, with endless seas of clouds and beautiful scenery. All creatures in the Elemental Plane of Air can fly."

The Elemental Plane of Air, also known as the Wind Elemental Plane, is one of the four major elemental planes.

"I see," Garon nodded.

He then curiously asked, "Do you know how many ancient dragons or stronger beings exist among the force dragons?"

The number of beings capable of contending with gods but not being gods themselves is minimal.

Time dragons are one such example, with the power of time in adult time dragons being considered god-like.

Force dragons and rainbow dragons cannot compare to time dragons, lacking god-like power at adulthood. However, ancient force and rainbow dragons stand at the pinnacle of the multiverse, possessing formidable god-like power.

Yuna, a pure force dragon, likely had ancient dragon support.

However, when faced with Garon's question, Yuna pondered and then shook her head, "I'm not sure. My mother is a mature dragon, far from being an ancient dragon. Besides her, I haven't seen any other force dragon elders."

Dragons typically prefer solitude, with true dragons rarely meeting outside specific circumstances, let alone rare legendary dragon species.

"After leaving the juvenile phase, my mother sent me here."

Yuna lay on the ground, resting her head on her crossed claws, her light purple eyes gently flickering, seemingly reminiscing about the past.

"Before leaving for the Elemental Plane of Air, my mother told me that if I encountered danger before reaching adulthood, an elder dragon beyond ancient strength would cross time and space to come to my aid, so I shouldn't worry too much."

Crossing time and space. Garon was sure he heard correctly.

"Crossing time and space? Not just ordinary plane teleportation?"

Yuna looked slightly surprised, then nodded, "That's what my mother said."

After speaking, she glanced at the Black Scale Ring on Garon, uncertainly adding, "Ancient force dragon elders might also possess time-affecting abilities, but I've never encountered any danger or seen any ancient dragons cross time and space."

Garon's gaze narrowed as he looked at Yuna, pondering.

"It seems very likely that force can influence time."

"Should I attempt to summon an ancient force dragon elder for a detailed consultation?"

He immediately dismissed the thought, considering it disrespectful to use such a protection mechanism for mere curiosity.

Even if Yuna agreed, the elder might reprimand Garon upon discovering the truth.

"Kidnapping a force dragon girl meant to safely reach adulthood and deceiving an ancient dragon elder to cross time and space," Garon mused, "would likely earn me a beating from the ancient dragon. If I used Time Reversal, the future Garon would probably ignore it and enjoy the spectacle."

"Yuna is also a force dragon. By studying together with a direction and goal, we might achieve similar abilities ahead of time."

Garon exhaled deeply, looking at Yuna with a serious expression, "Yuna, I've heard a theory that sufficient force can warp time and space."


"So, I'm thinking, if we activate our abilities together, we might achieve the ability to cross time and space before reaching adulthood."

Garon shared his thoughts with Yuna.

Not all dragons are as tirelessly curious about their abilities as Garon. Over time, even those who sleep continuously naturally gain their destined powers.

Garon wasn't sure if Yuna would agree.

However, after hearing Garon's proposal, Yuna lifted her head, not rejecting but expressing uncertainty, "I'm not sure, but we can try. You seem quite interested."

Garon smiled, admitting, "As a time dragon, possessing the power of time but unable to traverse the past and future is somewhat unbearable to me."

Yuna nodded, then stood up, stretching her dragon wings and tail.

She looked at Garon, puzzled, "So, what should we do?"

Garon found himself at a loss.

He had a general direction but no specific plan.

In his previous life, Garon wasn't a top physicist. He knew theories like gravity warping space-time from the vast network of information but lacked practical implementation ideas.

The concept had only recently occurred to him, and he hadn't thoroughly considered it.

"Let's not rush."

Garon scratched his head, maintaining his composure.

Yuna, lacking curiosity, didn't press further, nodding, "Okay, let me know when you need me."

Shortly after, Yuna returned to her temporary lair.

Garon flew to the volcano's peak, standing on a rugged, dark-brown outcrop, neck slightly arched, platinum dragon eyes fixed on the ethereal river spanning the sky and land, enveloping all life and matter.

"The flow of time is an infinitely vast river, embracing everything within."

"As a being wielding the power of time, I have a deep connection to the river of time, its most cherished creature."

Garon closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

The hot air, mixed with invisible water from the river of time, filled his belly, slightly increasing his power of time.

"Yet, despite this, the river of time remains too vast for me. I understand its mighty power but cannot control it at will."

"Ordinary life is but a droplet in the river, unable to control its movement, merely flowing along. Although I am different, I am merely a small fish, capable of causing ripples but lacking the strength to swim upstream."

Garon sighed softly.

As a legendary creature and eternal dragon owning a demi-plane, he stood at a pinnacle unreachable by many.

Yet, whenever Garon faced the constant flow of the river of time, he felt profoundly small.

He wondered when he could transform from a small fish into a shark, becoming an eternal dragon capable of stirring giant waves in the river of time.

Standing on the volcano's peak, Garon concentrated, closing his eyes.

He deliberately immersed his mental power in the river of time, absorbing the power of time bit by bit, deepening his connection to the river.

A week later.

Underneath the eternal dragon's lair, several creature clans gathered.

Having mastered plane teleportation, Garon decided to return to the Noah Continent, ready to depart.

The Red Flame Staff had been fully charged earlier, capable of opening a stone gate portal with a few gems. However, Garon waited until he mastered plane teleportation to make this decision.

In the shadow of the silver dragon's wings, Anya, with a group of Alpha people, looked up at the eternal dragon.

Additionally, some creature clan leaders chosen by Garon were present, including the fire and earth giant leaders, standing not far from the flesh and blood creature clans.

"I will be away for a while. During this time, the order of the lava demi-plane needs to be maintained by you."

"If other creatures cross planes, coveting my treasure, let them know this place has an owner, not to be trespassed upon."

Garon addressed the clan leaders, his voice deep.

Other creatures might come to the lava demi-plane as Garon did, through various means, intentionally or unintentionally.

Such elemental demi-planes represent incalculable wealth.

Once its coordinates are exposed, it will undoubtedly attract covetous eyes.

Indeed, Garon learned from the ancient elemental giants that before his arrival, numerous legendary creatures had come to the lava demi-plane over eons. However, few came with conquest in mind, and those who did were turned to ash or minced meat by legendary elements.

Not all legendary creatures can intervene in battles among legendary elements.

"Great eternal dragon, rest assured, we will fulfill our duty."

The clan leaders nodded solemnly in response.

Garon turned his gaze to Roel and Gresha, asking, "Do you two want to return for a visit?"

Both red dragons shook their heads, expressing no desire to return, "No, we have no attachments to the Prime Material world; staying here suits us well."

"Good, stay in the lava demi-plane. If there's an emergency, notify me immediately."

Garon handed them an elemental stone.

It was inscribed with spell runes, allowing Garon to sense it being crushed even across planes.

Using communication crystals would not work for cross-plane contact in Garon's case.

High-quality communication crystals capable of such feats are rare.

After giving some instructions, Garon focused, beginning to chant softly.

Space in front of him rippled and cracked, quickly expanding and breaking, eventually forming a massive door tens of meters tall.

As the plane teleportation portal opened, the snowy expanse of the northern ice fields appeared on the other side, with the sun hanging in the sky and snow swirling in the storm, catching the eyes of creatures in the lava demi-plane.

Simultaneously, cold air drifted through.

Hissing sounds emerged as the cold and hot air mixed, producing thick fog.

Without specific coordinates, plane teleportation is risky and unpredictable. However, Garon left many traces in the northern ice fields, making the return trip safe and straightforward.

"Let's go."

Feeling the drain of magic and mental power, Garon urged, feeling slightly uncomfortable. As the spell caster, he had to enter last to maintain the spell.

Upon hearing Garon's command, the high-level spellcasters Krikens and Fred immediately crossed the portal, followed by the slender Frost Forest Serpent Dragon and the towering Dark Frost Giant.

Yuna, invisible, hesitated.

She glanced at Garon, looking somewhat anxious.

As a young dragon who hadn't left home for over a decade, she was now nervously preparing to leave for the Prime Material world.

"Don't worry, I'll follow right behind."

Garon directed his words towards Yuna, speaking softly.

Yuna nodded, took a deep breath, and entered the portal.

Garon didn't delay. With a flick of his wings, he shot through the portal like a silver streak, disappearing from the spot. The portal closed behind him, leaving only quickly evaporating cold fog.

Three turns of autonomy, almost a week!!!

Do I have any monthly tickets to encourage me!!!

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