Time Dragon - Chapter 237

Published at 19th of June 2024 12:56:37 PM

Chapter 237

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Like the time when the Time Reversal was activated before.

As time passed, in just a few seconds, Garon saw through the swirling waters of the river of time a 'Garon' under attack in some unknown timeline.

It was in a lush jungle area.

Amidst the rustling of crisp branches and leaves swaying in the wind, a blue Garon about ten meters in size was fighting several giants.

This blue Garon looked like a blue dragon.

And Garon, with a look of utter astonishment in his eyes, stared at the blue Garon in surprise.

For he had already seen the red Garon, the brass Garon, and even the golden Garon. Now seeing just a blue Garon shouldn't have surprised him so much. The surprise wasn't about this blue Garon's unique identity.

What truly shocked him was that this blue Garon seeking his help was a female blue dragon.

In Garon's aesthetic, this female blue Garon had shiny scales like the color of the clear blue sky. Each dragon scale seemed crafted from sapphire, glittering in the strong sunlight. The ring of fine black scales around her neck was the perfect embellishment, adding a touch of mystery.

Even with many scars on her scales, they couldn't hide the invisible charm emanating from the blue Garon.

"Ah, so it's possible to become female?"

Garon thought to himself.

Since all the other Garons he had seen before were male, he had assumed that all his other selves in different timelines were male. But now it seemed, reality was different from what he had imagined in his mind.

Suddenly realizing that there were possibilities of changing gender, Garon was understandably astonished.

At the same time, he felt relieved that he hadn't turned into a female.

This wasn't because Garon looked down on female dragons or other female creatures. It was mainly because he was male in his past life. Whether due to habit or accepting his new identity, Garon preferred to remain a male creature even if he transformed into another species.

"Garon, what are you looking at so intently?"


Yuna's curious voice entered Garon's ears.

Having merged minds with Garon many times, Yuna could somewhat perceive the changes in the river of time.

She had noticed the emergence of the time vortex but couldn't directly see the vortex or what was happening in other timelines through it.

Though younger than Yuna, she found Garon's character to be quite mature and stable.

Seeing Garon's rarely shocked expression, Yuna was very curious about what he had seen.

"I saw a time dragon asking for my help."

Garon succinctly replied.

Yuna nodded, her eyes full of confusion, "Why does it seek your help? You're so young."

"Shouldn't it seek help from other elder time dragons? Like the golden time dragon who helped you before."

Garon thought for a moment and said, "This is the specialty of us time dragons. The stronger among us help the weaker. It's not necessary to have blood ties or even know each other."

The matter of different timelines and different Garons was complicated and couldn't be explained to Yuna in just a few words.

So he gave her that answer for now.


"So all time dragons help each other."

"I didn't know that."

Yuna realized.

Then, seeing Garon's focus return to the position of the time vortex, Yuna considerately stopped disturbing him.

At this time, Garon hadn't made a move to help, but his attention was fully on the blue Garon.

The battle between the blue Garon and the giants became increasingly fierce.

The enemy that forced her to use the Time Reversal were five true giants.

These giants ranged from ten to twelve meters in height, with rough faces and sturdy bodies. Their exposed limbs showed different colored tough skin. Around their bodies were whirlwinds and thunderstorms, with the howling of fierce winds and the crackling of lightning never ceasing.

These giants were different from the frost giants who were enemies of Garon.

They were storm giants.

Like different dragon species having varying strengths at the same age, different true giant species also had different powers and status.

Among the five kinds of true giants, storm giants' status was akin to red dragons among the chromatic dragons and gold dragons among the metallic dragons.

However, even though storm giants were the strongest among giants, their individual strength was still inferior to red and gold dragons. Although giants were the sworn enemies of dragons, they had always been suppressed by the dragon race in terms of power.

Surrounded by five high-ranked storm giants, the blue Garon, who was only about one and a half years old, seemed very embarrassed.

She could use time stop and had already been recognized by the storm giants as a time dragon.

Other species might hesitate to attack a young time dragon out of fear of the dragon race, but storm giants had no such concerns. They intended to kill this legendary dragon species while it was weak.

With the huge age difference, each of these storm giants was much larger than the blue Garon.

In fact, if it were just one of these storm giants, the blue Garon could fight it by relying on time stop and other time abilities.

But there were five of them, skilled in cooperation.

The five storm giants gradually compressed the blue Garon's space to maneuver.

Everywhere was filled with the chaotic whirlwinds and dazzling thunder they created, and the blue Garon struggled to break free but appeared powerless under the storm giants' attacks.

"Five storm giants not yet of legendary status."

Garon observed the situation.

As the injuries gradually worsened, the increasingly anxious calls for help from the blue Garon through Time Reversal reached Garon's ears.


A cluster of dazzling lightning chains leaped and flickered in the air, extending towards the blue Garon like silver snakes. They shocked her into paralysis, making it hard to control her flight, and she plummeted towards the ground, crashing and breaking the lush trees on her way down.

At the same time.

The five storm giants were positioned in different locations, their muscular arms raised high.

Sizzle sizzle sizzle.

Dazzling electric arcs gathered around their bodies, converging continuously into their right arms, and in a blink, formed several blinding thunder spears.

These thunder spears, more than ten meters long, radiated scorching heat.

Countless tiny electric arcs danced non-stop upon them.

Garon's gaze sharpened, feeling that the moment to act had arrived. It seemed that the blue Garon lacked the ability to defeat or escape from the five storm giants on her own. She indeed needed the help of Time Reversal.

The next moment.

The storm giants roared loudly, their arm muscles bulging as they threw their spears with all their might.



The thunder spears tore through the air, leaving dangerous arcs in their wake, and amidst the ear-piercing sound, they shot straight towards the just-crashed, immobilized blue Garon.

After throwing the thunder spears, the storm giants looked towards the helpless young time dragon with cruel and satisfied eyes.

To find and be about to kill a newly born time dragon was a thrilling prospect for them.


What puzzled these storm giants was that the young time dragon, facing a lethal attack, actually showed a look of joy instead of the fear and despair they expected to see.

In the next second, their confusion was answered.

Just a few meters away from the blue Garon, the thunder spears, as if hit by a pause button, suddenly froze in place.

"Huh? Does this time dragon still have the strength to stop time?"

The storm giants were slightly stunned.


Under the astonished gaze of the blue Garon, a vast amount of time energy emerged from the river of time and quickly condensed into a forty-plus-meter-long dragon form.

This incarnation, formed of time energy, was forty-two meters long from head to tail.

Shining silver scales gleamed brightly, and four majestic dragon horns twisted towards the sky. Powerful time energy swirled around each dragon scale, emanating a mountain-like oppressive force from the silver dragon's body.

The silver dragon spread its wings, its massive body shielding the blue Garon behind it. Its shadow enveloped her, providing a great sense of security.


The blue Garon, looking at the back of the majestic silver dragon, quickly spotted a discrepancy.

"Why is he male!"

"Ah, why did I become a female dragon!"

"It's not fair, not fair!"

"I want to restart!"

The blue Garon lowered her head to look at her slender and graceful figure, her beautiful face filled with displeasure at her female identity. If it weren't for the lack of choice, she would have definitely preferred a male identity.

Garon heard the blue Garon's indignant murmurs.

He was helpless in this regard and could only express his sympathy.

Extending his dragon claw, he lightly waved it, and the thunder spears, full of electric power, shattered, losing their cohesion.

After easily dispersing the thunder spears, Garon stared calmly at the giants, his eyes sharp as blades.

At the same time.

The storm giants, looking at the suddenly appearing super-large silver dragon, felt a tightening in their hearts, sensing an extremely bad omen. Just looking at the cold eyes of the silver dragon, they felt intense pressure and their bodies involuntarily trembled slightly.

The super-large size and profound aura indicated that the opponent was a legendary dragon.

And the prominent rings of black scales on its body marked its identity as a time dragon.

After bullying the small time dragon, the big one had arrived.

The storm giants exchanged glances and, without needing verbal communication, simultaneously made the same decision.

Wrapped in whirlwinds and thunderstorms, they madly ran in different directions.

They sensed the unfathomable power of the silver time dragon, which was definitely not something a few storm giants could withstand. Other than running, they couldn't think of a second option.

"Bullied our time dragon and thinking of running away?"

Garon smiled.

"Watch closely, this is how time power is used."

Garon spoke calmly to the blue Garon.

His voice was low and magnetic.

He had already played the role of an expert in front of his weaker selves in other timelines twice, but Garon felt that he would never tire of it no matter how many times he did it.

Spell-like Ability·Time Division!

His dragon wings vibrated.

Instantly, time energy burst forth, creating numerous dangerous time rifts in front of the storm giants fleeing in different directions.

The enemies who had faced Garon's Time Division before, such as the Moonlight Knights and Grantham, could vaguely sense the dangerous area covered by the time rifts due to their formidable strength.

However, these five storm giants had not yet become legendary. Their creature level ranged from fourteen to seventeen, still a significant distance from legendary status. Unaware of Garon's Time Division, the five storm giants charged headfirst into the time rifts.

Then, the whirlwinds and thunderstorms paused for a moment, their bodies suddenly freezing in the air.

Under the gaze of the astonished blue Garon, the storm giants who had just cornered her now disintegrated and crumbled simultaneously, dying without a chance to react.

Effortlessly annihilating five storm giants, Garon couldn't help but show an enviable look.

"You, you're so powerful."

The blue Garon spoke in clear and melodious Draconic, her voice entirely different from Garon's masculine tone.

Other creatures might not be able to tell, but in the ears of dragons, the difference between female and male vocal tones was significant.

Garon turned to look at the small blue Garon.

"As time goes by, you will also gain this power."

He replied softly.

On the other side, the blue Garon looked Garon up and down and then said with a troubled expression after a few seconds, "Why did I become a female dragon, and in other timelines, is there any way you can make me male?"

"If there is, you must tell me, please!"

The blue Garon looked at Garon with pitiful eyes.

Under her gaze, Garon thought for a moment and seriously said, "You can seek the power of magic. Although I have not studied spells that change gender, with my understanding of spells, such a spell shouldn't be too difficult."

It's just a change of gender.

Transmutation spells can even change species, let alone just gender.

However, this also depends on the creature's race.

Whether the time dragon's physique allows gender transformation was unclear to Garon. If it doesn't allow, the blue Garon would have to accept her fate and the fact that she had become a female dragon.

This isn't too hard to accept.

After living as a female for hundreds or thousands of years, the mere twenty or so years of male experience will eventually be overshadowed by time.

"Magic... I understand."

The blue Garon nodded thoughtfully.

Garon looked around, observing the environment.

A gentle breeze brushed over the towering ancient trees, and the sound of waves hitting the rocks could be faintly heard in the distance.

This was a forest by the sea.

Indeed, both blue dragons and storm giants preferred such environments. Once they encountered each other, it would be a fight to the death.

However, in the air here, there wasn't much scent of dragons, but rather the foul odor of giants wafted in faint strands, making Garon frown slightly.

"How did you get targeted by a few storm giants?"

Garon inquired.

Mentioning storm giants, the blue Garon's face noticeably worsened.

"These damn giants have occupied the most fertile area in the Forest of the Sea, building a giant kingdom there, inhabited by many different species of giants, a very powerful force."

"I was planning to leave the Forest of the Sea."

"But I encountered a group of storm giants on the way out and got targeted by them."

According to the blue Garon, there were quite a few giants in this world.

Garon frowned and asked, "What about the dragon race here? Do other true dragons just let this place be?"

The blue Garon helplessly said, "The overall strength of the dragon race on this continent is inferior to the giants, and they are not as united as them. Not many dragons are willing to come here and invite trouble."

In different worlds, the strength of dragon races varied.

For example, on the Noah Continent, the dragon race was the dominant force, with a far greater number of legendary creatures than other species. But there were also worlds where the dragon race was weak and merely a backdrop.

"Giant Nation"

The platinum dragon narrowed his eyes slightly.

Garon wasn't the type of dragon who liked to seek trouble actively, but that depended on the opponent.

He was more than willing to cause some trouble for the giants.

Since the local dragons couldn't handle it, he would take charge.

However, this also depended on whether his time energy avatar could hold up.

As he had only used one attack to kill several storm giants, Garon still had ample time energy. His body showed no sign of fading, and the avatar was as solid as a real dragon.

However, even in this state, the time energy would gradually dissipate without use.

Garon didn't waste time.

"Which direction is the Giant Nation?"

After hearing Garon's question, the blue Garon was slightly stunned.

But she quickly reacted, pointing in a direction with an excited tone, "To the south, are you going to deal with these damn giants? I can take you there."

Garon looked towards the south.

There, he could smell a more intense disgust.

"No need, I only need a direction, and what I'm going to do is quite dangerous."

"Taking you along means I have to worry about your safety."

To be blunt, the current blue Garon was a burden. She just wanted to watch the excitement, and Garon intended to exhaust all his time energy in this avatar. After using up the energy, he would disappear directly. This time energy might not even be enough to destroy the Giant Nation.

If he took the blue Garon with him, he would have to consider preserving some time energy to take her to a safe place.

"Okay, I understand."

The blue Garon shook her head helplessly.

She wasn't very powerful even at her peak, let alone now with serious injuries.

"Find a safe place to stay."

Garon warned her.

Since time energy was constantly being consumed, he didn't waste any more time.

Under the somewhat reluctant gaze of the blue Garon, the silver dragon's wings stirred up gusts of wind, and its body quickly ascended.


Garon expended time energy to accelerate, and the forty-plus-meter-long avatar turned into a silver streak, tearing through the air and heading rapidly towards the Giant Nation.

Throughout the process, Garon didn't bother to conceal the momentum he caused.

Under the shadow of the dragon wings, every creature living in the forest below, whether ordinary beasts or more powerful magical creatures, shuddered in fear and silence.

After Garon's figure left, the forest gradually returned to normal.

Garon's speed was fast.

And this area was already within the Giant Nation's territory. The place where he saved the blue Garon was not far from the Giant Nation's city.

In just a few minutes.

Surrounded by mountains and dense forests, a towering giant city entered Garon's view. Hundreds of thousands of giants lived there, along with countless giant sub-species and giant followers. The scale of this city was terrifying.

Such giant power was probably a dominant force on this continent.

The scent of giants permeated every inch of the air, causing Garon an innate disgust and annoyance.


The dragon wings slapped heavily.

Rings of airwaves erupted from Garon's body, blasting through the sky in deafening sonic booms in all directions. The mighty wind pressure scattered the clouds, revealing the clear blue sky, while the silver dragon had vanished from its original spot.

Such a huge display naturally attracted the giants' attention.

This giant city housed many legendary giants.

However, with Garon's speed, by the time they spotted the silver dragon circling in the sky, Garon had already reached the airspace above the Giant Nation.

The silver dragon looked down.

Countless huge buildings and innumerable giant figures came into view.

Large and small giants looked up, gazing at the silver dragon in the sky.

In a normal human kingdom, Garon would see countless expressions of awe or fear, but this was giant territory. He didn't see fear on the giants' faces.

Most of their rough faces showed confusion and pity.

After all, if nothing unexpected happened, a dragon appearing in giant territory and being so bold would definitely meet a very miserable end. Even a legendary dragon couldn't wreak havoc in a giant kingdom alone.

At the same time.

A surge of legendary creature's might erupted continuously.

Boom boom boom.

In a volcano-like manner, several legendary giants, at least twenty meters tall, appeared in Garon's view. They weren't all storm giants – stone giants, frost giants, cloud giants, cyclopean giants, true giants, and various giant sub-species were present.

There was even an extremely rare legendary troll.

The number of these legendary creatures was around fifty.

And these were just what Garon could see.

In his perception, there were many more legendary giants in the city who hadn't shown themselves, probably thinking he couldn't stir up much trouble.

"No wonder they could establish a Giant Nation. The giant force here is larger than all the dragons on the Noah Continent combined."

Garon thought to himself.

Then, a thirty-plus-meter-tall purple storm giant spoke with a sinister laugh, "A dragon? You're bold to enter our Giant Nation's airspace!"

The voice of such a giant was like rolling thunder.

Faced with the audacity of their mortal enemy showing up at their doorstep, the giants didn't waste words.

As the legendary storm giant spoke, numerous giants unleashed their abilities, attacking Garon without hesitation. They showed no mercy in their overwhelming numbers. In a moment, countless lightning bolts, storms, frosts, and boulders filled the sky.

These attacks from the legendary giants were incredibly fierce.

Under such an onslaught, Garon inwardly marveled.

Even his true body wouldn't dare to face so many legendary giants alone here.

The silver dragon neither dodged nor evaded.

A low transmutation spell resonated from Garon's mouth.

He was thousands of meters above the ground, and the attacks from the giants couldn't quickly reach him, nor could they interrupt his spellcasting.

Countless fire elemental energies crazily converged, gathering in front of Garon's body.

When the attacks from the giants were about a thousand meters away from Garon.

A small, inconspicuous fireball appeared in front of his body.

Ninth-ring Transmutation Spell·Great Sun Fireball.

A single ninth-ring fireball, naturally, couldn't cause much damage to the giants below.

However, Garon's use of the spell was just the beginning. Once the first spell was successfully cast, the enemies would have the opportunity to witness the terrifying scene created by the combination of time magic and ordinary magic.

When the attacks were three hundred meters from Garon.

Garon smiled slightly, unleashing all his time energy.

Spell-like Ability·Accelerate Spell.

Spell-like Ability·Stacking Spellcasting.

Instantly, to the disbelief of the legendary giants, numerous small fireballs filled with danger and destruction emerged from the void, undulating in front of the nearly transparent silver dragon.

The giants were stunned.

"Goodbye, hope you enjoy this gift."

Garon spoke in the giants' language, simultaneously locking his psychic focus on different areas of the Giant Nation.

With a thought, the small fireballs suddenly vanished into thin air.

The Great Sun Fireball was small before exploding and weaker than an ordinary ninth-ring fireball. But with its high speed, especially accelerated by Garon's time energy, it was incredibly fast.

Almost instantly, they left dozens of dark fiery lines in the air before hitting the ground.

Caught off guard, only a few of the Great Sun Fireballs were intercepted by the legendary giants, exploding in mid-air.

In that moment.

When numerous Great Sun Fireballs almost simultaneously hit the Giant Nation, time seemed to freeze.

Due to the rapid change in the situation, some ordinary giants didn't know what happened. Many ordinary giants still had disdainful expressions towards Garon on their faces. Only those giants who sensed the danger of the Great Sun Fireballs now showed fear.

The attacks from the legendary giants hit Garon.

But before that, the avatar had already dissipated due to the exhaustion of time energy. The giants' attacks nearly tore the sky apart, but they didn't harm any dragon.

At the same time.

Boom boom boom.

Huge fireballs, hundreds of meters in diameter, exploded on the ground.

It was as if several small suns rose from the ground.

Countless light and heat radiated from these 'suns', with shockwaves of heat blasting in all directions. Within the radius covered by the Great Sun Fireballs, buildings melted, the earth cratered, and giants turned to ash. The terrible flames engulfed everything around in a devastating manner.

In the cataclysmic momentum, a large area of the towering Giant Nation turned into a sea of fire.

Countless giants were turned to ash in the flames.


The legendary giants roared furiously.

The Great Sun Fireballs couldn't kill them, and their target wasn't them in the first place. Garon deliberately aimed the fireballs at the more populated and bustling areas of the Giant Nation.

On the other side.

The blue Garon, who had been looking towards the Giant Nation.

The sudden explosion of countless huge fireballs was like the end of the world, greatly shocking her mind.

"Ah, my eyes are going to be blinded."

The intense flash caused the blue Garon's eyes to ache. She wanted to close her eyes but couldn't help watching this rare and terrifying scene.

Soon, even a heatwave visible to the naked eye approached from afar, violently bending the trees around the blue Garon.

Moments later, the Great Sun Fireballs gradually dispersed.

The Giant Nation was ablaze everywhere, with charred remains of giants covered in flames scattered all over. The once mighty and bustling city was now a scene of desolation and ruin.

"Dragons, you all deserve to die!"

The giants' furious roars echoed through the ruins.

But it was just an impotent rage.

Garon slowly opened his eyes.

"Pity, the time energy was used up too quickly, and I didn't get a chance to see the Great Sun Fireballs explode."

For a mortal enemy where it was either you or me, Garon had no psychological burden attacking them. Besides, his hatred for the giants wasn't just due to heritage; it had already begun in the extreme north ice fields.

"You seem very happy."

Yuna saw Garon open his eyes, blinked, and said.

"I just did something that made me feel good."

Garon smiled.

"What is it?"

Yuna was now very curious about the way time dragons help each other.

From her perspective, Garon just closed his eyes for a while, as if sleeping. Although his aura was constantly fluctuating and gradually weakening, his state was clearly not normal. Yuna had been worried about Garon for a while, but now that he had woken up, apart from being a bit weaker, there were no other negative reactions.

"I just destroyed a giant nation in another timeline."

Garon smiled and briefly told Yuna about what happened.

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