Time Dragon - Chapter 68

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:14:21 AM

Chapter 68

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Inside the dragon lair, the silver-haired, fair-skinned silver dragon Luna stood delicately before Garon, a slight smile on her lips as she looked up at him. She extended her pale hand, cradling a ruby-like stone in her palm.

The stone, shaped like a coiled dragon with fine scales and sharp horns clearly visible, emitted a strong aura of a true dragon—the Dragon Soul Stone.

Even without knowing the effects of the Dragon Soul Stone, Garon felt a powerful innate allure to it, a sure sign of its preciousness.

He stared at the stone, feeling an impulse to snatch it and consume it immediately.

Seeing Garon's captivated gaze, Luna shook the Dragon Soul Stone and looked up, her voice melodic, "Have you considered my offer?"

"Give me Morton's notes, and this Dragon Soul Stone is yours."

She appeared utterly unguarded, not worried in the slightest that Garon might try to take it by force.

Such was the confidence of a mature silver dragon.

Garon withdrew his gaze from the stone and produced the sixteen notebooks, stacking them in the palm of his claw. However, he did not hand them over immediately.

After a moment of thought, Garon murmured, "Luna, you mentioned before that in addition to the Dragon Soul Stone, you promised to help me once. Does that still stand?"

Luna nodded without hesitation, affirming, "Of course, I always fulfill my promises."

Anticipating that Garon might need her assistance, Luna added, "But as I said last time, I won't partake in acts of bullying the weak. I only agree to what I believe is just and good."

Garon handed over the sixteen notebooks to Luna, who then placed the Dragon Soul Stone before him.

Upon receiving the stone, Garon felt an overwhelming urge to devour it, every cell in his body yearning for it.

But now was not the time.

The process of evolutionary slumber required a long duration, and using the Dragon Soul Stone would undoubtedly extend this period. With the human army imminent, he needed to deal with these enemies first before using the stone.

"So, do you need my help with something now?" Luna asked, clearly in a better mood after receiving Morton's notes.

"Yes," Garon admitted.

With the aid of a mature silver dragon, he wouldn't have to be so cautious. Together, they could easily defeat the two thousand strong human army.

Luna's lips curved in curiosity, "What is it? I'll listen before deciding."

Garon chose his words carefully, "An army from a human duchy has crossed the Dragonback Mountains and entered the Northern Ice Plains."

"A human army?" Luna was slightly startled.

Garon continued in a low voice, "They belong to the Moshar Duchy. You can guess why they've come."

Luna frowned slightly, falling silent.

"The Moshar Duchy not only caused the downfall of Morton's nation but also pursued to eliminate his lineage, refusing even to spare two children. Fighting such an evil state shouldn't violate your principles."

After speaking, Garon observed Luna's reaction.

The good-hearted silver dragon looked troubled and, after a few seconds of hesitation, shook her head, "Sorry, Garon, I can't agree."

Pausing, she explained, "Humans are complex, and so are their wars. I never intervene in the conflicts between human nations. Supporting any side is not the right thing to do."

Unlike chromatic dragons, who often engage in human wars for profit, as a powerful silver dragon, she believed taking any side was a form of severe bullying.

Luna declined Garon's request, but he wasn't disappointed, having anticipated this response.

Metallic dragons are steadfast in their principles, rarely changing their minds.

Garon didn't press further. Instead, he asked, "What if this army finds you and demands Morton's descendants from you?"

With a gentle smile, Luna replied, "If anyone dares challenge the dignity of a silver dragon, I wouldn't mind teaching them a painful lesson."

Her voice conveyed supreme confidence.

No human would want to provoke a metallic dragon. If they knew Morton's ally was a mature silver dragon, only a fool would attack Luna.

Not to mention whether they could even match a mature silver dragon and her kin; the repercussions from the metallic dragons could easily devastate a nation.

"Don't underestimate human combat abilities; many young dragons have died at their hands due to arrogance."

"If you are determined to fight this human army, you might consider seeking help from other dragons. It's not a disgrace."

Luna didn't linger, leaving after making her suggestion.

Back in the Ice Cliff dragon lair, Garon pondered.

Other dragons?

He didn't need many—just one more mature true dragon's assistance, regardless of its type, would give Garon complete confidence to permanently trap that human army on the Northern Ice Plains without much effort.

Considering Luna's advice seriously, he thought about Crystal Dragons and White Dragons. Crystal Dragons might not want to get involved, but White Dragons...

Garon knew the nature of ordinary White Dragons well—they would do anything for profit, completely devoid of scruples.

"I know of three White Dragons, the most familiar being the White Dragon Mother, and two others I don't know."

Garon already had an idea.

Compared to two complete strangers, Garon preferred to negotiate with the White Dragon Mother.

With the Time Mark, he could easily locate her.

Although the White Dragon Mother held a grudge against him for a past robbery, Garon knew that promising her a share of the spoils would surely entice her to cooperate.

He understood the White Dragon Mother well—lazy, covetous of treasures, and very vain. Now that a human army was present, she would likely set aside past grievances temporarily to collaborate with Garon.

Closing his eyes, Garon sensed the location of the Time Mark.

Northeast of the Ice Cliff dragon lair, about four hundred li away.

With his speed, this distance wasn't far, allowing him to make a round trip before the human army reached his ideal ambush site, with plenty of time to spare.

"I wonder if the White Dragon Mother has managed to accumulate another small treasure trove."

Garon shook his head, no longer harboring any ill will towards the White Dragon Mother.

If it weren't for the cold and threatening way he was driven out, he wouldn't have resorted to violently seizing her treasures in the first place.

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