Time Dragon - Chapter 96

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:13:22 AM

Chapter 96

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Under the clear moonlit sky, three colossal dragons bathed in moonlight soared aloft, moving rapidly at thousands of meters in altitude.

Yet no other creature detected their presence.

A dense cloud enveloped the dragons, concealing their figures and aura completely, making them indiscernible even to those who felt the massive air currents as the dragons passed by.

Garon and two mature white dragons together cast a clouding spell that blocked ninety percent of sensory abilities.

With no obstacles in the high sky, the flight in a straight line was swift, and it did not take long for the three dragons to descend upon a continuous range of snow-capped mountains that towered majestically.

Garon looked down, his enhanced vision piercing through the clouds and the darkness, spotting a frost giant tribe thousands of meters below.

Stone walls ten fathoms high and ancient houses as tall as buildings dominated the landscape, with each mature frost giant standing at least five meters tall—this place resembled a fortress more than a tribe.

Nestled against a small snow-capped mountain a hundred fathoms tall, the frost giant's territory spread across a large area at the mountain's base.

At a certain point at the foot of the mountain, Garon noticed several robust frost giants about six to seven meters tall, wielding terrifyingly large axes and hammers, patrolling the area. Their pale blue skin was quite visible under the night sky.

A bright elemental glow caught Garon's attention.

Near the visibly guarded robust frost giants, Garon spotted a dense elemental glow.

It was the elemental glow of a magic crystal, the white quartz, deep within the mountain, yet shining through like candles in the dark night.

"A vein of white quartz crystals lies beneath this small mountain."

Garon discreetly shifted his gaze back to the frost giant tribe.

Indeed, as the White Dragon Mother had mentioned, there were about forty frost giants, with over twenty being adults, each standing tall like iron towers. Some gathered around a large iron cage made from steel, curiously watching the creature inside.

Inside the cage, the White Dragon Mother roared fiercely at the frost giants.

"Filthy and ugly creatures, release the noble dragon, or you shall all taste the wrath of a true dragon!"

With that, she exhaled a frosty dragon breath towards a nearby adult frost giant.

However, as the dragon breath reached the gaps of the iron bars, thick cylindrical bars illuminated with a ring of shimmering runes that blocked the icy assault.

This cage seemed specially designed to hold a white dragon.

Neither frost breath nor claws could break it, especially given the White Dragon Mother's current weakened state.

Her scales were heavily damaged and dented, appearing as if struck by a heavy object, and she also bore several puncture wounds. Her spirit was significantly diminished, making her frost breath considerably weak.

In her prime, the White Dragon Mother would not have been confined by such a cage for long.

The frost giants, not understanding the draconic language, looked at her curiously while excitedly discussing among themselves.

Similarly, the White Dragon Mother did not understand the giant's language, unaware of what the group was saying. However, she clearly recognized the look in their eyes—they saw her as a trophy, thrilled by their capture of a white dragon.

High in the clouds, enveloped by mist, Garon observed the reactions of both the frost giants and the White Dragon Mother.

The White Dragon Mother was not in mortal danger. Alive, the frost giants would not easily kill her as she was their most prized capture.

Meanwhile, Holmes and Graham turned to Garon, asking in a low voice, "My lord, should we attack now, or wait for the kin to arrive before launching an assault?"

Considering the number of frost giants, they were somewhat apprehensive.

Adult frost giants were plentiful, and robust young frost giants were mixed among them, but what was truly terrifying was a massive frost giant with scars across his cheeks standing ten meters tall.

He wore little clothing, similar to the other frost giants, with only a simple piece of animal hide tied around his waist.

Yet, his formidable presence seemed to freeze the surrounding snow and wind.

An elderly frost giant.

A dragon typically reached about four meters at shoulder height when twenty meters long, but an elderly frost giant's sheer size and impact were incomparable.

Like dragons, the older and more robust a frost giant became, the more powerful it was, maintaining peak physical conditions until the end of its lifespan.

"Elder Frost Giant. He might be an elder frost giant, comparable to an extremely old dragon in terms of stage."

Garon did not respond directly to the White Dragon's remarks but continued to scrutinize the frost giant, his expression thoughtful.

Unlike the White Dragon Mother and Grahame, Garon could clearly determine the ages of creatures, a talent specific to time dragons.

Dragons and giants aged four hundred to six hundred years were considered elderly, while those between six hundred and eight hundred were deemed

 extremely old. Beyond that, they reached the ancient stage if they broke through the lifespan limits.

Life expectancy varied, and dragons and giants in the elderly stage could naturally die at any time.

The imposing frost giant that Garon observed was over seven hundred years old, already in the extremely old phase.

Despite his fearsome appearance and aura, he might permanently close his eyes tomorrow, as creatures that break through life limits are exceedingly rare.

Garon's ability to plunder the essence of time was not very effective against ordinary adult frost giants, but it was a deadly attack against stronger, extremely old frost giants.

He felt only a slight threat from the extremely old frost giant, but it was far from dangerous.

At their age, frost giants were still weaker than white dragons in one-on-one combat; extremely old frost giants were not yet legendary creatures and had a considerable distance to reach that level.

However, at this age, it was certain that he had explored many magical disciplines. Garon's gaze shifted subtly, instructing the White Dragon guards, "Do not act rashly for now."

As for the White Dragon Mother, since she was not in immediate danger or undergoing torment, Garon was not as urgent in his plans to rescue her.

Instead, he preferred to let her suffer a bit.

The not-yet-adult White Dragon Mother was arrogant, conceited, and impulsive, now even daring to attack a frost giant tribe alone. Garon hoped this experience would teach her a lesson.

Moreover, a direct attack might alert the frost giants that they were there to save a dragon, potentially leading them to kill the White Dragon Mother first.

Given her current condition and central location within the frost giant tribe, surrounded by the largest number of frost giants, they could kill her in a mere breath.

A cloud separated from the mist, and Garon directed Grahame and Holmes to continue scouting from above while he descended slowly towards a specific location.

Garon's landing spot was the Wolfheart clan's stronghold, nestled among undulating snowdrifts, not too far from the frost giant tribe.

From afar, he sensed the presence of the winter wolves.

His sensing was very accurate for creatures transformed by his dragon lineage, even across great distances.

The winter wolves staying there also detected Garon's arrival, lifting their heads and looking towards the silver dragon whose wings blocked the moonlight.

The wolves bowed their heads, showing respect to Garon.

Upon learning of the White Dragon Mother's capture, the Wolfheart clan's winter wolves knew that a battle was imminent. At this moment, the adult winter wolves, except for going to notify Garon's wolf Lye, were mostly gathered here, surrounded by numerous wild wolves and magical wolves summoned by them.

"Master, shall we launch the attack now?"

The nature of wolves is bloodthirsty and ferocious, and the winter wolves, despite their intelligence, were no exception. Some wolves' eyes gleamed with a fierce light, their sharp fangs flashing coldly, eager to move.

"Wait for the fierce frost tigers and fierce wolves to arrive here, then your Wolfheart clan, leading them, will attack first," Garon paused, then emphasized, "However, do not treat Sulia as the rescue target."

"Your goal is the white quartz vein. Attack the mine directly to draw the frost giants' attention there."

The value of a magic crystal mine was clearly higher than that of a dragon used for display. With the winter wolves leading the fierce species to attack the mine, when some frost giants went to support the mine, Garon would then enter the tribe center to rescue the White Dragon Mother.

He was fast enough to shift some frost giants' attention and confident in rescuing the White Dragon Mother.

After rescuing her and without further concerns, he would then engage the frost giants in a serious fight.

"There's no need to fight the frost giants to the death; retreat while fighting. Your task is just to attract their attention."

Garon instructed the Wolfheart clan.

Frost giants are powerful creatures, individually stronger than winter wolves, and also outnumber them. If they clashed with the frost giants, even with hundreds of wolves assisting, they would suffer heavy casualties in a very short time, which was not what Garon wanted to see.

"Your command will be obeyed."

The winter wolves bowed their heads, their eyes shimmering with excitement and bloodlust.

Simultaneously, the surrounding wolf pack emitted low, growling roars, resonating symphonically across the small area.

Garon vibrated his dragon wings, his massive silver dragon form accompanied by fierce winds and clouds, soared into the sky, and in the blink of an eye, disappeared into the night, blending in and hiding himself.

Before long, the fierce frost tigers and fierce wolves, led by Lye and faster than the other kin, arrived at the winter wolves' stronghold.

In a dim cluster of clouds high in the sky, a pair of platinum dragon eyes appeared intermittently, looking down upon the world below


The winter wolves, their bodies low, moved soundlessly across the snow, not stirring a single sound. The massive bodies of the fierce frost tigers and fierce wolves did the same, moving nimbly across the ground like white specters traversing the far northern ice plains.

These most dangerous hunters under the cover of night were now concealing their presence, under Garon's watchful eyes, slowly approaching the frost giant tribe.

Within the ten-fathom-high walls, the frost giants remained oblivious, still gathered around the cage holding the White Dragon Mother, discussing enthusiastically.

A robust frost giant about seven meters tall, his rough face full of pride, spoke to his kin in the giant's tongue, "The injury on this white dragon's wing was inflicted by me. If not for my damaging its wing, it would have surely escaped."

"Strictly speaking, it counts as my personal trophy."

"After you all have had your look, I plan to take it away. I want to try and tame it."

"If it can't be tamed in the end, then I'll take its head as a trophy."

Since the White Dragon Mother was brought down by their combined efforts, the surrounding frost giants were displeased, starting to argue with the robust frost giant about the ownership of the White Dragon Mother.

The thunderous giant's language rose and fell, while the weakened White Dragon Mother cowered in one corner of the cage, a look of regret and fear gradually surfacing in her eyes.

Meanwhile, the winter wolves led the wolf pack closer to the outer wall of the frost giant tribe.

Pairs of dark eyes twinkled in the night.

Having previously scouted the frost giant tribe, the wolf pack quietly arrived at a blind spot in the frost giant guards' vision, inching closer to the position near the white quartz vein.

The white quartz vein was located at the base of the small mountain, with the frost giant tribe nestled against the mountain. The lowest part of the wall encircling the tribe was still nine fathoms high, with the white quartz vein also situated within the tribe but towards the rear southern side.

The wolf pack was currently advancing towards the southern side of the wall.

Crossing the high wall from this side would allow them to directly rush to the white quartz vein.

There would definitely be obstacles in the middle, but compared to other areas, this was already the weakest defended spot in the frost giant tribe.

"Be careful."

The winter wolves felt elemental fluctuations underfoot, slowing their pace, and led the wolf pack around what might be a magically trapped area.

Slowly, they approached the high wall, their paws touching the ground without a sound, moving silently.

Wolves, their eyes slightly closed, sensed a place where elemental energy was noticeably denser, confirming that it was the white quartz vein. Then, reopening their eyes, they emitted a low growl.

Besides language, the winter wolves could also use howls to communicate with other wolves.

After a low growl from Wolves, the wolf pack immediately understood, their limbs slightly bent, ready to spring into action.

Their bodies low, the fierce frost tigers blended in with the wolf pack, slightly startled, then mimicked the wolves' actions.

The next second, nine white figures leapt up against the moonlight, their limbs touching the wall to gain height once more, and in an instant, they soared over the wall.

With a whoosh!

As soon as they stabilized themselves, the winter wolves turned their heads, opening their mouths filled with sharp interlocking fangs.

Icy frost breath erupted from their muzzles, solidifying into nine icy bridges connecting the high wall and the ground.

Immediately afterward, hundreds of wild wolves and magical wolves, whose jumping ability was inferior to that of the winter wolves, stepped onto the icy bridges.

At the same time, an adult frost giant nearby, feeling the elemental disturbance and detecting an unusual scent, instinctively turned his head to look.


After constructing the ice bridges, the nine winter wolves sprang forward, simultaneously pouncing towards the adult frost giant, their jaws agape, revealing razor-sharp, crisscrossing fangs.

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