Time Dragon - Chapter 97

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:13:21 AM

Chapter 97

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In the eyes of the adult frost giant, the figures of the approaching winter wolves were reflected, causing its pupils to suddenly contract.

"Enemy attack!"

It bellowed, the sound waves rapidly spreading around.

Facing the joint attack of a group of winter wolves, the adult frost giant did not dare to be careless. It bent down and lifted its massive arms like columns.

Crisp sounds of freezing air condensing could be heard as a thick ice crystal shield formed in front of its arms, shielding it from the winter wolves.

At the same time, it pulled out an iron hammer from its waist and swung it in a wide arc towards the winter wolves.

Its reaction speed was notably swift.

However, it was still a beat slower than the winter wolves who had pounced first.

Some of the wolves dodged, while others stepped on the giant's weapons and shield, swiftly bypassing the defense and counterattack. They lunged at the body of the adult frost giant, their maws wide open, ferocious fangs biting down viciously.

Hissing sounds filled the air as the sharp wolf teeth easily pierced through the hard frost-covered skin. Intense pain shot through the arms, knees, and back of the giant, who could not help but howl in agony as it was brought down by the wolves, blood splattering everywhere.

But when it managed to endure the pain and swung its weapon to strike back, it was shocked to find that the winter wolves had already dispersed and were sprinting forward without looking back.

Just as it was about to stand up, its vision suddenly darkened.

A twelve-meter-long enormous tiger leaped over the high wall, followed by hundreds of wolves of various shapes and colors.

The fierce frost tiger landed on the adult frost giant like a white cannonball, its jaws clamping onto the giant's throat before ripping off a large chunk of flesh with a tilt of its head.

The body of the adult frost giant stiffened, making hoarse noises as its pupils gradually dilated.

This unlucky adult frost giant was brought down by the numerous winter wolves and then killed with a single blow by the fierce frost tiger that followed.

The wolf pack surged past its corpse, following the steps of the winter wolves, heading straightforwardly towards the white quartz vein.

Meanwhile, the noise had alerted other frost giants in the tribe.

The enormous frost giants who had been gathered around the White Dragon Mother darkened in expression and strode meteorically towards the location of the winter wolves' attack.

Elsewhere, the wolf pack clashed with the frost giant guards at the white quartz vein.

There were only two guards, both robust adult frost giants, now covered in icy armor and wielding large shields and axes. They managed to repel the winter wolves, fierce frost tigers, and the rest of the pack for a time, but due to being outnumbered, they quickly fell into a disadvantageous position.

Their icy armor cracked open, revealing dense, bloody scratches and wounds caused by spell-like abilities.

However, their counterattacks were equally fierce.

Though the winter wolves, fierce wolves, and fierce frost tigers suffered no casualties, the surrounding area was soon littered with the corpses of wild wolves, most of them gruesomely mangled.

For a regular member of the wolf pack, a hit from one of these robust frost giants meant certain death; there was no chance of survival.

As time quietly passed, the frost giants originally surrounding the White Dragon Mother were drawn away by the noise created by the wolf pack, with even the elderly frost giant being distracted, leaving only two ordinary adult frost giants on guard. The juvenile frost giants hid inside stone houses.

This sudden disturbance slightly startled the White Dragon Mother, who was crouched in the corner of the cage, but then her spirits lifted once more.

She smelled the winter wolves and the fierce frost tigers and felt the dragon lineage aura on them.

"It's Garon's kin."

The White Dragon Mother struggled to her feet with excitement, looking towards the dim sky.

As she saw the frost giants being drawn away, high above, Garon's expression remained as calm as still water, his power over time stirring the river of time.

Accelerated State: Sixfold Speed!

The twenty-meter-long dragon instantly vanished from its spot, surpassing the speed of sound and transforming into a straight silver streak plummeting towards the center of the frost giant tribe.

Feeling the oppressive force from the sky, the two adult frost giants looked up in alarm, only to see a silver dragon falling like a meteor at an incredible speed.

Its speed was so fast that they could only glimpse a fading outline.

"It's a dragon! A dragon is attacking the tribe!"

As they roared, the two frost giants exchanged a glance and then turned their heads towards the White Dragon Mother, their expressions hardening.

They picked up the steel spears beside them, raised them high, and aimed for the heart and neck of the White Dragon Mother.

But around the cage, ripples in the river of time began to emerge, significantly slowing down the flow.

Temporal Delay: Sixfold Slowdown!

Unaware of the effect of the slowdown spell, the frost giants and the White Dragon Mother felt no difference.

Sensing the imminent threat of death, fear and despair appeared on the White Dragon Mother's face. The sharp steel spears reflected in her pale yellow pupils grew ever closer.

Yet, to the outside observer, their actions appeared to be in slow motion, sluggish and stiff.

Before their attacks could reach the White Dragon Mother, Garon would have had enough time to slay them thirty times over.


The silver meteor struck the ground hard, causing the earth to tremble violently and sending shockwaves and gusts of wind rippling through the area. The steel cage shook violently from the impact.

The frost giants who had just arrived at the white quartz vein hadn't even begun their attack on the wolf pack when they heard the deafening noise and turned to look.

As the dust and air cleared, the massive form within became visible.

The silver dragon's body, its scales tightly fitted together, reflected the clear moonlight. Its four robust and winding horns glistened coldly, and a pair of platinum dragon eyes shone brilliantly.

Each of the silver dragon's claws was wrapped around the head of an adult frost giant, pinning them to the ground, immobilized.

Lifting his head, Garon met the gaze of the other frost giants looking his way.

The shoulders of the ten-meter-tall, significantly larger than typical, elderly frost giant sank, and in the language of the giants, it roared, "So it is you, despicable and dishonorable dragonkind!"

As it roared, the giant leaned back, raising its arms high. A giant ice spear, radiating a chilling cold, formed instantly in its hand and was hurled with a powerful whoosh, cutting through the air towards Garon's head.

Garon watched the approaching giant ice spear and smiled, his fangs bared slightly.

A slight pressure from his claws.


The bodies of the two adult frost giants, still struggling, suddenly stiffened as Garon, with the ease of handling chicks, snapped their necks.

At the same time, the swift giant ice spear mysteriously slowed down, its trajectory clear and visible, allowing Garon to simply tilt his head slightly and avoid it without any risk.

The elderly frost giant, witnessing this, blinked in surprise, its expression turning grave.

Having lived for hundreds of years and possessing extensive experience, the elderly frost giant looked at the two dark scale rings on Garon's body, feeling a sense of familiarity but unable to place exactly why at that moment.

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