Published at 11th of April 2024 05:08:23 AM

Chapter 109: Confession (1)

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Chapter 109: Confession (1)

Ray stopped when he discovered an amusing game in the market.

Wow, this looks fun.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

What is it?

Look. Its about hitting that target with this dagger.

It resembled a dart game.

Hitting the target accurately enough times seemed to yield a prize.

After assessing the distance, Ray asked the owner,

How much to play?

Three copper coins.

Ray put down a silver coin and asked,

But the targets are at different distances?

The owner, who had a scar on his face, explained,

Different prizes for each distance. For you, the closest target should be suitable.

Iriel chuckled at the owners suggestion, considering it an understatement of Rays swordsmanship skills.

Joining her laughter, Ray pointed at the farthest target.

Then Ill go for the farthest one.

Its your choice, the owner replied, handing Ray five daggers.

Ray grinned and performed a feat by throwing three daggers simultaneously.

Each dagger, thrown at varying speeds, hit the targets center perfectly.

Thud- Thud-

His skillful throw embedded the daggers hilts in the target.

The owner alternated his gaze between the target and Ray, in disbelief.

Has he been trained in professional dagger throwing? Such accuracy seemed beyond human capabilities!

Hitting the center with all five daggers was akin to the skill of an expert assassin!

Ray, seeing the stunned owner, extended his hand.

The prize, please.

He hadnt expected much, but since he had succeeded, he should receive the prize.

The owner sighed and said,

Just a moment.

He disappeared into the back of the shop and returned with something in his hand.

He handed it to Ray, revealing a necklace.

It featured a yellow gem and was adorned with antique patterns, emitting faint mana. It resembled an artifact.

Ray examined the necklace and asked,

This necklace?

Its a magical artifact. Not very expensive, but not cheap either.

Oh. What kind of magic does it possess?

Its enchanted with a Shield spell. It seems to be single-use, but it activates automatically in danger.


Rays expression displayed slight disappointment.

A single-use shield? His own shield magic, activated with a word, was more effective.

It seemed unnecessary to him. The artifact he actually needed was another question.

Ray approached Iriel, who was standing nearby.

He gently lifted her hair.

Surprised by his sudden move, her neck turned red.

Ra Ray.

Wear this.

He placed the necklace around her neck.

Their closeness while he was fastening it almost looked like an embrace.

The owner watched and commented,

Definitely lovers, what else.

Unable to find a rebuttal, Ray acknowledged that the situation indeed looked like that of a couple.

Iriel quietly asked,

Is it okay for me to accept this?

Its a thank-you for taking me out today. Besides, you know I dont need this.

Then Ill gladly accept it. Hehehe.

Ray smiled, watching her cover her mouth as she laughed.

Ignoring the shopkeepers strange looks, they left the shop.

Ray reacted strongly to the accusation.

Eavesdropping? That was a misunderstanding!

He swore he hadnt been listening intentionally. His hearing was just too good!

Iriel didnt seem to mind much.

Well, it doesnt matter. But covering your ears until I finish bathing would be a bit absurd.


The sound of her entering the tub reached him.

Ray shook his head and removed his robe.

Wearing it all day had become stifling.

He removed the long robe, and his white hair cascaded down, revealing an elf-like appearance.

He took off his tight boots and leather clothes, finally feeling relief.

Ah Thats better.

Freeing himself from the confines felt surprisingly liberating.

Iriel called out from her bath,

Ah~ Today was fun. Where shall we explore tomorrow?

Ray responded,

Anywheres fine, isnt it?

Really~? Does that mean as long as Im with you, any place is good?

That sounds a bit odd but its not entirely incorrect.


Her perplexed expression seemed almost visible from here.

Ray tidied his clothes and then cast a spell on himself.

Ray uttered, Clean.

Instantly, fatigue vanished, and his body felt clean and refreshed.

The robe he had worn all day had made his skin feel stuffy, but now it felt as fresh as if he had just showered.

Magic is indeed convenient.

Soon after finishing her bath, Iriel emerged with slightly damp hair.

Her appearance, fresh from the bath, was almost seductive. Was it her renowned beauty in the Holy Kingdom that made her so alluring?

Iriel, fixing her hair, looked at the bed.

Theres only one bed.

Theres nothing we can do. Its a single room. If we lay the robe on the floor, it could serve as a makeshift blanket.

Ray laid the robe on the floor, creating a rough but sleepable surface.

Cold was not an issue for him.

Iriel shook her head.

I cant let a saint sleep on the floor. Lets share the bed.

If youre okay with it, I dont mind.

She seemed strangely happy.

Lets sleep early since well start exploring in the morning!


They climbed onto the bed together.

The bed was not large, and with only one blanket, they had to lie close to each other.

An awkward silence filled the air.

The closeness was a new experience for both, which made the situation even more awkward.

A sweet fragrance wafted from Iriel.

Their shoulders and thighs subtly touched in the narrow bed.

Their breathing and even the sound of their heartbeats were audible at this close distance.

Even though they usually didnt think about it, it was impossible not to be conscious of each other now.

In the dark room, Iriel, with flushed cheeks, turned her head.

Even the always perfect saint was just a woman, feeling shy in such a situation.

Her heart thumped audibly.

Rays heartbeat was probably just as clear to Iriel.

Then, Iriel spoke, her head still turned away.



Her voice trembled, as if she was desperately holding back embarrassment.

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