Published at 11th of April 2024 05:19:56 AM

Chapter 11: The Beginning Of Swordsmanship (2)

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Chapter 11: The Beginning Of Swordsmanship (2)

Eil pointed at the sky, his urge to scream out loud overwhelming him.

At fifteen, hes using Sword Aura? I could barely mimic it when I was over twenty!

Having mastered Sword Aura at the age of twenty, Eil was far from untalented.

No, on the contrary, he could be regarded as a prodigy.

But what about Ray, who had entered the realm of Aura users at the tender age of fifteen?

Hahaha That concludes todays lesson.

Eventually, Eil admitted defeat.

Observing this, Saein commented disdainfully,

Is that all for today? At least you werent defeated.

Eh. Defeated? Are you suggesting I should beat my own son?

Isnt learning through punishment a valid method? Continue the lesson, teacher.

Having said that, there was nothing more to add.

He clenched his teeth and channeled mana into his sword.

In an instant, a blue aura congregated on the sword, and the Sword Aura ascended.

The aura was undeniably denser than Rays, distinct from Rays, which was formed merely by comprehending mana.

Eil smirked and declared,

Alright, now were really starting.

Seeing his stance, Ray swallowed hard.

Am I truly going to learn through punishment?

Ray enjoyed dealing blows but not receiving them.

Furthermore, the idea of being hit by another man was utterly unacceptable.

He tightened his grip on the sword handle, and immediately Eils sword swung towards him.

His Sword Aura, radiating a sharp force, was intercepted by Rays sword.


Though it should have been the sound of wooden swords clashing, a noise resembling the friction of metal resonated, and sparks scattered everywhere.

Im going to be forced back at this rate.

Rays expression turned serious.

His hastily constructed Sword Aura was weaker than Eils.

No matter how much he channeled his pure and orderly mana into the sword, the sword of a genuine Aura user, forged through experience and enlightenment, was unimaginably powerful.

In the end, before the test of strength commenced, Ray had no option but to retreat.

Furthermore, Eil was in a state of physically enhancing himself with mana, which made him several times faster and stronger than Ray.

Ugh. It hurts

Rays grip was torn due to the brief collision, unable to withstand the shock.

If it continues like this, Ill keep getting pushed back. I need to find a way

The more he thought about it, the more he realized he relied on magic.

Furthermore, facing Eil who continuously attacked without waiting like before, it was not easy to even think.

On the other hand, Eil was at ease.

Hahahaha. Dont worry too much. Ill remove the aura when I hit you.

Ray gritted his teeth at his fathers annoying words.

Its come to this. Ill push through with quantity!


Ray sighed and once again retreated.

He then began to absorb all the surrounding mana without leaving any behind.

It felt as if the air itself was moving.

Eh, eh?

This was the first answer to his ceaseless prayers since his papacy began.

Despite his tears, Lord Gaia continued to speak.

[My child of faith, seek the new saint. Find him in the nation of Silia, the one with white hair.]

As her voice echoed, the Pope tilted his head in puzzlement.

Is that all?

Instead of a compliant reply, the Pope questioned as if wondering if that was truly everything, and she responded.

[What do you mean?]

In the Kingdom of Silia, there are many people with white hair. Even in our Holy Kingdom, there are a significant number. Searching for a saint in such a place could result in the worst-case scenario of not finding him until his death.

Gaia sighed at the Pope, who was lowering his head as he spoke.

[The new saint is fifteen years old. Find him and bring him to the Holy Kingdom.]

Yes, I understand.

As the Popes response echoed, the voice that had been lingering in his mind vanished without a trace.

It felt as if he had just awakened from a dream, and a small sigh escaped the Popes lips.

The joy of finally receiving a response from the god he worshipped did not diminish.

Even though he seemed to sigh at the end.

The following day, the Holy Kingdom promptly informed the Kingdom of Silia that they would be searching for the saint.

Given that the revelation had been granted, if Silia refused, the Holy Kingdom would declare a holy war, leaving Silia with no choice but to comply.

The Holy Kingdoms delegation and intelligence agency were the first to go to the Kingdom of Silia, followed by the dispatch force that would begin the search for the individual.

The dispatch force was composed entirely of holy knights, clerics, and priests.

Their combat power naturally surpassed that of a typical knight order.

The dispatched force was divided into three groups: the upper, middle, and lower guards. The upper guard consisted of the most skilled individuals.

Following them were the middle and lower guards. Typically, when the three groups were united, the upper guard assumed the role of leadership.

Given their trait of enhancing their divine power as their faith increased or as they earned their gods trust, the upper guard usually had the oldest members, while the lower guard had the youngest.

Two knights from the lower guard were in conversation.

The new saint is quite young, isnt he?

We already have a holy woman, and now theres a revelation about a new saint

Well, if we gain one more saint, our Holy Kingdom will expand even further.

True Theres never been such an instance in history.

In the history of the continent, including the Holy Kingdom, there had never been a period when two saints and a holy woman emerged in the same era.

Since the Pope, who had received a revelation from their god, had issued the command, they were not seeking a potential saint, but a saint who was a child.

Unlike the holy woman who came to the Holy Kingdom, was baptized, and received divine power from the god, this child was a saint from the start.

They were eager to see what kind of child he would be.

An upper guard cleric noticed their chatter and issued a warning.

Do not create a disturbance. We are about to uphold the divine words of our lord. I will not tolerate any frivolity.

At his words, the two knights immediately straightened their stances and lowered their heads.

We apologize. We will be more careful.


Accepting their apologies, the cleric slightly shook his head.

He understood too.

Being young, it was inevitable that they would be unrestrained.

Even in the Holy Kingdom, it remained a secret to other countries, but there were instances where young and energetic holy knights, clerics, and priests violated the doctrine and were excommunicated.

Leading the lower guard involved handling a plethora of nonsensical matters, and there were also those who slipped into the forest to secretly share their love.

He had sternly reprimanded them, but the cleric understood that it was not easy for them to live a life of restraint and devotion to God alone.

Thats why he deliberately spoke more strictly to instill discipline in them.

To prevent reaching the worst-case scenario.

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