Published at 11th of April 2024 05:08:19 AM

Chapter 112: Dros

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Chapter 112: Dros

In the midst of this, deploying troops to address both the flying monsters and those of the stronger ranks was no simple task.

Securing mercenaries to manage the rebellion and the monsters appeared to be the solution.

Having completed their meal, the trio exchanged glances and rose from their seats.

Ray turned to the four mercenaries.

Weve finished eating, so well be taking our leave now. It was nice chatting with you.

You never know, we might cross paths again on the road. Its a small world, after all. Hahaha.

The two young men laughed robustly, with Ray nodding in response.

That is possible.

With that, Rays party exited the tavern.

Stepping outside, Iriel exhaled deeply.

So, people like that can become part of a mercenary band.

Its a large group, but Bilrocl sustains itself through sheer numbers.

Aira clapped her hands once.


Lets not dwell on that for now Shouldnt we be enjoying the moment?

Ah Yes, youre right.

Iriel concurred with Airas proposal.

Why should they fret over such matters when they could savor the present, especially after the previous days enjoyment?

Ray had set out to have fun in the first place, having left the Academy for that very reason.

Aira grinned mischievously and stealthily took hold of Rays hand.

As he glanced at her, she tightened her grip and remarked,

We wouldnt want to get lost, would we?

She, who had traveled between kingdoms in the blink of an eye using a teleportation gate from an elf village, said this.

Iriel glanced at Aira with a hint of disapproval but Aira continued to clasp Rays hand undeterred.

The trio meandered away from the tavern, eyes peeled for entertaining pursuits.

Before long, Airas curiosity was piqued by a particular shop.

Hmm. This shop looks intriguing.

The signboard bore the inscription:

Have or Discard.

Following Airas lead, Ray and Iriel stepped into the shop.

Inside, they found several tables where numerous individuals were lost in deep contemplation.

Curiously, they peered into one anothers faces as they pondered.

Ray tilted his head, trying to understand when the shop owner approached.

Welcome. Is this your first time here?

Yes, it is.

Ray replied, and the owner guided them to a table.

Right this way. The game you see here is called Dros.


Yes. As the sign outside suggests, you either keep or discard something you receive. Of course, what that something is must remain unknown to your opponent. They only find out when its discarded.


It was quite a sophisticated game, he thought. Never had he imagined such a specific game existed in another world.

Perhaps the only comparable thing was chess, which he had introduced to the Holy Kingdom.

The owner looked at the three to ensure they understood, then continued.

There are three roles in the game, and ten items. For example, if you get the role of a hunter, acquiring an arrow and a bow means you win.

Oh, so a hunter wins by shooting an arrow?

Aira asked for clarification, and the owner nodded.

Yes. The other roles are a merchant and an assassin.

An assassin

That role seemed a bit dark for this kind of game.

The owner continued the explanation.

Like a hunter wins by shooting an arrow, the merchant and assassin also have their own win conditions. The merchant needs a book and a brush, and the assassin a robe and a rope.

Strange. You said there are ten somethings provided, but only two are needed to win. What about the other four?Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

The rest are just there. Essentially, theyre meant to be discarded.


The most important rule is that the assassin can only defeat the merchant. The merchant defeats the hunter, and the hunter defeats the assassin. Also, if you gather and use two items but your opponent doesnt lose, you lose.




Aira maintained a relaxed smile, while Iriel bit her lip slightly, scrutinizing her card.

It was clear to any observer that her hand was not favorable.

Struck by an idea, Aira said,

Ah, right! How about the winner of this game gets to sleep with Ray tonight?



Both Iriel and Ray exclaimed in unison.

What was she talking about?

Ray had only agreed to be the dealer for their game.

Suddenly, he found himself the prize.

While he was not entirely averse to the idea, it still felt awkward.

Iriels approach to the game shifted in that moment.

Instead of trying to win, she seemed determined to prevent Aira from winning at any cost.

Ray sneaked a glance at Iriels hand.

A hunter.

Then he looked at Aira.

She smiled slyly and showed her cards to Ray openly.

Look if you want. Ill show them only to you.

Your tone sounds a bit odd

He frowned but examined the cards in Airas hand.

He quickly figured out her role.

An assassin?

If she were the assassin, then Iriel would win immediately if she obtained a bow and arrow.

However, Aira seemed extremely confident.

She even handed her cards to Ray, suggesting,

Lets discard a card this turn.


Ray checked the card and placed it on the table.

It was a rope card.

Aira appeared to know Iriels role, which is why she, being an assassin, discarded the now-useless rope.

Iriel, unaware of this, could only think,

Airas role must be one that doesnt need a rope.

Predictably, Iriel inquired,

Are you a merchant? Or a hunter?

Aira looked at her and giggled.

Human girl, arent you the hunter? Then that leaves only one option.


To Ray, it seemed as if Iriel was completely playing into Airas hands.

Shaking his head, Ray asked Iriel,

Got any cards to discard?

No not right now.

Her disheartened expression was almost heartbreaking.

But who was he? Someone who could shed tears of blood for his own pain but wouldnt even sniffle for others.

He was the man rumored to have ethanol instead of blood in his veins!

Iriels sorrowful expression disappeared from Rays mind in less than a second.

Ray returned the discarded rope card to the deck and shuffled it.

Then, he dealt one card to each Iriel and Aira.

By that time, Aira was already confident of her victory, while Iriel tasted the bitterness of defeat.

However, the twist came soon after.

Iriel sighed and revealed her hand.

As a hunter, I have to shoot an arrow. Sigh Im using the bow.

There were two cards: a bow and an arrow.

Ray and Aira could not hide their shock.

Airas near-victory crumbled due to one variable. Despite using the exclusive elven ability, the Eyes of Truth, she still lost.

Ray, witnessing this incredible turn of events, couldnt help but exclaim in surprise.


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