Published at 11th of April 2024 05:08:13 AM

Chapter 113: The Rampage Of Monsters

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Chapter 113: The Rampage Of Monsters

Suddenly, the game took an unexpected turn.

Aira stared at Iriel in disbelief.

But Iriel, still not fully grasping the situation, looked puzzled by the sudden change.

I I shot the arrow

She murmured, observing the reactions of the others.

Ray shook his head and declared,

Iriel wins.

What!? I won!?

Aira clutched her head with both hands, frustrated.

I cant believe I lost to such a fool! I refuse to accept it!

Fool? Really?

Idle talk, human girl. You havent even realized what just happened.


Stung by the truth, Iriel had nothing to say.

She hadnt realized what was happening until Ray declared her the victor and her use of the bow confirmed it.

Aira was actually the assassin and had metaphorically died from an arrow.

This realization made Iriel chuckle with delight.

Hehehe. So, Aira, youll have to excuse yourself tonight.

But Ray countered her assumption.

There arent enough rooms in the inn for that. Well probably end up in the same room again.

Then what was the point of the game?

Thats up to you two.

Aira then chuckled triumphantly.

Hehehe. It seems Ray and I are connected in some way.

They were indeed connected by something, as Aira had once mentioned was it reservation?

Thus, the game of Dros, hotly contested, ended anticlimactically with Iriels victory.

The trio continued to partake in various activities.

Especially during archery, Aira exhibited monstrous skills, hitting every target with ease.

She truly was the embodiment of a High Elf.

When Aira sought praise from Ray, Iriel quickly intercepted.

As they sampled food from various stalls, they noticed a commotion in the distance.

It was faint enough that ordinary people might not have noticed it.

But none of them were ordinary.

Ray set down his skewer and inquired,

Whats happening?

Yeah This kind of commotion seems unusual.

Aira glanced toward the source of the noise, then dismissed it.

It was of no concern to her.

She was more interested in finishing her skewer than in the distant ruckus, not particularly fond of humans to begin with.

However, the commotions center was heading towards them.

Aira finally stood up.

Interrupting my meal Lets see whos bold enough to do that.

They didnt need to move toward the commotion to see what was happening.

Several inexplicable creatures were rapidly approaching their location.

Yet, the trio did not assume any combat stance.

They simply looked outside from within the shop.

Soon after, screams echoed from outside.

Its a monster!

Everyone run!

With the shop owner having fled, Ray stepped outside the shop.

There, a bizarre scene unfolded before him.

A monster over five meters tall, its body covered in muscles unlike anything he had seen before.

And elsewhere, another inexplicable monster seemed to be conjuring flames, utilizing magic despite being a monster.

The monster, exuding strong mana, was a kind that could use magic, similar to a wyvern.

A ghost? Its unusual to see such a monster here.

The ghost, smaller than the other monsters, specialized in magic.

Its type of magic was unknown, different from human magic it was neither dark nor light but something in between.

However, the ghosts magic was known to be quite potent.

The ghost launched magic at Ray, sending a massive chunk of ice hurtling toward him.

As Ray prepared to counter it with a gesture, he uttered,


The ice instantly transported and impacted the ghosts head.

A horrific scene unfolded.


The ice shards, now lodged in the ghosts face, had a chilling effect.

Aira coldly observed and commented,

You targeted the wrong one. You should have killed the human girl beside me.

Iriel quickly retorted,

What did you say!?

Since elves cannot lie, Airas words were an undeniable truth.

When the ghost was overcome, the wyvern let out a low growl, visibly agitated.


The humans fighting felt intimidated.

Ray, sensing something in the wyverns roar, recognized a familiar sensation, one he had previously felt in the elf village and when facing a true dragon.

This is

Aira finished his thought,

How interesting. A wyvern using Fear.

Fear, a power granted only to higher beings, could intimidate and even kill weaker creatures.

This power, beyond the reach of both monsters and humans, belonged solely to predators.

Yet, a wyvern was using it.

Fear is absolute against the weak.

The mercenaries, who had just shown bravery, now trembled in fear.

Yet, they were different.

Even Iriel, seemingly the weakest among them, remained unperturbed.

She possessed skills on par with a Swordmaster. Although her mentality wasnt at that pinnacle, the wyverns Fear wasnt potent enough to disrupt her, unlike the fear a true dragon or a lich could induce.

Displeased by the trios lack of response, the wyvern intensified its Fear.

This slightly annoyed Aira.

Its unpleasant to keep receiving such crude Fear. Fear should be used against the weak

Her eyes closed briefly, then snapped open.

In that moment, a powerful aura burst forth from Aira, radiating around her.

How dare it use Fear against the strong, she declared.

A piercing Fear targeted the wyvern.

An overwhelming terror, capable of obliterating even the instinct to survive, gripped the wyverns massive form.

The wyvern, previously soaring, plummeted to the ground.

Its presence was so intense that it seemed to forget to flap its wings, its form shrinking as though its entire body was being crushed.

The wyvern was an intelligent monster.

It quickly recognized that the power of each individual before it was far superior to its own.

They were aware of the wyverns intelligence. At this juncture, fleeing would have been a sensible choice.

However, despite being overpowered by Airas Fear, the wyvern began to recklessly cast spells.


Something seemed to have deliberately stripped the wyvern of its reason.

Giant fireballs and ice spears were hurled toward the nearby buildings.

But Ray intervened, stopping these spells.


For Ray, preventing damage to the surroundings was paramount.

Repairing the destruction would require funds from the Holy Kingdom, and any shortfall would likely be his responsibility to cover.

Ultimately, it would only add to his workload.

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