Published at 11th of April 2024 05:08:12 AM

Chapter 114: Unraveling The Dark Conspiracy (1)

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Chapter 114: Unraveling The Dark Conspiracy (1)

Ray canceled the wyverns magic, saving the surrounding buildings from damage.

Yet, fear filled many onlookers.

The wyvern and two other monsters were immense; their mere movements could sweep people away.

As the wyverns Fear abated, the mercenaries regained their mobility and focused on Rays group.

Despite their faces hidden under hoods, it was evident they possessed the power to dominate the wyvern.

Among them were the four mercenaries who earlier introduced themselves as the Bilrocl Mercenary Group at the tavern.

They hesitated before acknowledging Rays group.

You three we met at the tavern today, right?

Oh, youre from the Bilrocl Mercenary Group? What a coincidence to meet again!

Iriel greeted them, her smile bright.

But the pleasantries masked a critical situation.

Leaving the wyvern and monsters unattended risked severe consequences.

With Ray and Aira there, they could manage, yet Iriel, as a Saint, felt compelled to monitor the dangerous situation.

The monsters presence in the town suggested the kingdoms forces would soon arrive.

Their mission was to subdue the creatures and hand them over to the arriving authorities.

Thus, they needed to subdue the monsters to manage the situation smoothly.

Iriel produced a blade of sacred energy from her hand.

Lets resolve this quickly. It would be unfair to have our rare vacation interrupted like this.

Ray chuckled at her words.

They were, indeed, on an impromptu vacation and intended to enjoy it.

Following his thoughts, Rays mana surged.

Mana converged around his hand, crafting a fiery weapon a Fireball, Rays signature magic.

While Ray gave special lectures on magic at the Academy, Selonia Castle was the scene of a necromancers interrogation.

It felt more like torture than interrogation.

Representatives from the Lesian Empire, the Beibon Kingdom, and the Glaymen Kingdom were present at the scene.

They needed to collect precise information to relay to their respective nations.

As the 4th circle mages began to freeze the necromancers blood, he experienced unbearable pain.

Clad in a brown robe, the necromancer clenched his teeth against the excruciating agony.


His teeth chattered as his blood slowly turned to ice, and the blood seeping from his gums was coated with frost.

However, just before the brink of death, the torture would pause momentarily.

This cycle continued throughout the day.

The necromancer felt a wave of nausea.

He thought death would be preferable to such torture.

These people didnt fully understand the physiological repercussions of freezing blood. If Ray had seen this, he would have been horrified.

Frozen blood causes vessels to rupture, muscles to contract, and bones to gradually twist and break.

The necromancer felt the acute pain of muscle separation and bone fractures.

Still not talking Such resilience. Is it because hes a dark mage accustomed to pain?

Geiman of the Beibon Kingdom shook his head, observing the necromancers endurance through a day of torture without uttering a word.

The sight was distressing even for those watching, let alone for the victim.

Finally, the necromancer opened his tightly closed mouth.

With Rays counteraction of the wyverns spells, the nearby buildings remained undamaged. Nevertheless, the spectacle filled many with fear.

Despite the tremors wracking his body, the necromancers eyes burned with venom.


On Duke Harolds order, the clerics nearby quickly channeled holy energy into the necromancer.

Whooosh -

A significant surge of holy energy flowed into the necromancer, mending his injuries. His body returned to a state as though it had never been tortured.

The relentless cycle of torture and healing persisted, yet the necromancer kept his silence.

Clein, unable to bear it any longer, shouted,

Tell us whos behind all this!

In a flash, he drew his sword and thrust it into the necromancers thigh.


But in his ignorance, he viewed it as an opportunity.

Perhaps they could join forces to kill the Saint.

Little did he know how futile that dream was.


Episode 114: Unraveling the Dark Conspiracy (1)

The necromancer simply laughed at the overlaid magic.

Haha Useless.

With a burst, the mana surrounding the necromancer dispersed instantly.

This left the sorceresses and the nobles gaping.

The necromancer, with his head bowed, looked at them and sneered,

I dont know where you found such a novice 6th circle mage The magic is too crude. If you want magic that works, bring someone like the Saint, huh? Hahaha.

Selena and Philia blushed with shame at the necromancers mockery.

Bringing in the Saint? Impossible.

They couldnt summon him with their power alone, and he was currently at the Academy.

Even if summoned, it would take time, and by then, others would have returned to their nations.

The best solution, as the necromancer had suggested, was to bring in the Saint.

Mind magic that didnt affect the necromancer could be devastating if used by the Saint.

The necromancer had a plan: if the Saint were to leave the Academy, it would be defenseless.

Then, they could plunge the area into chaos while waiting for the Saints arrival.

The guy who can control monsters could easily do it. The rest, we can manipulate through the Merchant Union to weaken the Holy Kingdoms economy. Just like that, the kingdom will crumble. Hahaha

Destroying a nation isnt difficult.

Merely nudging a cornerstone of a balanced entity can cause the nation to waver.

What if that cornerstone were completely shattered? The unstable nation would inevitably collapse.

News arrived that the necromancer found pleasing.

Director Ecklay of the Holy Kingdoms court declared the Saints impending visit.

The necromancer listened with a blend of excitement and dread.

He remembered the Saint obliterating an undead army and negating his spells single-handedly.

Yet, he was oblivious to recent happenings, confined to the dungeon since his transfer.

He remained unaware of the quelled rebellions, the monster massacres, and the Saints slaying of a true dragon.

If he had known, he would have dismissed the notion of summoning the Saint.

But his ignorance made him see it as a chance.

Maybe they could ally to assassinate the Saint.

Little did he know how hopeless that dream was.

Euclid is impressive in her own way, Zik said, eyeing her with disapproval.

Euclid, without any hint of emotion, replied to Zik,

You flatter me. However, if anyone deserves recognition, its Zik, the youngest Swordmaster.

Her words dripped with sarcasm, yet Zik found himself without a comeback.

Especially since she was knitting garments for the child she hoped to have with Ray.

Heeding the Saints call for unity, they all resided at Ziks estate.

Zik and the Guardians were taken aback upon learning of Euclids domestic pursuits.

She took pleasure in knitting for her anticipated child with Ray!

But the true matter laid elsewhere.

The issue was that she was creating these garments for her yet-to-be-conceived child with Ray!

If Ray had been aware, he would have regarded Euclid with eyes wide with horror.

Soyeong exhaled, Euclid, if the Saint were to see this I mean

Hed be very pleased.

Exactly, very pleased Wait, what?

Soyeong gazed at Euclid as if she had lost her senses.

Euclid stated serenely,

The Saint is quite shy. He might not express it, but he would be delighted.

Soyeong was speechless, and Hongyeong was just as flabbergasted.

Was he truly such a timid person?

No, no! Thats not logical! exclaimed Soyeong, glaring at Hongyeong.

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