Published at 11th of April 2024 05:08:01 AM

Chapter 118: Unraveling The Dark Conspiracy (5)

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Chapter 118: Unraveling The Dark Conspiracy (5)

At the outermost edge of the Academy.

The outskirts of the city began to reveal a slightly distorted landscape.

When Ray arrived there, not only was there no magic circle to be seen, but even the drawings were absent.

This is strange

Despite thoroughly searching the area, he found no trace of a magic circle.

He spread his mana wide into the surroundings.

Then, he detected a clear magical response emanating from this place.

It was an utterly bizarre situation.

There was no visible magic circle, yet it was unmistakably active.

Moreover, it seemed someone had played a cruel magical trick.

People attempting to flee had been turned to stone, frozen in their tracks.

Parents holding their child, someone who had fallen while fleeing.

A significant number had been petrified.

However, they were all dead.

Ray left them behind and began to walk around.

The scene, clouded with dust, was horrific.

People turned to stone, streets drenched in blood.

Burn marks on the ground suggested the use of magic.

Yet, oddly, the buildings remained relatively intact.

Some were slightly damaged, but not a single one had collapsed.

The reason for this anomaly was unclear, but it was definitely unusual.

Ray then focused on inspecting the buildings.

With the magic circle spread across the entire area, its exact location was unknown.

He had no choice but to roam aimlessly.

After about thirty minutes of searching, he still had no new information.

Nor did there seem to be any witnesses; you cant ask questions of stone figures.

It felt like the magic circle could activate at any moment.

It wouldnt be surprising if it did. Everything was ready, and they just needed to trigger the magic.

Feeling anxious, Ray resorted to a last resort.

If these buildings are going to be destroyed anyway, lets just demolish them now.

This wasnt a thought born from desperation.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

The buildings were the only things out of place.

Destruction was the only option without clues.

Ray became possessed by a destructive spirit.

He drew mana from the atmosphere and initiated the magic.

His targets were the numerous buildings around him.

Fire Explosion!

Boom! Boom!

The buildings shattered like clay models.

The explosion was impressively powerful.

One spell was enough to obliterate two or three buildings at a time.

As he spread it widely, even the large city area quickly turned into a wasteland.

Initially, he decided to demolish the buildings out of necessity, but he soon found enjoyment in it.

It proved to be a great stress reliever.

Moreover, as he destroyed more buildings, he felt the magic circle destabilize slightly.

He wasnt sure if this was a definite breakthrough, but he realized that destroying the buildings affected the magic circle.

Seeing the youths earnestly moving forward, Iriel leaped in front of them. They gasped in surprise at her sudden appearance.

Having witnessed two Swordmasters fail to match her, they had no intention of engaging her in combat. However, drawing their swords was an instinctive response.

Iriel addressed them: How about you come along quietly? Ill take you with me regardless of your answer.

She emitted streams of aura from her hand, the surrounding mana seemingly flowing into her palms, creating an intimidating presence.

All three youths simultaneously shook their heads.

We cant do that.

Getting caught here would be problematic

The long-haired youth chuckled and muttered, Its been a joyless life.


He bit down on a hidden poison capsule inside his mouth. His esophagus and organs began to disintegrate rapidly. It seemed they had chosen death.

Iriel sighed and approached them. What did they think of a saint?


With a soft whisper, the dying youths began to regenerate. Divine power wrapped around their bodies, reigniting the dying embers of their lives.

Caught in agony, their consciousness was jolted awake against their will. They gasped in shock.

Cough! Are we dead?

Observing their varied reactions, Iriel shook her head. Their resolve to commit suicide for the sake of secrecy was commendable, but their thinking was flawed. How could they consider suicide in the presence of a saint? Did they really believe it would work?

Iriel spoke to them, Youre not dead, and I wont let you die. If it comes to it, Ill cut off your legs and drag you along. If you wish to resist, feel free.

This was not typical talk for a saint. The youths fell silent at her harsh words.

No matter how bold they were as aura users, even daring to bite a poison capsule, they were still young. None of them wanted to endure the pain of being dragged around with severed legs.

Can you promise to release us if we accompany you?

The calmest among them asked.

Iriel shook her head firmly, Do you think your position holds any significance? Your attempt on a saints life warrants immediate execution. After youve revealed everything you know, youll probably end up dead.

Her words were chillingly indifferent, turning the youths faces pale.

Initially, the youths had little information to offer, and they were not trained to endure torture. It was highly unlikely that they could withstand it, especially since execution awaited them after the torture. Moreover, they had no more poison capsules to attempt suicide, and even if they tried, it wouldnt work.

In this hopeless situation, the youth who had asked the question sighed deeply.

Theres no need for that. Even if we reveal everything, the Holy Kingdom wont be able to solve the problem. Just kill us and dont waste time.

Iriel gazed directly into his unwavering eyes.

We will be the judges of that. You only need to tell us what you know.

The youth clenched his teeth under her imposing presence.

Honestly, just enduring this was pushing them to their limits. Perhaps, facing such a powerful saint, they might have a chance to fight?

This thought slowly opened the youths mouth.

If we speak if we agree to talk, just promise us one thing, or at least consider it.

Lets hear it, she said, prompting the youth to speak.

Believe what we say, and the Holy Kingdom must sincerely strive to resolve the issue.

The two injured youths scowled at his words.

You bastard! Are you really thinking of talking!?

Do you realize its not just about you? Well all be doomed!

Yet, the youths resolve seemed unchanged as he continued to look at Iriel. Having failed to assassinate the saint, they knew they would be disposed of upon return. Not just him, but all related parties were likely to face execution.

If they were going to die anyway, he thought it better to take a chance with the saint before him.

Besides, they had killed many priests and clerics. The scenes of cutting their breaths haunted him in his dreams.

Living such a life, he felt no regrets about how or when he might die. However, if he were to die, shouldnt he achieve something first?

If the information they provided reached their captors, everyone involved would likely be killed, but that was unavoidable. If their sacrifice could save more lives, then so be it.

Iriel narrowed her eyes and looked at the youth.

If you swear to speak only the truth Ill try.

The words of the saint resonated with a promise. If he spoke only the truth, she would, in her own way, make an effort.

Immediately, he placed his hand on his chest and declared,

I, Pros, swear upon my mana and solemnly vow to only speak the truth.

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