Published at 11th of April 2024 05:07:59 AM

Chapter 119: Unraveling The Dark Conspiracy (6)

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Chapter 119: Unraveling The Dark Conspiracy (6)

As a young man named Pross took an oath on mana, Iriel finally released the aura that had formed in her hand.

She intended to listen to the story.

A vow made on mana had little effect on ordinary people, but it was deadly for those who handled mana.

If one broke a promise made on mana, not only would they be unable to use mana anymore, but the mana in the atmosphere would attack them as if rejecting their existence.

This phenomenon was similar to when demons or celestials descended to the Middle Realm, where the mana repelled different natures, and the same effect applied to that person.

The other two young men did not say anything in response to his determination, but their ominously shining eyes suggested they did not view his story favorably.

Pross looked at them for a moment before speaking.

I dont know about the Holy Kingdom, but our organization, known as Proxia, has been infiltrating the Holy Kingdom for over twenty years.

Over twenty years.

They had been plotting to engulf the Holy Kingdom even before she was born.

Iriel silently listened to his story.

We were captured then. Do you know why the Holy Kingdom has been plagued by monsters for so long?

His words triggered a memory in her.

Long ago, the Holy Kingdom was indeed surrounded by monsters and suffered greatly.

Villages on the outskirts were destroyed one by one, and many people died, leaving the citizens trembling in fear.

Moreover, whenever monsters attacked, all the villagers were annihilated, which had been a somewhat puzzling incident.

Pross then made a shocking revelation.

It wasnt the work of the monsters.

The two young men behind him turned their heads.

He had told his entire story.

Iriel asked in surprise.

It wasnt the monsters?

It was all the doing of Proxia. I dont know how they managed to blame it on the monsters, but its certain that they did it!

How can you be so sure?

She asked, to which Pross immediately replied.

Because I lived on the outskirts and they kidnapped me.


Not murdered, but kidnapped?

Something felt slightly off.

Why kidnap in the first place?

Hostages can be good shields, but they can also become burdens.

Moreover, since they made it seem like monsters were responsible, they clearly didnt want the kidnapping discovered.

What did they hope to gain by kidnapping these people?

Noticing her expression, Pross elaborated.

Only a few chosen ones are kidnapped. The rest are thrown to the monsters as food.

Those with desirable traits are spared from the slaughter The same for their families. The Swordmasters earlier were also taken from other kingdoms. They keep wives, children, or parents hostage and kill them one by one if they dont obey. And they dont just kill; they force the Swordmaster to watch through a magic sphere Its horrific, something I think humans shouldnt do.

Seeing her speechless, he went on.

Even as a Swordmaster, you cant defy Proxia. You might escape alone, but then those you leave behind will die. The mere fact that Im speaking to youif Proxia finds out my brother will likely die.

Pross shook his head, his face looking as though he might burst into tears at any moment.

Huk. So, please, promise me. Promise youll help eradicate Proxia. If the Lesian Empire and the Holy Kingdom join forces, perhaps they could stand against it!

He clenched his fist as he spoke.

In the battle for information, even slight knowledge of the enemy is crucial.

At Rays question, they became mute as if they had eaten honey.

Why didnt you think to capture that monster? If all of you were aura users, you could have easily caught it

According to his mana scan, the five before him were all mid-level aura users with formidable combat strength.

With such capabilities, they could have easily captured a few ghosts, even if it meant getting slightly injured.

Furthermore, there were other mercenaries, so the situation must have been even more manageable.

Doubt led to more doubt.

Ray furrowed his brow and formed a hypothesis.

The blood on your clothes Could it be that you killed the mercenaries who tried to fight the monsters and helped the ghosts rampage? And then hid in the building to kill the reinforcements from the Holy Kingdom

A terrifying intellect, devilish in nature, he deduced their movements from scant evidence.

Initially, a band of twenty mercenaries should have had no trouble overpowering a few specters.

Additionally, upon examining the path earlier, I encountered corpses.

Each one had been either a mercenary or an adventurer clad in plate armor.

I puzzled over why they hadnt petrified but were simply deceased.

However, if I consider the theory Ive formulated, all the pieces align seamlessly.

Confronted with his suspicions, the five aura wielders denied them with shakes of their heads.

In this perilous predicament, they knew they must articulate their defenses clearly.

This blood is from combat with other people, yet we spared those who resisted the beasts.

Are you implying there were others involved?

Yes. As the Saint surmised, assailants preyed upon mercenaries and adventurers! We were preoccupied battling them!

Their story seemed credible.

In their defense, it accounted for the blood on their garb and the death of those donned in plate armor.

Yet Rays gaze remained icy.

How peculiar. Upon our initial encounter, you claimed, We didnt defy orders; dread of the stone curse and death kept us confined. Now, your tale suggests you ventured out to battle?


Had you genuinely cowered indoors, your attire would be unstained by blood. Moreover, those hunting the mercenaries and adventurers wouldnt have breached the building

Rays hand emitted mana.

The mystical energy coalesced, soon taking the distinct form of a diminutive sword.

Ah, an Aura Blade!

Their voices betrayed their shock.

A youth capable of conjuring an Aura Blade! Moreover, he had demolished the structure with sorcery!

To command both spellcraft and swordsmanship? Could the Saint before them herald the dawn of the first mage-swordsman in human history!

The overwhelming aura constricted them, almost as if it were flaying their skin.

Ray realized what he had thought was true.

The nearby residents couldnt evacuate and died because of them.

Parents were protecting their child. A village woman lay turned to stone, her back torn open.

Mercenaries had fought to protect the residents until their hands were shredded.

Each scene was unspeakably shocking.

Filled with rage, Ray gathered the mana in the atmosphere and transformed the Aura Blade, which was nearly a dagger, into a long sword.

The oppressive presence of the sword was so powerful that the surrounding air quivered.

Ray glared coldly at the terrified group and pointed his sword at them.

Now, here is the support from the Holy Kingdom youve been waiting for.

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