Published at 11th of April 2024 05:07:12 AM

Chapter 138: A Successor To Entrust (2)

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Chapter 138: A Successor To Entrust (2)

Ray, with some spare time, chatted with Aira about various topics.

As they conversed, the topic of Proxia arose.

When Ray mentioned that their base was in the Grensia Mountains, Aira fell into deep thought.


She frowned slightly, as if she held some knowledge about the place.

Her murmuring voice seemed to hint, Why there, of all places?

Ray inquired, Is there something there?

His casual question received a startling reply.

That place is a village governed by another High Elf, not me.

Ray quickly inferred that the village Aira referred to was an Elf village.

He furrowed his brow as he took a sip of his tea.

What could this mean?

He had already begun nurturing Zik due to military issues, and now there was a village under the control of another High Elf!

If this High Elf was as mighty as Aira, the situation wasnt just concerning; it was alarming.

A confrontation might result in other countries being caught in the fallout.

Ray clasped his throbbing head.

Asking more questions seemed futile.

After all, the presence of a High Elf in an Elf village was entirely possible.

Though High Elves are exceedingly rare, they are not unheard of.

Famous mountain ranges and Elf villages often have High Elves in residence.

Aira placed her small hands on Rays head, gently massaging it, and said, Hmm I dont think hes a bad person, though


Hes definitely not foolish. Nobody would welcome someone arriving at their village with the intent to fight.

Thats problematic.

Well, as long as you dont do anything too conspicuous, you should be fine he usually doesnt get involved.

Rays expression remained grim at her words.

He intended to make a significant move to completely obliterate Proxia.

But if such an act took place in their territory, even a non-interfering High Elf couldnt simply stand by idly.

In the worst case, he might have had to face Proxia, Elves, and even Dwarves together.

Moreover, a forest governed by a High Elf wasnt just about confronting that village.

A High Elf stood above all other elves.

If he attacked such a village, the other Elves nearby wouldnt just sit by idly.

I dont want to make enemies of the Elves especially since Aira is one

Ray asked her, Is that High Elf as strong as you?

All High Elves are exceptionally strong, in a different league compared to other Elves.

Aira replied to Ray without hesitation, looking him straight in the eyes.

Ray was shocked by her next words.

But Im different. I serve as the guardian of these High Elves.


Ray, who was quietly drinking tea, choked on it.

Cough! Cough!

Aira gently patted his back.

Pfft. Is it that surprising?

Cough! Of course, it is!

Ray was surprised to learn that High Elves had a role known as Guardian.

Wasnt guardianship usually undertaken by the elves of the village?

Reading his thoughts, Aira covered her mouth and laughed.

Hadnt he mastered the mana mixing of the aura blade in just a week?

Ray asked in a startled voice.

You, you, then what about meals?

To leave my place after receiving such profound teachings from you, my lord, would be unthinkable.


Zik was a madman.

His mind must be out of order.

Even for a Sword Master, surviving a week without proper meals or a sip of water was no small feat.

Moreover, Zik had been continuously using mana to form the aura blade.

It wouldnt be surprising if he was extremely exhausted.

He was practically a patient!

Ray said urgently.

Im starving! I feel like Im going to collapse from hunger! Zik, order a meal for the two of us right away!

To think the saint has suffered so much, the servants of this mansion must be out of their minds. I will handle it properly.

As he spoke, he drew his sword.

If left unchecked, the servants who merely served meals well for a week might lose their heads.

Ray waved his hand to correct himself.

On second thought, Im not about to collapse! Just order the meal!


Zik bowed and left the training ground for where the servants were.

Places like training grounds, where various secret techniques are practiced, are not places outsiders can enter casually.

That applied to the servants as well. Thats why no servants were seen around.

The thought that Ziks sword might have swung at them had they been there sent shivers down Rays spine.

After finishing the meal and instructing Zik to rest for a day, Ray met with him again the following day.

Ray drew his wooden sword.

We learned the mana mixing for the aura blade yesterday, but thats just the basics of releasing aura. What were going to learn now are the real techniques.

Ill listen carefully.

Upon hearing Ziks response, Ray snapped the wooden sword he was holding in half.

As Zik looked on, puzzled at the half-broken sword, Ray began infusing mana into the broken piece.

An aura blade then sprouted forth.

Interestingly, despite the wooden sword being broken, the aura blade maintained its distinct shape as if it were intact.

Ray explained.

Mana control is very important here. You dont need to fill the sword completely with aura; just maintaining the shape is easier. Use the mixing youve practiced for a week to maintain the size of this wooden sword. Ill give you another week for this.


Ray handed the half-broken wooden sword to Zik.

Zik, cradling the sword reverently with both hands, stared down at it intently.

Ray watched and smirked.

It probably wont go as well as last time.

Sustaining the aura blade for something formless is extremely difficult.

Even if its half-broken, how many could succeed?

Ray observed Zik attempt to release the aura several times before returning to the mansion.

He considered offering more instructions, but allowing Zik to find his own way seemed more appropriate.

Perhaps that innate ability to break through was the key to his growth.

It was better for him to fully grasp one concept than to learn many superficially.

Too many fail to master anything of significance by spreading themselves too thin.

Watching Zik grow stronger brought Ray a sense of pride.

After all, Zik was his first disciple in a way.

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