Published at 11th of April 2024 05:19:38 AM

Chapter 14: Saintess (1)

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Chapter 14: Saintess (1)

Illisia rubbed her eyes as she rose.

Lately, she had been going to bed late and waking up late.

At night, sleep evaded her, and in the morning, she didnt want to rise from her dreams.

The cause of this was Ray.

She was constantly troubled and worried because of the unpleasant events that occurred when she was with him.

I hope he is found soon

She could apologize to him if she knew his location, but his whereabouts remained a mystery.

She had searched the village and even the forest, but it seemed she hadnt found him yet.

She sighed deeply.

The guilt she felt at her young age was too overwhelming for her fourteen-year-old self.

In the Silia Kingdom at that time, there was a saintess.

After being baptized and educated in the holy kingdom, she journeyed around neighboring countries to gain experience.

Among those countries, the Silia Kingdom treated her exceptionally well.

The kingdom understood that establishing a good relationship with the saintess would be beneficial for the future.

The kingdom provided a separate annex for the saintess and her entourage.

In the annex, Iriel, the saintess, lay on the bed, gazing at the ceiling.

Her day consisted of meeting nobles and attending classes about divine power, all of which she found extremely tedious.

Her eyes were not those of a revered saintess.

Comparatively, she resembled a penguin that had collapsed from heat on a hot day.

Iriel swept her hair off her forehead.

She was weary of her daily routine.

Traveling from the holy kingdom to the Silia Kingdom, and then to another kingdom was tiring, and she found no joy in it.

Usually, when young people faced tough times, they tended to throw tantrums.

But the people surrounding her were not the kind of people one could throw tantrums at.

Iriel understood this.

All she could do was roll around in her room or pester the priests.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

But recently, something had caught her interest.

It was the emergence of a new saint.

In her dull and routine life, the idea of a saint was like a beacon of hope for her.

At last, there was someone who could comprehend her role as a saintess.

The news acted as a lifeline for her, and she desired to be the first to receive it.

Thus, she requested, almost begged, to be the first to know if any news arrived.

They couldnt deny the saintess, who was regarded as Gods representative.

Her delight was evident when they agreed with a nod.

All she needed to do now was wait for the saint to emerge.

So thats why a mana circle isnt necessary If the mana density is high, as you claim, its because it employs pure mana without the use of a circle.

Ray agreed with Eils statement with a nod.

Eil and Saen mostly grasped what he was conveying.

The thing was, such an event had never occurred in reality, and most who attempted it had failed.

They were amazed but started to believe when Ray dissipated Sains magical power to validate his argument.

Ray continued his explanation.

Thats why my healing magic didnt work.

Healing? But it was successful just a moment ago.

Eil looked puzzled, and Ray clarified.

Actually, my magic didnt fail. The deer died because it couldnt withstand the density of my mana.

Then Sein understood, as if she just realized it, and slammed her fist on the table.

Ah! So the deer died because it didnt possess a Mana Rod.

Youre partially correct and partially incorrect, mom.


Sein looked perplexed again, and Ray provided further explanation.

Even if you possess a Mana Rod, if you cant manage it, the mana can reverse flow and kill you. Therefore, my healing magic needs to withstand that density.

So, does that imply a regular person would die without a Mana Rod that can endure your manas density?

He thought, He doesnt appear to have much money. So why did the noble request him?

Being experienced in the field, he was careful with his tone, uncertain who He referred to by the noble.

We dont know the specifics, but likely.

Ray murmured, Alright, then. Lead me to the noble. I want to assess the patients condition.

Patient? Does the noble have a patient?

There isnt one at the moment.

The man cocked his head in confusion at the enigmatic response.

However, Ray, uninterested in the mans reaction, was thrilled at the prospect of the forthcoming reward and the medical books he intended to purchase with it.

Even though he could locate the nobles residence on his own, going there alone after the recent event seemed somewhat awkward.

It was preferable to have someone accompany him.

Oblivious to Rays thoughts, the man was bewildered but nodded.

Its regrettable that the clients identity has been exposed against his will, but since he appears to know the noble, it should be alright.

For information brokers, the clients purchases and requests are confidential.

But now that the truth had been exposed by some idiots, concealing it wasnt the best strategy.

Hmm. Fine. Ill guide you.

The optimal decision was to escort the client to the noble.

The noble was preoccupied after receiving the guilds information that the client had been located.

In anticipation, he had instructed the servants to wait in the garden and had opened the garden gate wide as if preparing for a feast.

Gaid, the Viscount, observed the bustling scene and addressed the butler.

Porton, do you genuinely believe this will placate the Saint?

A hint of skepticism lingered in his voice.

A nobles daughter had audaciously wished for the Saints death.

Even if the Saint and the holy country pardoned her, God might be incensed.

The audacity to blaspheme against Gods envoy was tantamount to blasphemy.

Thats why the Viscount was preparing to welcome the Saint with such magnificence.

Of course, the Viscount wasnt certain if the Saint was a genuine saint.

Wow What is all this?

Ray was astounded at the sight of the many people lined up on either side of him.

Upon reaching the nobles garden, the sight of people bowing to him took his breath away.

Gaid, the Viscount, quickly rushed over and knelt on one knee.

Welcome, Saint.

Ray was taken aback as he watched the Viscount, a nobleman, offer him the highest form of respect in his greeting.

Ray quickly grabbed the Viscounts shoulder and helped him to his feet.

No, why are you doing this? Even if I agreed to treat you, I am just a commoner

The Viscount shook his head.

It is not shameful to pay respect to the Saint.

Saint? What do you mean by that?

Gaid, the Viscount, swallowed hard as Ray, genuinely confused, widened his eyes and asked.

I need to choose my words carefully from now on.

I apologize. Please do not be upset. We did not know back then, but now we understand that you are the Saint. We are prepared to face our sins and obey any command you give.

The Viscount bowed his head and trembled as he spoke, but Ray was exasperated.

With a heavy heart, he pounded his chest with a small fist and said,

I am not a Saint. So, you dont need to behave like this towards me.

Even though Ray spoke sincerely, the Viscount did not raise his head and continued to bow.

How can you say you are not a Saint when you directly saved my life?

Thats just!

Ray, trying to argue, eventually closed his mouth tightly.

Resurrecting the dead with the power of medicine? That was nonsensical.

Its not that there was no such thing as medicine in this world.

But, just like in modern times, medicine was a study for the living, and there was no way to bring back the dead.

Ray knew that fact, and so he couldnt think of anything else.

To the people of this world, he was a Saint who had resurrected the dead.

Unaware that God had declared him a Saint through an oracle, Ray returned to the village to regain his modern senses, only to discover that he had become a Saint at some point.

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