Published at 11th of April 2024 05:19:36 AM

Chapter 15: Saintess (2)

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Chapter 15: Saintess (2)

The information merchant, who had been eavesdropping on the conversation, felt as if he had been struck on the back of his head with a log.

The saint! Could the saint who said he would come from the holy kingdom be?

If the viscount said so, then it must be true that he was a saint.

He looked at Ray once again.

At first glance, Rays old and worn-out clothes appeared shiny, and it seemed as if there was a halo radiating from behind him.

And what about his pure white hair, whiter than anyone elses?

Knowing that he was a saint made Ray seem different from before when he hadnt been of much interest.

This is not the time. I need to inform the guild about the saints appearance.

Thinking this, he quietly slipped away from his seat.

Unaware that the man who had been guiding him had disappeared, Ray sighed.

Sigh. I told you I am not a saint. So, please do not spread any false rumors. Understand?

I understand! I will make sure to seal the mouths!

Ray mumbled at Viscount Gaids loyal words.

What do you mean by sealing mouths The people around us should be taken care of first. Those who should have heard already did.

Viscount Gaid, who had sharp ears, heard everything.

He immediately raised his hand and spoke.

Everyone, return to your positions.




At the viscounts single command, over forty pages and servants began to move.

Soon, the only servant left around them was the butler, Forton.

Was this the extent of a nobles authority?

Ray looked at the viscount anew.

Saint, please come inside.

I told you not to call me a saint. I am not.

Then, what should I call you

My name is Ray. Just call me by my name.

How can I call the saint without any honorifics? Please allow me to call you Sir Ray.

Sir Ray.

Sir Ray.

Just adding the honorific nim to his name felt so cringeworthy that his fingernails could pierce his palms.

But if he refused this, he might have had to hear saint again.

In that case, his name was better.

Then just call me that when we are alone. When there are others, just call me by my name.

I will do as you say, Sir Ray.

The two reached some sort of compromise.

Ray, who didnt want to be known as a saint, even made the viscount promise.

Do not spread any strange rumors. I am not a saint.

I understand.

Only after hearing the viscounts answer could Ray feel relieved.

A nobles words were not light. Especially in front of a saint.

Viscount Gaid led the way.

This way, please.

Wait a minute. The person who was guiding me

Ray spoke and turned around.

The person who was with him just a moment ago was gone, and there was only the garden gate standing there.

A bad premonition enveloped him.

Did you hear the conversation about the saint?

Somehow, it felt like covering up the information would be futile.

While the Information Guild would probably not spread the news without any benefit, considering their trait of selling valuable information, it was deemed appropriate that the news would reach those who needed to know.

Today is just not my lucky day.

The term saint coincided with Rays unluckiness on that particular day.

As he entered the mansion, Ray was surprised by the starkly different scenery compared to his last visit.

The lobby lights emitted a luxurious glow, brightening the dark spots, and the red carpet cascading from the stairs was the epitome of opulence.

Wow, I thought this was a palace.

If theres anything you desire, please let me know.

Ray was now becoming curious.

But why are you treating me this well? Is it because youre returning the favor for healing you?

It made sense if they were treating him generously to return the favor.

After all, even for a noble, life was precious.

However, contrary to his expectations, Lord Gaid lowered his head and shook it.

His solemn expression and inability to meet Rays eyes indicated that something was wrong.

Lord Gaid spoke with difficulty.

I apologize. My household has committed a grave sin.

He bowed his head deeply as he spoke.

Ray was once again surprised.

Really, is apologizing the greeting here?

That, that is My daughter wished death upon the saint

Your daughter?

Ray thought carefully as Lord Gaid struggled to speak.

Its to buy even that little bit of time

Viscount Gaid laughed heartily as he spoke, and Ray thought to himself,

I did good by saving him.

Ray felt the fatherly love from the Viscount, who had his child in mind.

Viscount Gaid looked at Rays solemn expression and, wanting to lighten the heavy atmosphere, said to Fotten,

Fotten, prepare the meal.

Yes, I will bring the meal shortly.

With that, he disappeared, leaving only a pair of knights standing by the door and the Viscounts family members in the lobby.

Excluding the two who were cautiously observing and holding their tongues, the only ones engaged in conversation were Viscount Gaid and himself.

Waiting for the meal in that somewhat tense atmosphere was challenging.

When the meal arrived, Ray was taken aback once again.

Firstly, he was stunned by the size of the dining table.

Usually, there would be three people dining, but the table seemed like it could easily accommodate twenty.

Furthermore, the food that was served was extraordinary.

Everything from one to ten appeared delicious and aromatic, of a quality that one couldnt even find in expensive restaurants.

Naturally, a gasp of admiration slipped from his lips.


There isnt much, but please help yourself.

The customary polite phrase was uttered, but Ray immediately countered.

There isnt much? The table is about to buckle under the weight of the food!

Even as he spoke, Rays eyes remained glued to the food.

Illyssia couldnt help but chuckle at his reaction.


When Ray instinctively looked towards the source of the laughter, Illyssias face instantly turned pale.

Im, Im sorry

No theres no need to

Im sorry!

He had merely looked at her, and she had apologized twice.

Even Chloe, who was following the conversation, turned pale at her daughters laughter.

Ray observed the two reacting dramatically to his every move and chuckled.

Haha Dont feel too pressured. Im the one feeling overwhelmed here.

Im sorry!

Im sorry!

Ray ended up hearing apologies once again.

Viscount Gaid cleared his throat to interrupt the oddly flowing conversation.

Ahem Lets eat before it gets cold.

Ah, yes. I will enjoy the meal.

No need for formalities

And so, the most silent meal in the world commenced.

Is that information reliable?

Do you think Ive only worked once or twice in this industry? The information came directly from the Viscount himself. Its certain.


He was the head of the information guild in Billo Village.

The guild member, who was like a younger brother to him, had just rushed in, demanding payment for the scoop he had discovered.

The way he looked at him, panting yet with eyes gleaming, was reminiscent of a black market informant who had just struck gold.

After sending the other informants away, they talked. It turned out he had found the Saint that the Holy Kingdom was looking for.

Wow, the Saint is really different. Just standing there, he was full of dignity, and there was this mysterious aura around him. Even the Viscount himself knelt before him, can you believe it?

Viscount Gaid?

He looked at him with slight suspicion, and the younger one thumped his chest in frustration.

Brother! Do you doubt me? Im telling you the truth!

If he doubted him any further, it would only strain their relationship.

Now was the time for him to step back.

Alright, alright. So youre saying hes definitely the Saint?

Ah! The Viscount also said something!

What did he say?

He said How could the person who saved his life not be a Saint?

At that, his face crinkled in confusion.

Saved his life? Does that even make sense?

Since its the Saint, maybe he can.

He sighed deeply and rested his forehead on his hand.

Lawson In all the time weve worked together, this is the first time youve disappointed me. A Saint saving a dead person? Thats not a Saint, thats a god. Even if the grandfather of all gods came down, he wouldnt be able to save a dead person.

But, but the Viscount definitely

Either the Viscount was plotting something and tried to deceive the information guild, or he was trying to draw attention to his family. And if he really was a Saint, dont you think the Viscount would have used him to his advantage? In that case, we would have known about it too, right?

Lawson was left speechless.

Looking at him, the head of the guild shook his head, opened the door, and walked out.

I cant believe you actually believed that and ran all the way to me, out of breath.

But it had to be true That child was definitely a Saint, brother!

At that, even the patience of the guild head, who had climbed up through patience, finally exploded.

This is the real deal!

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