Published at 11th of April 2024 05:19:33 AM

Chapter 16: Saintess (3)

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Chapter 16: Saintess (3)

Rays face was a picture of astonishment as he ate.

The meat bore no gamey odor, and each bite of the vegetables was sweet.

And the variety of food?

Over twenty different dishes were artfully arranged on the table, so much so that it was challenging to reach them with a fork.

He didnt exclaim aloud, but inwardly he was continuously marveling.

While Ray was inwardly exclaiming over the various dishes he tasted, the Viscount was observing Rays complexion.

Viscount Gaid felt relief upon seeing Rays happy expression.

Fortunately, it seems to suit his taste.

The Viscount had been concerned about what might happen if the food didnt agree with Ray, but now he felt relieved.

After satiating his hunger, Ray wiped his mouth with a napkin and said,

It was truly delicious.

Im glad youre satisfied.

Wow, I cant recall the last time I had such delicious food. Hahaha.

The fifteen-year-old patted his stomach as he spoke.

But the Viscount didnt pay much attention to that.

He felt rather honored.

Thank you for your kind words. But

Viscount Gaid paused for a moment and looked at Ray.

Ray also looked back at Viscount Gaid, and the Viscount spoke up.

I have something Id like to ask, if you dont mind

Its okay. I got to eat such delicious food Go ahead and ask. Ill tell you what I know.


Viscount Gaid hardened his expression.

The question he was about to ask was a sensitive one, so it was difficult to ask casually.

He cautiously addressed Ray.

Why arent you in the Holy Kingdom?

The Holy Kingdom? Why all of a sudden?

Ray was also taken aback by Viscount Gaids question.

The sensitive topic of the Holy Kingdom in front of a saint was something that she hadnt even dreamed of.

But Viscount Gaid was quietly waiting for Rays answer.

Ray was also surprised by this question.

Is he asking why the saint is not in the Holy Kingdom but in this place? In the first place, Im not a saint.

Naturally, he didnt consider himself a saint, but to the people of this world, he was merely an unusually gifted healer.

The Holy Kingdom? My home is the most comfortable place.

For a moment, the words almost escaped his lips, but after swallowing his food, Ray found an alternative phrase.

The Holy Kingdom isnt even aware of my existence, is it?

However, at his words, Viscount Gaid responded as if he was confused.

The Holy Kingdom has already arrived in the kingdom, intending to take the saint with them



Both Ray and the Viscount were taken aback.

Ray was startled by the news that the Holy Kingdom was coming to find him, and Viscount Gaid was surprised that Ray, the saint, was oblivious.

Ray asked again for confirmation,

The Holy Kingdom is coming to find me? Why?

Even if you ask me

Then what should I do!

You should go to the Holy Kingdom?

At the Viscounts suggestion, Rays mind went blank.

One thought echoed in his head.

I have to go to the Holy Kingdom.

I have to go to the Holy Kingdom.

What was this sudden disruption, like a drum beating during a meal?

The food that had been going down smoothly now felt lodged in his throat.

Numerous thoughts raced through Rays mind simultaneously.

If the Holy Kingdom is searching for me, its only a matter of time before they find me. Theyre religious fanatics, so theres no guarantee they wont find me even if I hide well.

But not hiding would mean getting caught even sooner.

But how will the Holy Kingdom find me? How do they know about me?

Why would the Holy Kingdom seek him, who wasnt a saint to begin with?

When Rays thoughts reached this point, he became genuinely curious.

It was a question he could ask because he didnt know that saints or saintesses were chosen through divine revelation.

Since he couldnt find an answer no matter how much he pondered, he decided to ask Viscount Gaid.

Viscount Gaid, who had been observing Rays reactions closely, spoke immediately when Rays mouth twitched.

Ask me anything.

Um, how does the Holy Kingdom identify saints? How do they know where they are?

Of course, this only applied to information about the Saint.

Veteran information broker Lawson was well aware of this.

Having been in the information brokerage business for over a decade, he had honed his ability to identify profitable information.

Despite being thrust into the industry alone, his innate talent had attracted the attention of the guild, enabling him to continue working to this day.

As a result, no one but him could fool him about the value of the information.

Heid took a large sip of his drink before slamming the glass down on the table.

Ah, excellent. Since youve chosen our shop, I should demonstrate some goodwill. How about fifteen platinum coins?

Seeing Heids face twitch slightly, as if he had exceeded his comfort zone, Lawson couldnt help but grin.

He downed his drink in one go.

Hahaha. Excellent. I should use this money to build a good house and retire from this business.

As he spoke, Lawson poured himself another drink.

Lets draft the contract then. Do it the usual way.

Hahaha. Very well.

After reviewing the contract, Lawson slowly nodded his head as he read through it meticulously.

Having received five platinum coins as an advance payment, he felt a sense of relief and began to speak.

Ive verified it. Now, Ill share the information.

Ive been waiting. Proceed, tell me.

With an eagerness akin to a child asking for treats, Heid urged Lawson to continue.

The saint was a young child. As soon as Viscount Gaid saw the little one, he knelt before him.

That Viscount Gaid youre referring to?

Just like the guild master, Heid narrowed his eyes and questioned him in a demanding tone.

Yes. I witnessed it with my own eyes, so theres no error.

Hmm Continue.

The Viscount knelt and addressed him as a saint. But the little one denied being a saint. I didnt understand at first either, but then Viscount Gaid said this.

Heid waited for Lawson to proceed.

After taking a sip of his drink as if his throat was parched, Lawson went on.

If the person who saved his life isnt a saint, then who is he?

Lawson paused here, gauging Heids reaction.

If Heid responded as he had before, he would be in despair.

Even if he spoke, no one would believe him, and he might even fall ill from frustration.

However, contrary to his concerns, Heid was seriously stroking his beard with his hand, lost in thought.

Hmm Its not an easily believable story, but The timing of the Holy Kingdom coming to the Kingdom to find the saint is too coincidental.

Thats correct!

Perhaps because someone finally believed his words, Lawson looked as pleased as could be.

What did the saint look like?

Whether he was happy or sad, Heid didnt seem to express much concern.

He had incredibly white hair and blue eyes. His eyes were so deep that they didnt seem like a childs. His clothes resembled old leather patched together

Wait a minute. If his hair is white, then its white. What do you mean by incredibly white?


Heids question left Lawson momentarily at a loss for words.

I mean its white, but its like a pure white? I didnt know a person could have such a hair color.

There arent many people with white hair, but theyre not exactly hard to find, right?

No. Youd be able to tell right away. Its white but not white.

I dont understand what youre saying.

Youll understand when you see it.

If hes wearing patched-up leather clothes, he must not be well-off.

Thats correct. I havent seen him in the village, so he must live on the outskirts or outside the village

Hmm Well, that should be enough for us to find him. Weve only investigated inside the village so far. We didnt know.

He probably doesnt live in their forest.

At Lawsons words, Heid nodded his head.

If he lived there, he wouldnt be alive today.

Then if we exclude the forest and look around, we should be able to find him soon. Ive received the advance payment, so Ill check and If its confirmed, Ill come back later.

Hehehe. Its been a while since Ive had such exciting information.

Its not exciting information. Its information that will make money, so youre excited.

Having said this, Lawson rose from his seat and put the pocket with the platinum coins into his inner pocket as he headed for the door.

Heid called out to his back.

Come drink sometimes!

Ill think about it!


Having been close friends for a long time, they couldnt meet regularly as Lawson walked the guilds path, and Heid walked the path of the black market trader.

They walked different yet similar paths, only meeting when there was information to exchange.

Both understood that this was what prolonged their relationship.

Although he was tired of such things, Lawson smiled at his friends words as he exited the door.

I should quit this Its time to stop.

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