Published at 11th of April 2024 05:05:09 AM

Chapter 168: The Lesian Empire (3)

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Chapter 168: The Lesian Empire (3)

He looked down at the robustly built old man.

Looks like muscle rigidity Ill have to undress him to be sure.

Ray murmured nonchalantly, as if it were nothing, and began to undress the Emperor.

Then, on the Emperors abdomen and arm, there appeared bruises or marks similar to bruises, but they were blue in color.

Ray instantly understood the Emperors condition upon seeing this.

It doesnt seem like bruises from blunt trauma. Wow, someone really did a number on the Emperor.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

As he carefully lifted the Emperors stiff body, his expression turned grim.

The body, stiffened from muscle rigidity, had to be handled with care.

Due to the nature of rigidity with cramps, muscles could easily tear, leading to a risk of injury.

The injuries Ray saw on the Emperor werent just from abnormal muscle contractions.

Some madman had apparently tried to forcefully move the rigid muscles.

This must have led to muscle tears and internal bleeding, starting from the skeletal muscles.

Skeletal muscles have a rich blood supply.

Moreover, blood vessels and nerves pass through the perimysium that surrounds muscle fibers.

When these muscles tore, they lost their function.

Even if treated, the aftereffects couldnt be mitigated.

The Emperor would likely complain of severe pain during muscle palpation.

But that wasnt all.

He pressed down from the Emperors shoulder to the elbow.

It seemed that a tendon injury had also occurred in the bruised arm area.

The tightly packed, elastic collagenous fibers had reached their breaking point, and the collagen fibers had snapped.

Normally, when a tendon is under load, collagen fibers align straight in the direction of the load.

But here, the muscles were forcibly torn, leaving no chance for the tendons to withstand the strain.

This would eventually lead to chronic muscle injuries due to the absorption of collagen fibers.

The situation was quite serious.

Though it wasnt life-threatening, the ongoing shock was not a good sign.

Ill have to perform a laparotomy to stop the bleeding. Correcting the shock caused by internal bleeding might bring back consciousness.

As his speculation from last night turned into conviction, Ray immediately prepared the Emperors abdomen for surgery.

Somewhere in his abdomen, there was a site of bleeding.

He had no other option but to open it up and take a look.

He did not hesitate. Even if it risked damaging the precious body of the Emperor, he couldnt let him die.


He magically cleaned both the Emperor and himself as a precaution, then slightly loosened the suppression of his divine power.

As he diminished the surrounding mana to alleviate the pressure of divine power, the air purifiers created by god around Ray began to whirl furiously.

Being Made in god, their efficiency was guaranteed.

The surroundings were purified, and the Emperors chamber quickly became a sterile environment suitable for surgery.

After inspecting the Emperors body once again, Ray cast a locking spell on the door.


It would be problematic if someone entered during the laparotomy.

With his aura, Ray fashioned a small scalpel.

The method of incision in a laparotomy varies depending on the targeted organ or location.

The anatomical structures and characteristics of the abdominal wall must be considered to minimize unnecessary tissue damage.

For this purpose, a vertical incision along the midline was advantageous.

The mana-made scalpel cut through the Emperors peritoneum.

He sat down in a chair and sighed.

Once again, his treatment efforts had hit a wall.

Luciella, looking at herself in the mirror, ground her teeth in frustration.

She couldnt forgive the Saint for ignoring her and moving away, feeling a deep scratch on her pride.

She felt that revenge was the only way to soothe her anger.

To ignore an imperial princess of the empire? Hmph. Thats as far as his arrogance goes.

She was the assistant to the first prince, the prime candidate for the imperial succession.

If she asked the first prince, surely the Saint would have to apologize to her formally.

However, she was mistaken.

Whether it was the first or second prince, they couldnt casually meddle with a Saint.

Simply put, as children of the Emperor, their status was a notch lower than that of a Saint.

Moreover, the current Saint was not an ordinary one.

Young as she was, she likely didnt understand the Saints status, but he was currently in a position no one could touch.

If the first prince followed Luciellas suggestion and demanded an apology from Ray, instead of succeeding to the throne, he might end up dead, unnoticed by anyone.

Who could escape when faced with someone who could mold the heart of a dragon like clay?

However, this fact was not publicly known in the empire.

Neither the first nor second princes, let alone Luciella, would be privy to this information.

Only the first prince knew, having heard it directly from the Emperor.

Luciella stood up from her seat.

Ah! This is so irritating!

She left the room, slamming the door behind her.

Outside the window, figures were watching her.

Heukyeong, with a cold gaze, sent a signal.

-Hongyeong, that person will definitely cause trouble for the Saint. Shouldnt we deal with her in advance?

The Seven Shadows.

Without a direct command, they had followed Ray from the Holy Kingdom to the empire.

Soyeong received her signal.

-Shouldnt we wait until that immature princess actually does something? The Saint himself said not to interfere.

It was almost like an order.

After a moment of contemplation with closed eyes, Hongyeong shook his head.

-Let her be for now. There are instructions from him Well just observe as much as possible.

There was no objection, as expected.

Hongyeong oversaw the Shadows, and her command was the second most important after the Saints.

They slightly bowed their heads in agreement.

-If Hongyeong says so

-We follow Hongyeongs command.

- But if they start plotting something serious and try to harm the Saint

Hongyeongs eyes flashed with a bloody glint.

- Then take immediate action.

Hongyeong did not permit indiscriminate killing.

Permission was granted when there was perceived harm to the one they served, when the Dain family was involved, or when personal judgment deemed killing necessary.

Although the princess was of the empire and the Saints command existed, this was permission to kill if necessary.

Thus, Luciella had the dubious honor of being under the intense surveillance of two of the Shadows.

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