Published at 11th of April 2024 05:05:03 AM

Chapter 172: The Awakened Emperor (2)

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Chapter 172: The Awakened Emperor (2)

The culprit was confirmed far more easily than he had anticipated.

As Heukyeong monitored the third princess, Luciela, he reported witnessing her issuing orders to assassins.

When asked for confirmation, Heukyeong presented a piece of parchment.

It resembled a contract, complete with an advance payment and the recipients name.

Although it did not specify who made and received the request, it was sufficient evidence to support Heukyeongs claims.

Was it a long-standing tradition in the empire to attempt assassination on those who came to help?

He had thought they were merely rude, but now it seemed they had lost all sense of decency.

Once the client was identified, Ray acted without restraint.

He stood before the historic gates of Beaseloni Castle, the capital of the Lesian Empire.

Up close, the wooden grains of the gate appeared to breathe, and the ironwork adorned with patterns looked majestic.

The gate was so magnificent that he found himself wanting to destroy it.

And soon, that desire turned into action.

Ray blew up the gates of the Lesian Empire.


With a deafening roar, parts of the castle wall and the gate crumbled.

Only the soldiers guarding the gate, spared by Rays protection, could stare blankly at the scene.

It was obvious that knights would rush to investigate such a commotion.

As expected, several orders of imperial knights positioned themselves around the destroyed gate.

The knights hastened to the soldiers.

What happened?

Even the usually reserved knights inquired, but the soldiers struggled to respond.

The gate

The magic The gate exploded

Muttering incoherently as if in shock, they could only point to someone.

The knights gaze followed where the soldiers pointed.

There stood the Saint from the Holy Kingdom.

Ray looked at them and began to recite another spell, aiming at the castle wall.


With the spoken word, mana reacted, causing another explosion.

Kwaaang-! Kwang-!

Magic circles appeared on the castle wall for a moment, resisting the onslaught, but only briefly.

The once-solid castle wall crumbled, or rather, it vanished.

The powerful explosion, in harmony with the mana of the magic circle, reduced the stone blocks of the castle wall to dust, scattering them about.

Ray, amidst the destruction, addressed the knights.

Bring the third princess to me if you dont want the castle to fall.

His overwhelming mana instantly intimidated the knights.

Chills ran down their spines, and cold sweat trickled down their backs.

There were hundreds of them, and all could wield mana.

Yet, he was pressuring these hundreds of knights all by himself.

The captain of the knights inquired hesitantly.

W-Whats the matter? The princess should be dining right now.

Ray scoffed at his words.

This was no time for jokes.

After blowing up the gate and the walls, they claimed the princess was dining.

Right. The noble princess should finish her meal. Explosion.


Contrary to his words, another part of the castle wall burst open.

Ray nodded in satisfaction at the sight.

He was a generous man, willing to wait for a meal to be finished.

Of course, his intention was to demolish the castle completely by the time the meal ended.

If she continued to eat, he was ready to commend her for it.

Both Jared and Luke swallowed hard at the sight of it.

The handwriting was unmistakably that of the third princess.

The contract, clearly stating the advance payment, was not a pleasant sight.

Why would the third princess attempt to assassinate a saint?

But now, it was too late to ponder the reasons; the trouble had already unfolded.

Ray had no intention of forgiving such a foolhardy act.

Had someone else come to help the empire, her assassination attempt might have been successful.

Only his formidable power had prevented the assassination, but what if it had been different?

What if he had been like the previous saints, not strong in combat?

He would have met the fate Luciela desired.

Therefore, he felt compelled to commend the third princess for her remarkable deed.

Jared and Luke, having no counterargument to Rays words, issued their commands with a sense of unease.

Bring Luciela here. Quickly.

The second prince underscored his order.

Tell them if theyre even slightly late, I wont let it pass. I dont know the circumstances, but she must bear the sin of trying to harm a guest.

Yes, understood!

We shall comply!

Several knights hurried toward the castle.

Fortunately, the knights executed their orders well, and before long, they almost dragged Luciela out.

Let go! How dare you do this to me!

The third princess struggled fiercely.

Ray watched her with a smirk, thinking she might come to her senses after a bit of suffering.

Three knights carefully held Luciela and bowed their heads to the princes.

We have brought her.

Luke gestured to the knights, who then released her.

The expressions on the two princes faces as they looked at Luciela were far from pleasant.

Did you really try to harm a saint?

You should have known your place. To repay kindness with enmity. It seems you have lost your mind.

Faced with the princes words, Luciela frowned.

Brothers, what do you mean I tried to harm a saint? I swear I know nothing about this.

Ray narrowed his eyes at her vehement denial.

Was she really going to deny it like this?

He sighed.

Take this back, its yours.

Saying so, he handed her the parchment.

Lucielas expression stiffened for a moment at the sight of it.

No one missed that brief change in her expression.

I didnt do it. Someone must have used my handwriting!


That is

Sigh Just when you think youve seen it all, who do you take me for?

Ray began to extract mana from his entire body.

His powerful mana, which even pushed back Swordmasters, surged around him.

The first and second princes activated their mana to counter him.

But it was futile.

The more they tried to counter, the more mana surged toward them.

Is this what the Emperor warned us about

He fought a Necromancer Was that true?

As they struggled just to defend themselves, Ray slowly approached them.

His cold gaze swept the surroundings.

The Lesian princess attempted to assassinate a saint from the Holy Kingdom. Did the Lesian Empire intend not to help, but to wage war?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!