Published at 11th of April 2024 05:04:52 AM

Chapter 179: Selection Ceremony

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Chapter 179: Selection Ceremony

Looking around, there was a significant number of young people.

This was because the Selection Ceremony was known as a stage of opportunity.

Winning in this competition granted the chance to receive a reward directly from the emperor.

Moreover, it was an opportunity to gain an official position or elevate ones family prestige, so many young nobles participated.

As a result, the capital, Beaseloni, was crowded with knights and soldiers escorting them.

Of course, they themselves were also escorted by the royal knights.

Walking down the streets, one could often see arguments leading to fights. Celia explained that these were power struggles between central and regional nobles.

It was evident that the country was thriving.

With both the royal family and nobles fighting, it felt more like a battlefield than an empire.

But it wasnt just nobles who participated in the Selection Ceremony.

The empire had maintained a close relationship with mercenary groups since ancient times.

Although it was a relationship built on money, unlike with other countries, there existed a bond of friendship forged with money between the empire and the mercenaries.

If the same request came from elsewhere, the mercenaries would choose the empire over other clients.

Accordingly, the Selection Ceremony often saw the participation of mercenaries, retired knights, and apprentice knights in training.

Even now, the preliminary matches were in full swing outside the tournament grounds.

Ray and Princess Celia were watching the games from the VIP seats.

There was a match between a monstrous man with an enormous build and a young man of normal stature.

The significant difference in size was instantly eye-catching.

Both were furiously attacking each other.

Ray shook his head looking at the larger man.

Hes putting too much force in his hands. Hell tire out quickly.

Clang! Clang!

The sound of their swords was loud enough to echo up to the VIP seats.

Ray had anticipated it, and sure enough, the larger man soon began to pant heavily.

Huff Huff!

In contrast, his younger opponent seemed completely composed.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Give up. No matter how much you resist, you will lose. Id rather avoid a meaningless fight.

Ugh you little!

Aura erupted from the larger mans blade.

Crude as it was, barely resembling aura, an aura user remained an aura user.

An ordinary sword would easily be sliced apart.

Soon, however, the young mans sword emitted an aura of its own.

His aura was anything but pathetic, unlike the other mans.

At first glance, it appeared well-refined, possibly of a mid-level aura user.

The battle then shifted to one of mana.

It was about the density, quantity, and control of mana.

The bulky man was quickly outmatched.

There was a clear disparity in density.

His unrefined aura, merely forced into his sword, was no match for the young mans refined aura.

After just one exchange, the larger mans aura shattered pathetically.


The strain on his body from his controlled aura breaking was severe.

He vomited blood but managed to twist his body to dodge the young mans sideways slash.

Ho. Youre doing quite well dodging in that condition.

The young man spoke as he thrust his sword.

The larger man assessed the situation quickly.

This was not just a simple thrust.

For reasons unknown, his mercenary instincts screamed at him to charge forward instead of retreat and to strike from the side.

He trusted his intuition.

Advancing rather than retreating, he caught the flustered young man off balance with his body.

Once off balance, standing was impossible.

Moved by the delightful tunes, Ray decided to present them with a gift.


With his incantation, beautiful lights began to decorate the area around the fountain.

A charming scene unveiled itself.

The soft glow of the Light magic, in sync with the minstrels melody, cultivated a magical atmosphere.

The already pleasant music took on an even more enchanting quality.

Onlookers expressed their amazement.


So beautiful

As the lights danced gracefully around the performance, they swiftly enchanted the assembled crowd.

Even Princess Celia could not resist expressing her admiration.

Such simple 1st circle magic, yet it changes the atmosphere so dramatically Impressive

But Rays magic was not finished.

The spells he had previously demonstrated in the Grand Duchy of Silos sprang forth from his hands once more.

Light. Explosion. Sparkle.

The combination of three spells initiated a transformation.

As the Light magic ascended, small explosions created a shower of sparkles like a meteor shower.

Boom! Boom!


Could this be what a starry sky breaking apart would look like?

The breathtaking spectacle left the minstrel and others speechless, merely watching in awe.

Everyone was afraid to break the enchanting silence.

No one left their seats, even as the magic burst forth right in front of them.

The meteor shower in the beautiful night sky captivated not just those around the fountain, but also those preparing for the Selection Ceremony, who paused to look up.

Even the knights on guard were no exception.

For a moment, they forgot their duties, mesmerized by a spectacle they had never seen before in their lives.

It felt as though not just their hearts but also their bodies were engulfed by the magnificent night sky.

Princess Celia gazed up at the sky, her mouth slightly open.

Words failed her. Magic was this beautiful.

It was an experience like no other.

The minstrel, regaining her senses, slowly resumed playing her melody.

With each note she plucked, the hearts of the listeners swelled.

With the sky still twinkling with lights and the fountain echoing with captivating sounds, no one felt any envy at that moment.

As the melody quietly faded, Ray also gradually ceased his magic.

With the end of their splendid collaboration, an endless aftertaste struck the surroundings.

Only a melancholic echo lingered at the fountain.



The song had ended, and the meteor shower had ceased, but the lingering sentiment was almost sorrowful.

The minstrel, coming out of her daze, approached Ray.

Thats when the royal guards, regaining their senses, stepped in to block her.

Step back.

I dont want to treat someone who gave such a beautiful performance so harshly. Stand down.

Princess Celia intervened.

Its alright.


As the guards stepped back, the princess asked with a smile, Do you need something from us?

Seeing the princess speak so kindly to a commoner like the minstrel was rare.

The hooded minstrel hesitated before speaking.

Um I have something to discuss, not with you, but with him.

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