Published at 11th of April 2024 05:04:34 AM

Chapter 192: The Empire’s Crisis (1)

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Chapter 192: The Empire’s Crisis (1)

The advance of the Princes faction to the Wyvern Mountains was prepared in quite a rapid timeframe.

Given the Princes actions and the urgency created by time pressure, this was to be expected.

The attack on the Wyvern Mountains was carried out by a magical unit jointly formed by three noble families.

Composed entirely of magicians of at least the fourth circle, this twenty-member unit boasted formidable firepower.

Exaggerating a bit, even a Sword Master could be stopped at a sufficient distance.

Why was the attack on the Wyvern Mountains entrusted only to the magical unit?

Because they, too, feared the wyverns.

Knowing that aura users would be annihilated instantly if they attacked the wyverns, they couldnt envision such an operation.

Their strategy was to launch a long-range preemptive strike.

By unleashing a barrage of offensive magic in a short period, they aimed to provoke the wyverns, who would certainly try to identify the source of the disturbance unless they were fools.

The wyverns would probably conclude that the empire was attacking them.

Then, the Emperor would assemble an army to fend off the wyverns, and the rebels would simply wait for the military forces to be depleted before starting their uprising.

What a simple and clear plan it was.

As they climbed the mountain, the leader of the magic unit gave an order.

The mountain paths are treacherous. Instead of watching your step, look ahead and move.



Although they were magicians and couldnt compare physically to knights, all of them were at least fourth-circle mages.

They cast the Haste spell to reduce physical exertion.

Feeling lighter, they could travel long distances without becoming tired.

It took them over three hours to reach the summit.

Even with the use of Haste spells, the journey took this long, hinting at the vastness of the mountains.

Fortunately, they were not attacked by monsters while climbing, avoiding any deviation from their plan.

It seemed the heavens were aiding them.

The leader looked around and stretched out his hand.

Then, a faint voice was heard.



Their mana began to spread, scanning the surroundings.

Though not comparable to Ray, they were high-circle magicians.

Their mana spread out, revealing the barrier the wyverns had set around the mountain.

The leader quietly approached the hidden barrier in the bushes.

Not a single error.

It was like looking at a well-drafted blueprint.

Combining magic formulas to create new effects, the wyverns magical level was higher than expected.

He swallowed hard as he looked at the magic circle.

Incredible skill. The efficiency of mana absorption is excellent. If such beings are all that exist here, then its not just our defeat, but the empires demise.

The interaction of various magical formulas was one thing, but the tremendous mana at the heart of the barrier was terrifying.

To pour such an amount of mana into a magic circle, at least twice as much mana would be needed, which seemed improbable for a human circle.

In fact, the barrier he was looking at had not been created by wyverns but by Ray.

High-level magic circles are usually not repaired.

Few can fix them, and it is overwhelmingly more time-consuming and costly than installing a new one.

Moreover, the effect of a repaired circle is minimal compared to a new one.

If not replaced, the heart of a large magic circle gradually depletes and decays.

It is a natural consequence for the effects of a giant magic circle to weaken.

Thus, for large-scale magic circles, parts of the circle are replaced periodically after the initial installation.

Unbeknownst to anyone here, Ray had repaired this circle after he had once destroyed it.

He had embedded his dense mana into the heart of the circle and adjusted the surrounding formulas to allow mana to flow freely in and out, ensuring it wouldnt decay over time.

In simple terms, it was essentially a semi-permanent magic circle.

As long as the mana Ray injected into the core wasnt completely depleted, the circle could be used indefinitely.

Who would have thought that such a magic circle was repaired?

Furthermore, producing professional doctors would be the icing on the cake, the final touch on a masterpiece.

With the most challenging piece, the Lesian Empire, now in place, all that remained was to raise the standard of the Medical Academy.

This would be accomplished over time by progressively intensifying the lessons.

I should go now. Theyll complain if Im late.

Who could dare say anything to the Saint? Hahaha.

Well, it seems there is someone who does.

A blonde, always smiling face flashed in his mind and then disappeared.

As Ray was about to leave the Great Hall after finishing his conversation with the Emperor, Princess Celia entered hastily.

Her disheveled hair and the presence of a flustered knight indicated that she had rushed upon hearing of his departure.

Breathless, she gasped out,

Ah, ah Your Holiness

Calm down, Im not going anywhere.

While speaking, he channeled the mana around her to ease her breathing, relaxing Princess Celias expression.

After composing herself, she bowed her head.

Ive shown disgrace before His Majesty and Your Holiness.

Its okay.

The Emperor nodded at Rays words.

Princess Celia, unable to hide her flustered expression, asked,

Is it true that youre going to the Holy Kingdom?

Yes. There are things I need to do, so its time to go back.

Right now?

Yes, why?

Her shock was evident.

She had received so much help from the Saint before her.

She, who had lived in fear, fleeing from her brothers, could now face them, thanks to his sharp words.

And now, her mentor was leaving.

A turmoil of emotions bubbled up within hera mix of frustration and confusion.

It was as if her usually composed self had broken down.

Her mouth hung open, her limbs trembling.

She hadnt even properly thanked him.

But without a way to make him stay, her despair was natural.

Ray sighed and scratched his head.

It wasnt a situation for consolation, nor could he just leave.

His words, after much thought, were rather funny.

Um what was it Fight on.


After a moment of awkward silence, she burst into laughter.

Hahaha. We will meet again, wont we?

Ray nodded at her words.

They would meet again, especially with the establishment of the Medical Academy.

Relieved by his answer, she placed a hand on her chest.

It was truly a pleasure. And also thank you, sincerely.

Ah, its nothing. We all live on the same continent; we have to help each other.

Meaning, help out with the new Medical Academy too!

Rays words, heavy with this implication, hung unspoken in the air between them.

After a brief exchange, Ray slung his bag over his shoulder and announced,

Then, I really will go now.

Please visit anytime. The empire is always open to the Saint.

With a tone akin to a public service announcement, the Emperor regarded him solemnly.

Ray gave a subtle nod in acknowledgment.

With that, his business in the empire came to an end.

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