Published at 11th of April 2024 05:04:32 AM

Chapter 193: The Empire’s Crisis (2)

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Chapter 193: The Empire’s Crisis (2)

As he packed his belongings and boarded a carriage with the Knights Templar, numerous imperial knights greeted him.

The disciplined formation arrayed in front of the city gate was a sight to behold.


Chk-! Churk-!

The sound of armor clashing echoed as shoulders were squared and backs straightened.


The collective sound of weapons clashing, glistening under the sun, formed a path of shining blades.

Progressing slowly through the carriage, he moved away from the city gate.

The Lesian Empire, now so familiar, filled him with a tinge of regret as he departed.

He passed the motionless knights and exited the city gate.

He traveled past the street where the equestrian display had occurred and left behind the fountain where the fireworks had been set off.

Someday, Ill have to come back here.

With that thought, he released his reluctance.

Leaving behind some nostalgia seemed fitting for the next visit.

He settled deep into the carriage seat when suddenly, a loud explosion sounded.


The horses, startled by the noise, shook the carriage.

The Knights Templar, as surprised as the horses, quickly soothed them and looked toward the source of the noise.

Ray, too, leaned out of the carriage window.

He saw smoke rising from the imperial palace.

Another explosion followed, louder than the first.


Such a blast could easily raze a couple of buildings.

Now, those about to leave the empire were thrown into disarray.

Its from the imperial palace!

Secure the perimeter! Ensure the safety of the Saint is the priority!


Various commands echoed as the Knights Templar sprang into action.

Ray stepped out of the carriage to assess the situation.

Just as he was caught up in his emotions, an explosion had to disrupt the moment.

In a way, these ridiculous occurrences were quite the hallmark of the empire he had come to know.

He addressed Heor, the commander of the Knights Templar.

What happened?

Heor quickly marshaled the knights into formation and replied,

Its not confirmed yet but it seems the imperial palace has been attacked.

The imperial palace was attacked?

If not, theres no reason for such an explosion inside the city.

That made sense.

Even if all the stored explosives had detonated simultaneously, they wouldnt have produced such a massive sound from inside the palace.

The most likely explanation was magic.

Ray tightened the hem of his flowing robe around his waist.

Any casualties on our side?

None. The explosion seems to have occurred only inside the palace.

Thats a relief. Just tie up the carriage nearby. Dont unpack the luggage. The Third Knights Templar will wait here until I return. Oh, and while waiting, please guide any evacuees.

Excuse me?

Confused, Heor asked, to which Ray replied seriously.

Theres no time. If a few more explosions like that occur, even the imperial palace will collapse. Then everyone, including the Emperor, will die.

But in such a dangerous place

They couldnt take the Saint to such a perilous location.

Heor, about to express this, closed his mouth before finishing his sentence.

Who was the Saint before them?

He was the one who had faced the worst necromancer, a black magician who ended an era, and a war hero who had single-handedly suppressed the rebellion within the Holy Kingdom.

It was unthinkable that he would die from mere explosions.


They began their relentless assault upon receiving the command.

Fire Explosion!

Earth Spear!

As large-scale magic unfolded, the imperial palace had no choice but to crumble helplessly.

As they moved around, destroying various parts of the palace, its once-glorious appearance was nowhere to be found.

The empires knights, paralyzed by fear, forced their bodies to move and resisted.

But that was all they could do.

As Lilith swept her hand through the air, a fine line of blood appeared.

That line took the lives of the knights.


I cough Even in death, I wont forget you

Even as they coughed up blood, their voices brimmed with hatreda very human response.

Reinforcements from the empire soon arrived, among them Gregory, who had come to support the Holy Kingdom.

He frowned at the grim situation surrounding him.

This is a disaster.

He drew his sword and ordered the knights around him.

Knights, form groups of five to take on the wyverns! Hold on just a bit longer; reinforcements will arrive! We fight these treacherous wyverns until then!


With a brief response, the well-trained knights quickly formed their ranks.

Their arrival brought a slight respite.

As groups of five began to confront each wyvern, there was a moment when the wyverns seemed to be pushed back.

Lilith looked at Gregory and shook her head.

To hold out until reinforcements arrive a futile effort. Bear the consequences for daring to disturb the Wyvern Lair.

Gregory swallowed hard at her words.

Even as a Swordmaster, the mana emanating from the wyvern before him was of a different caliber.

It was doubtful whether his Aura Blade could strike her fatally.

This is not good If things continue like this, we wont last. Ill try to buy as much time as possible.

With that thought, he unsheathed his Aura Blade from the outset.

His mana swirled around the sword, converging into one force.

The refined Aura Blade made its presence unmistakably known.

However, it was a fact that it posed no threat to Lilith.

She chanted multiple spells in an instant.

Earth Spear. Fire Pillar. Wind Cutter.


The ground trembled, and stone spears erupted from the earth.

That wasnt all. Columns of fire with intense heat bore down menacingly, and the flames spread further by the wind magic that swept past.

The castle began to burn in almost no time.

Gregory managed to cut through the wind blades but couldnt avoid grunting.


The impact he felt in his hand was no joke.

If a simple Wind Cutter could do this much, he couldnt fathom the extent of damage large-scale magic might cause.

If the distance widens, its a sure defeat.

With that in mind, Gregory moved skillfully, dodging Earth Spears, and managed to get within close range of Lilith.

But that was as far as he got.

Each time he tried to swing his sword, Liliths magic accurately targeted the critical points of his attacks, thwarting any effective strike.

The disparity between their abilities was so vast it bordered on despair.

Gregory gritted his teeth and lunged at her.

Lilith, who had been easily parrying his attacks, flicked her hand once, and another line of blood appeared.

However, Gregory was knocked back by her defenses and couldnt regain his balance in time.



The line of blood sliced through Gregorys body, leaving a wound in its wake.

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