Published at 11th of April 2024 05:04:29 AM

Chapter 195: The Empire’s Crisis (4)

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Chapter 195: The Empire’s Crisis (4)

Even with his firm assurance, Liliths expression did not soften.

How can we believe you?

If you want, I can make a mana oath.


His bold declaration caught everyone, including her, by surprise, and they had to suppress their shock.

A mana oath is absolute.

Breaking such an oath means being rejected by mana.

This entails more than just the failure of a spell.

Mana is the fundamental substance that composes the atmosphere.

Being rejected by it implies that ones very existence could be threatened.

In other words, the young man before her was staking his life against the bloodshed the Empires people might endure.

Liliths eyebrows twitched momentarily before her face softened.

The tension in her crossed arms gradually eased.

Youre brave. Do you know what happens to someone as strong as you if they break an oath?

It would collapse.

And youre still willing to risk your life because you think the Empire is worth it?

Worth it? Dont make me laugh.

Ray waved his hand dismissively, a cynical smirk on his face.

He no longer saw the Empire as valuable, unlike before.

It was a place where someone would provoke wyverns to usurp the throne, heedlessly endangering the very citizens they should protect.

No sensible ruler would contemplate such an action.

What worth could such a place possibly have?

But the citizens were innocent, uninvolved in these machinations.

How could he stand by while innocent lives were lost to anothers lunacy?

He spoke with a hint of despair.

The Empire has lost its value.

After Rays statement, Lilith paused before speaking, her tone conceding.

I see Alright. I trust your words. Now that youve given your answer, will you release my kin?

At her request, he began to manipulate mana.


With Rays command, the magic binding the wyverns was lifted, and they immediately voiced their protest.

Gasp! My lord, how can you promise such a thing! We should wipe them out right now!

Thats right! We need to set an example!

Despite her kins fierce protests, Lilith didnt bat an eye.

No, she displayed her dominance instead.

Defying me?

Her intense mana silenced the previously vocal wyverns, as if their mouths were sealed with honey.

The unwritten rule established by the strong reduced them from sizable wyverns to obedient dogs.

After casting a silent glance at her quieted kin, Lilith turned her back on the Imperial City.

The deadline is tomorrow morning Keep the promise until then. If not we will come to settle todays matter.

Ray also nodded earnestly at her words, which carried a threatening undertone.


Lets go.

At her command, the wyverns followed Lilith with faces full of reluctance.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

The atmosphere became increasingly tense.

Not even the Emperor could soothe the situation easily.

The jeers continued, and the number of nobles who sympathized with the atmosphere only grew.

Ray sighed again, closing his eyes.

He had endured enough. Honestly, why would he stay in the Empire if there was nothing to gain?

They were oblivious to the fact that all this was for their own sake, only thinking about the immediate losses they would suffer. It seemed nothing more than petty selfishness.

When he opened his eyes again, his expression was markedly more indifferent than before.

Is that so? If you all want to die miserably, go ahead. Frankly, its none of my business what happens to the Empire. If you want me to leave, Ill just go.

At his blunt words, the nobles eagerly chimed in.

How can a saint say such things!

Fine. Leave immediately. I regret that I cannot send you farther away.

At this point, he no longer felt like doing anything more.

He would negotiate as much as possible with the Wyvern Lord for the lives of the people, but he couldnt care less about the future of these nobles.

He licked his lips.

If I half-kill all the heads of the Empire, would they negotiate then? he muttered nonchalantly, his tone eerily calm.

The Emperor sensed resignation in his demeanor.

If he leaves, the Empire will face a crisis.

The Emperor, an iron ruler, had overcome several crises with his intuition.

Now, his instincts told him to keep the saint.

Eventually, the Emperor stood up.

Saint, wont you please save the Empire? I humbly ask this of you.

As he bowed deeply, the nobles were shocked, biting their tongues in astonishment.

Who was this Emperor?

An individual who had seized the throne with his abilities alone, despite being the weakest among the princes and a man of great pride and high self-esteem.

Now, he was bowing his head in front of the saint.

Your Majesty, please raise your head!

He may be a saint, but hes still just a child! Theres no need for you to do this

It was offensive to hear as a young person.

But before Ray could frown, the Emperors stern voice echoed in the great hall.

Silence! This is an imperial command! All nobles under the protection of the Imperial Palace must follow the saints orders!


How, how can this be

Anyone who disobeys will be erased under my name. Sir Gregory!

As the Emperor called out, Gregory, standing by, knelt in obedience.

I receive Your Majestys command. Please grant me the honor of leading the charge.

He said this, looking towards one side of the great hall.

A remarkable hideout. To only sense it now Is he a retainer of the saint?

The nobles, who had previously spouted nonsense at the saint, might have been turned into meat paste in their beds that night if the Emperor and he had not stepped in.

Unaware of their narrow escape from death, they knelt with heavy expressions.

We receive the command

We will comply

Ray grumbled.

Comply, my foot. I dont want to do it anymore. Just handle it yourselves. Itll be quite a sight to see you all get annihilated by the wyverns.

His heart, deeply hurt and irritated, had already left the Empire.

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