Published at 11th of April 2024 05:04:14 AM

Chapter 200: To The Silia Kingdom

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Chapter 200: To The Silia Kingdom

Ray arrived at the Holy Kingdom just as the final preparations for the pilgrimage concluded.

From the gates of Selonia Castle, he could see a long procession of carriages.

Spotting a figure with a sword tied around their waist walking toward the castle from afar, the knights escorting the carriages immediately knelt down.

Goodness! It is an honor to meet The Saint!

Y-Your Holiness! But why are you alone?

It was their way of asking why he had returned by himself.

Ray replied without giving it much thought.Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

I came alone because Iriel kept urging me.

Blaming Iriel seemed to work wonders, particularly when things were not going as planned.

This strategy was even more effective in the Holy Kingdom.

The knights, still puzzled, did not question him further and accepted his explanation.

Hmm Understood. Please board the carriage here in one hour.

With a respectful bow, they went back to inspecting the carriages.

The journey from the Holy Kingdom to the Silia Kingdom was not especially long, but it was a pilgrimage for two adults.

Thus, the preparations were meticulous, and any potential dangers had been carefully mitigated.

Even now, knightsnot ordinary coachmenwere inspecting the carriages, a testament to the Holy Kingdoms diligence.

Ray entered the castle gate, flanked by a few guards.

After all, he had taken care of everything necessary before he left for the Lesian Empire.

The only remaining tasks were probably the books he hadnt finished reading.

He walked into Selonia Castle and made his way to the office prepared for The Saint.

Once the guards had respectfully withdrawn, Ray, now alone in the office, summoned his intelligence officers.


Your orders, please.

From the shadows, a woman dressed in a tight-fitting night suit, ideal for stealth, knelt on one knee.

With her, the other four intelligence officers materialized.

Report on the current situation in the Holy Kingdom, including the Academy.

The Holy Kingdom is facing a financial crisis. Additionally, the number of monsters in the mountains has surged, leading to various territories experiencing trouble due to monster subjugation.

Monsters? Could that be due to the climate getting warmer?

Yes. Primarily along the Gehel Mountain Range, which stretches from Gehel, the nearby territories are frequently attacked by monsters. Especially now, with finances already tight, drafting soldiers is causing the people in those territories to suffer.

The people suffer from drafting soldiers? Dont tell me

Ray frowned, and Hongyeong silently nodded.

She continued in an even tone.

The lords are unwilling to deplete their granaries to aid the people. Consequently, the taxes the people must pay have increased. In simple terms, most of the expenses required to protect the territories fall on the people.

Ray was astonished by the report.

How had things deteriorated so quickly during the short time he was away?

Even if the newly appointed Pope Eclay was preoccupied with various issues, what were the other nobles in charge of administration doing?

He pressed his forehead and addressed Hongyeong.

The investigations into the corruption in the territories must be complete by now, right?

They are finished. A command to Euclid is all that remains, and she will take care of the rest.

Collaborate with Euclid to tackle the corruption in the territories. I may not be able to return for some time once the pilgrimage begins.

I understand your command.

And the Academy?

There are no significant issues. The only point to note is that the medical academy has expanded more than anticipated.

Ray nodded, pleased to hear this rare piece of good news.

The expansion of the medical academy is crucial for its establishment across the continent.

The rest could be arranged through power, funds, and a somewhat coercive agreement with that nation.

It depended on how much value that nation placed on the Medical Academy.

But why are you smiling?

Hehehe. Doesnt always smiling make me seem like a saint?

Not just seem like one, she actually was a saint.

As she basked in the warmth of the fire, her face relaxed, and she spoke playfully.

Are you that happy to be returning?

Well, yeah. I thought I wouldnt be able to return for years.

At his words, Iriel gave a sad smile.

In a few years, the Saint will leave forever.

Since the Goddess Gaia hadnt said anything, it seemed like an implicit permission had been granted.

The thought of being left alone in the Holy Kingdom again made her heart ache.

I see.

She hid her feelings deep inside, covering them with a frivolous smile.

After all, due to the constraints of becoming a saint, she couldnt even utter the words she wanted to say.

As she finished drying her hair and clothes, she quietly got up from her seat.

Ray, who had been deliberately ignoring her, sighed softly as Iriel left.

Its so hard to get involved in medicine Sigh

Watching Iriel from a distance, Pia sighed.

She had joined this journey as part of the Saints three great families.

She had realized long ago that Iriel had feelings for the Saint, but as time passed, it only grew more frustrating.

Despite managing the Saints affairs and even choosing Silia as the first destination of the pilgrimage to please him, she gained nothing in return.

Seeing Iriel suffer silently without being able to say anything made Pia sense her pain.

Hiding behind a tree and watching him, Pia quietly approached Iriel.

Are you okay with this, Saintess?


About the Saint. Are you okay with someone else taking him away?

Her direct question made Iriel hesitate for a moment, thinking of Aira, before replying.


What did you say?

I cant say anything to the Saint.

Of course, she couldnt.

Uttering a single word would mean the disappearance of her existence.

That was the deal Iriel had made with the gods.

Her status, honor, and immense divine power, all traded for her one life.

But Pia couldnt understand that.

Why! You can just go and talk to him right now!

Like consoling a younger siblings tantrum, Iriel smiled and shook her head.

Feelings are a matter of depth, Pia.

At some point, her affection for him had surpassed her piety.

Thus, speaking out would turn it into a transgression.

She was aware of this herself.

If her feelings could be reciprocated without her confession, that would be the ideal outcome, but she did not expect that.

After all, isnt love about being able to openly share emotions with each other?

Pia, faced with such steadfastness, shook her head as well.

If the Saintess says so, Ill follow but

Thank you for understanding.

I didnt say I understand

As Iriel once again brushed her rain-soaked hair, she looked up at the sky.

The rain, which they had thought was just a passing shower, seemed to be a gentle, timely rain when needed.

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