Published at 11th of April 2024 05:04:01 AM

Chapter 206: My Salvation (3)

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Chapter 206: My Salvation (3)

As the commotion outside grew, Iriel stepped out of the inn.

Its noisy.

Well, thats

Bypassing the Paladin about to report, Iriel approached the source of the noise. There, she found Ray and a strange-looking woman.

At first glance, the woman seemed to need help.

However, for some reason, the Saint stood silently, as if waiting for the woman to speak her mind.

The woman subtly moved closer and tugged at her clothes.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Whats the matter?

If we start talking, itll be a long story.

Then I dont want to hear it.

I like that about you.

With the straightforward conversation, Iriel waited for her to respond.

Her expression changed constantly, indicating deep thought.

Had enough time passed for a cup of tea?

The woman then shook her head with a smile.

Im honestly happy for the help, but I choose to live this way.

Can I ask why?

Changing here feels like denying my past self.

I see.

Uncharacteristically serious, Iriel asked again.

Are you sure about this?

At that, the woman laughed, sounding almost relieved.

This is it for me.

Ray wiped his hands as if he was done with the matter.

If thats what the person involved says, then thats that.

There was nothing more for him to add.

Yet, if she continued living on the battlefield like this, her death was almost certain.

She might be skilled, but that was only when compared to ordinary mercenaries.

Against a true expert, she would be killed in a heartbeat.

Though they had met by a mere twist of fate, knowing the truth made it uncomfortable to just leave her to die.

Here, take this at least.

Ray handed her a small necklace, licking his lips.

Even upon closer inspection, the necklace seemed unremarkable.

It was nothing compared to the recently seen slaves engraved bracelet.

But to Ray, this necklace held some significance.

It wasnt a masterpiece, but it was one of the items that held memories from his past.

He managed to create it while taking care of Aira, living in her house.

During that period, he read about magic circles and mana infusion, so he experimented with the hastily crafted necklace.

Whats this?

Its an artifact. If you feel in danger, let mana flow into the necklace. Though, it wont last many uses before the mana is depleted.

Why are you giving this to me?

Confused by her question, Ray scratched his head.

I dont really know. Hearing your story, I just wanted to help?

I see. Ill use it gratefully.

She put it around her neck as she spoke.

It felt a bit rough, yet it somehow suited her well.

As she tapped the necklace, she smiled.

It almost feels like it resembles me.

That wasnt intentional.

This is the first time in my life Ive received help. Ill repay this kindness, even if it takes a lifetime.

Her words seemed weighty for someone just receiving a necklace.

She then produced a small badge from her belongings.

It seemed to be a valuable keepsake, affirming her identity as a mercenary.

It was likely a standard mercenary badge.

This means a lot to me. Id like you to hold onto it until I can repay the favor.

Ill do that.

Complete freedom.

Nothing could be more luxurious for her.

She could walk anywhere, live with her shoulders back, and her head held high.

Just that felt like possessing the whole world.

And then he even gave her a magical artifact.

She couldnt help but smile.

His generosity knew no bounds.

Yet, why did it warm her heart so much?

She had to bring out something precious she had kept hidden for so long.

An object that proved she was more than a slave to be owned, but a person.

A simple wooden mercenary badge, but it was her lifeline all this time.

With this, I can look forward to the future.

Her life had been defined by the marks of servitude.

Now, she would live for herself.

Hoping to meet him again one day, to return the favor.

With that hope, she set off.

A path with no destination, but her heart raced more than it ever had.

As always, she considered herself fortunate.

This was the first help, the first salvation, she had ever received.

Inside the academy, a lecture was underway.

Initially, he had thought he was just educating some dimwits, but teaching turned out to be quite complex.

He was confident in anatomy, of course.

Furthermore, as a researcher of dark magic with extensive knowledge, he believed he could easily handle all the lectures.

However, his confidence crumbled after reading the tome left by the Lord.

The depth of knowledge was astounding.

The information was incredibly detailed.

It was so systematic that almost everything seemed familiar compared to his own experiences.

What is this?

Despite being a lich who had lived for centuries, he was taken aback.

He began flipping through the pages more rapidly.

Zik, observing from the sidelines, remarked,

Of course. Its the work of our Lord, so even a fool like you can understand it. If not, youd have to atone for troubling the Lord with your death.

Even as a lich, his body could disintegrate but not lead to true death.

His gaze remained fixed on the parchment left by Ray.

Silence, or I will rip out that tongue of yours. This is no time for your trivial banter.

Intelligent as he was.

Having become a high-ranking lich, his intellectual capacity had increased significantly, allowing him to memorize the entire contents of the parchment.

Hahaha! Remarkable If the information on this parchment is accurate, I could pursue research far beyond my current scope

Dont get ahead of yourself.

Kukuku. Yes, I must first complete the task the Lord assigned.

By now, he had likely memorized everything.

But delivering the lesson smoothly was a different challenge.

Unlike Ray, who understood the fundamental reasons and causes, he had only memorized the text.

Thus, he couldnt provide perfect answers to the students questions.

Although the students comprehended his explanations, he was not content with himself.

He needed to uncover better answers and achieve superior results.

As required, the lich also began studying and experimenting like the students.

Progress was slow due to the unfamiliar and complex information.

Yet, he found it enjoyable.

After living for over three hundred years, he thirsted for the vast information.

His satisfaction grew, and with it, his curiosity.

How had the Lord come to know all these things?

Despite being chosen as the Saint and overflowing with divine power, he still used mana.

He pondered this peculiar nature calmly but could deduce nothing.

A blue light flickered in his eyes.

Lord, Ill devote everything to you. In return, I must know all about you.

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