Published at 11th of April 2024 05:03:34 AM

Chapter 212: Rumors Build Upon Rumors

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Chapter 212: Rumors Build Upon Rumors

It had been a week since they set sail.

The knights, being elite, had no issues, but the healers and priests were greatly suffering from seasickness.

Even with the use of holy magic to alleviate it, the intense rocking of the ship was enough to daze their minds.

He ordered those suffering from seasickness to rest, and he had a quiet meal in a secluded spot.

As Iriel tore a piece of bread with her slender fingers, she murmured, There are some strange rumors going around lately, arent there? About a half-elf, a prince of a nation, even the youngest-ever sword master. How can so many rumors spread in one place?

Well, all the nobles on the ship are young. Its inevitable that rumors would spread.

Hahaha. Maybe the rumor about the youngest sword master isnt so far-fetched.

She chuckled as she spoke.

Still, we need to discern the truth behind these rumors. It might be helpful to us

It doesnt seem like it would be that helpful.

Doesnt your heart flutter at the thought of uncovering the truth behind the rumors?

Your heart flutters at strange things. Youre just like your master.

Is that a compliment?

With a subtle expression, Iriel was approached by a group of young men.

Their finely dressed appearance and the accompanying knights indicated they were undoubtedly noble offspring.

Their eyes were fixed on Iriel.

A blond young man greeted them.

Excuse us for interrupting your meal. We couldnt help but speak to someone who fits so beautifully with this lovely night.

Whether it was his natural gaze or not, his shining eyes were somewhat intimidating.

The two knights standing behind twitched their eyebrows slightly.

They thought it madness for mere noble offspring to dare approach a saint; they must be seeking death.

Just as their hands were about to draw their swords, Ray raised his hand to stop them, accepting the bold greeting with a sly smile.

Thank you for the kind words.


To the bystanders, it seemed as if three young men were attempting to court another man.

The startled group waved their hands in protest.

Oh, no we were just trying to greet the lady here.

We certainly didnt mean anything else by it.

As the tension dissipated, Iriel returned the smile.

Yes, its nice to meet you.

Hahaha. Actually, weve reserved a terrace upstairs with a fantastic view. Would you care to join us for a drink? Everyones up there. Its like a small banquet.

Ray glanced at Iriel, his silence posing a question about her wishes.

After a brief reflection, Iriel gave a nod.

They seldom had opportunities for time alone, much less for leisurely drinks.

Spending time with the saint on the ship to create positive memories didnt seem like a bad idea.

The three young men, energized by her agreement, eagerly started leading the way.

Their steps were so sprightly that even the most sophisticated navigation system would have had trouble keeping up.

Accompanied by two knights, they reached a spacious terrace.

To the accompaniment of musicians, over twenty young nobles danced with their partners.

The moonlit sea, visible through the windows, presented a spectacular sight indeed, as promised.

As the pair stepped onto the terrace, all eyes were drawn to them.

Even those already dancing with partners couldnt help but steal glances their way.

Their entrance into the hall was nothing short of striking.

Among the crowd, someone recognized Ray and gasped in astonishment.

Ah, isnt that the person?

The one from the rumors, right?

Searching for a partner Could their companion be the one?

The whispers grew loud enough to be bothersome, and Iriel appeared confused.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Ray is the subject of rumors?

This is the first Ive heard of it

Where did such a rumor originate from

The murmurs around them grew louder.

Paladins? Why would the Holy Kingdom be here?

I heard from my father. The saints from the Silia Kingdom are on a pilgrimage

Then, the two people in front of us are Oh, no, the two are

Cold sweat ran down their faces.

It was fortunate that they hadnt spoken rashly.

A misstep could have led to a crisis for their family.

The power held by saints was tremendous.

They commanded blind trust from over thirty million followers of the Holy Kingdom and wielded influence even in other territories.

In some respects, their authority even surpassed that of the Pope.

Having tampered with the drink of such figures, they couldnt complain even if they were to be executed on the spot.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, one of the young men, holding his bleeding nose, made an excuse.

Li, listen! Its a misunderstanding! This liquor isnt like that!

I know. Its actually good liquor, right?

Yes! It is, its good liquor.

If its that good, then you should drink a lot of it.

He poured the liquor into the young mans mouth and massaged his throat to force him to swallow.



A burning sensation in the throat was followed by the spreading of a sweet scent.

Hehehe. What was that you said earlier? A beautiful night view? Thats nice.

Under the painfully bright moonlight, fists flew back and forth.

The punches were so severe they could have killed a person, clearly demonstrating their lethal potential.

Curiously, despite the severe beating, the recipient didnt collapse until he lost consciousness.

The level of endurance was almost miraculous.

It was like dancing with a partner.

The young man writhed in agony.

Somehow, the punches stopped just short of making him lose consciousness.

Just as he adjusted and was about to faint, a sharp increase in pain exploded somewhere in his body.

Additionally, the liquor he had been forced to consume prevented him from using his internal mana for protection.

Just just kill me

The expressions of the onlookers grew serious.

Hes going to die at this rate

Someone should stop this

Sympathy arose for the man being beaten like a dog, unable to defend himself.

But no one there could intervene.

Thus, the beating of the young men continued in turn until the night view gave way to dawn.

For a while, no one could leave their seats, transfixed by the demonically cruel scene.

The rumors grew even graver.

They say the Saint is actually a demon

Theres also a rumor that he delights in drinking human blood

He dances with corpses under the moonlight.

I heard he once didnt heal a person but instead broke a perfectly fine arm

Shh! The knights of the Holy Kingdom might hear us.

Unaware of the actual events on the terrace, the rumors about Rays demonization continued to spread.

Iriel sighed.

So, Ray was the main subject of the rumors after all.

Ray, now rumored to be both a saint and a demon known for wringing human blood for fun, spoke with a wronged expression.

What kind of rumors are these? Theyre completely false.

Maybe not completely false.

The sight of his white hair stained with blood could make anyone believe he was a demon.

Along with Iriels sigh, it seemed as if even the sigh of Goddess Gaia could be heard from somewhere.

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