Published at 11th of April 2024 05:03:19 AM

Chapter 217: Monster Lord (1)

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Chapter 217: Monster Lord (1)

The perimeter has been reinforced.

Good work.

Head Priest Felji surveyed the surroundings.

He immediately noticed the uneven rocks and entangled tree roots.

It was an ideal camping site.

Even if monsters come, we should be able to hold them off from here.

Moreover, the nearby river would help mask their scent.

This was truly the tactic of an experienced strategist.

A priest in modest ceremonial robes approached him.

It seems well be fine like this, Head Priest Felji.

Complacency is forbidden, especially now with the Monster Lord nearby.

Eh, why would a Lord target a group like ours? Theres no benefit for them.

How can humans understand the thoughts of monsters?

Well, thats true.

What about the perimeter? Why are you here?

What good would a priest do standing guard? All I know is divine magic If a monster comes, Id be dead instantly.

Making a throat-slitting gesture, Felji laughed pleasantly.

Hahaha. Now that I think about it, thats true.

Having exchanged a few jokes, the priest wiped away his smile and looked up at the night sky.

Hows your family doing?

At that question, Felji uttered a strange sound, somewhere between a groan and a sigh.

The priest quickly continued,

Im sorry. If its too personal, you dont have to answer.

Its alright. You used to take care of them, after all.

While talking, Felji casually sat on the mossy ground.

My wifes recovery is slow, and my daughter hasnt woken up. Despite continuous treatment, theres no significant improvement. In short, nothing has changed from before.

His voice was tinged with self-mockery.

The priest nodded in response.

I see. But its still fortunate. Divine magic isnt completely ineffective.

A silver lining, indeed.

How about asking the saints for healing?

Felji slowly shook his head at the priests suggestion.

That would be inappropriate. Their power shouldnt be used for something thats not incurable.

Were so close. Maybe just mentioning it

He firmly cut off the subsequent words.

I didnt become Head Priest to use my position for personal reasons.

He was incredibly strict with himself.

This was true even in matters involving his family.

One might think him cold-hearted, but the priest knew well the pain and struggle Felji endured in making such decisions.

Thus, he couldnt say anything further.

If thats your decision, Head Priest

Lowering his head, the priest attempted to smile, which Felji acknowledged with a firm grasp on his shoulder.

Im sorry. Youre not just a stranger to me. My daughter will wake up soon, so dont be too anxious. However, lets not harbor resentment without direction. That only leads to destruction.

Instead of responding, the priest clenched his fist.

To be honest, Id like to kill all the monsters. Those despicable beings that took away the Head Priests family and my fiance. But I lack the strength to do so. Thus, I have to think of this as a trial given by Goddess Priyas. Since it cant be overcome by human means, we must pray to the gods.

If you can keep your resentment at bay as you are now, then this too is a trial by Goddess Priyas to make you grow.

He returned a weak smile.

The priest, silent for a moment, bid farewell and left. During that time, Felji remained seated on the ground, unable to stand.

Three days had passed since they arrived at the Heprian Mountains.

Ugh! Line up with your backs to the inner side! Do not advance even slightly forward!



Following his command, the knights quickly formed their ranks.

It was a moment that showcased their excellent training.

Orcs, leaping over giant rocks and tree roots, were the first to reach them.


The overwhelming number and brute force of the monsters made them gulp in fear.

This is going to be tough Hahaha.

May the blessing of Goddess Priyas be with us!

As morale seemed to be waning, Felji shouted quickly.

Send a messenger! Request reinforcements from the east and west!

Ah, understood!

Front line, hold your shields! We must prevent a melee battle as much as possible! Start attacking the monsters as they cross that line of trees!


We comply!

Following Feljis orders, the knights and priests began to cut down monsters that crossed the treeline.



For every monster that fell, two more surged forward.

The scale of the onslaught was tremendous.

Clang! Clang!

Sharp noises filled the forest.

Not long after the attack had started, pools of monster blood had formed.

Individual monsters were no match for the knights.

The terrain was sufficiently advantageous for them.

With this number of people, its impossible to capture all the monsters. If we assume we have to deal with the Lord, its even more unlikely. So, we stall for time until reinforcements come.

As long as they kept fending off the monsters, reinforcements would arrive.

Felji, thinking this, maneuvered his troops to buy time.

Focusing not on annihilation but on stalling, the knights suffered fewer casualties and could efficiently fend off the monsters.

Just as hope began to emerge, Feljis eyes widened.

No! Stop!

A messenger, trying to escape, was brutally killed by an orc.

Now, someone else had to be sent as a messenger, but leaving any position could be dangerous.

It was impossible to send a physically weaker priest or cleric, as they would likely meet the same fate as the previous messenger.

Felji grasped his head in frustration.

In such an urgent situation, there was no time for hesitation.

Head Priest! Please give an order!

If we keep this up, well collapse! Well all die!

The front line, sounding desperate, appeared to be in a precarious state.

Retreat a little bit at a time! A sudden retreat will disrupt our formation!

Ah, understood!

Ugh! Clerics! Cast your blessings!

Bl, Bless!

Holy Protect!

The clerics and priests, as they turned their attention more to the battlefield, reduced the number of injured.

Yet that was the extent of their capability.

Though wounds closed under the touch of divine magic, the depletion of their divine power would spell the end of this reprieve.

As they continued to retreat, caught in a dilemma with no victory in sight, a pushback here meant certain death.

Bit by bit, the resolve in their eyes started to wane.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!