Published at 11th of April 2024 05:02:35 AM

Chapter 231: Execution (2)

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Chapter 231: Execution (2)

As the elder quietly murmured, he felt the hair on his body stand on end.

A mighty mana It flows smoothly like a stream, yet also holds the power of a raging current.

He wondered what kind of mana had been accumulated to give off such a mysterious sensation.

Out of respect for the strong, the elder took a step back.

So be it. However, causing a disturbance under my jurisdiction does not absolve the crime.

Well discuss that under my jurisdiction. Its about time now.

At his words, the elder snorted and turned his back.

Lets return. Follow behind.

Just a moment.

Ray rummaged in his pocket and pulled out a piece of cloth.

He wrapped it around Soyeongs forearm, tying it tightly, effectively stopping the bleeding.

Though he couldnt provide proper treatment due to the lack of time, this makeshift bandage should be enough for her to recover on her own.

Soyeong looked at him with a puzzled expression.


Until that moment, she had always dealt with her issues herself.

Everyone in the Guardians was used to this, so receiving help wasnt something they naturally accepted.

Instead of answering, Ray gave a slight reprimand.

Lately, youve been slacking, even losing to an old man like him. When we get back, Ill tell Hongyeong to increase the training intensity.

The elder, overhearing this, felt his pride sting.

As the elder coughed to show his displeasure, Ray smirked and moved on.

Your hearing is sharp.

Upon arriving at the foot of the mountain, a sharp, sword-like aura pierced through him.

Was this some sort of initiation?

Looking around, he noticed numerous people gazing at him, each emitting a formidable aura.

The fiery stares of the men were not to his liking.

He responded to their unwelcome welcome with his own mana, causing those around him to flinch.

Advancing through the crowd, he saw Hael and six others standing in front of a large rock that jutted out behind them like a giant tooth, including the middle-aged man who had guided them earlier.

With everyones eyes focused on him in silence, Ray scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

If you called someone here, shouldnt you say something?

Triggered by this, Hael asked,

What do you want to do, causing such a commotion?

I told you. To take you outside.

Us? What exactly are you planning to do outside?

Umm Something like saving people?

I cant make heads or tails of what youre saying.

As the conversation didnt flow smoothly, another middle-aged man at his side jeered,

Not understanding the greater purpose, youre stuck on trivial matters. Such a foolish young one.

At his words, Ray just shrugged.

Thinking that living in this secluded place, cozy and well like domesticated animals, was the grand purpose. Even young beasts escape their cages when the time is right, but whats this? Not even as clever as a stubborn calf.

Such a brazen kid. I commend your courage to come this far. But you must know when to show and not show your audacity. A careless move could cost you your neck.

I can handle myself. If you want, test me.

The middle-aged man clenched his teeth.

He clearly had a knack for riling up people.

A woman who had been silently observing intervened,

Now, now, calm down. Whats the point in fighting like this?

Its meaningless to fight with a child.

At her words, the middle-aged man backed off indignantly.

As the situation calmed down a bit, the composed woman asked,

Do you think you can get us out of here?

He pondered for a moment.

See, he worries about me, even though he doesnt show it.

She spoke with pride about something she hadnt done herself.

Ignoring the Saint for a moment, Heukyeong, who had gone to the nearby stream to wash his face, observed the sunrise and remarked,

Its almost time.

I know. But what exactly is he planning to do

As she readied herself to gather divine power, she sensed a tremendous surge of it emanating from the large house.

Iriel sniffed the air, recognizing the familiar aura of her homeland after a long absence.

Its been a while since Ive felt this!


Heukyeong was also soothed by the sensation.

The immensely heightened divine power was intoxicating.

An ordinary healer or priest exposed to it would become immediately addicted.

Such was the power and uniqueness of the Saints divine energy.

Iriel straightened up, a broad smile spreading across her face at the pleasant scent.

It looks like its finally starting.

What, what is this

Are you claiming to be the Saint?

Their tone had significantly shifted.

From regarding him as a mere impudent child, they now perceived him as a Saint of Goddess Gaia!

This is the extent of my recommendation. Having invoked the name of the Goddess, I am prepared to take you by force if necessary. That is the holy and divine will of Goddess Gaia.

Ordinarily, he would regard the name of the Goddess as less significant than the remains of a pig, but in this moment, he spouted lies with ease.

For them, lacking the Eyes of Truth like the Elves, discerning Rays true intentions was impossible.

His impeccable method acting thoroughly deceived them.

So the Goddess perceives it that way.

This complicates matters. We need to engage in a thorough discussion about this. Deciding hastily could lead to dissent among us.

I wonder what the Spirit Tribe Leader will think

Their demeanor transformed instantly upon the invocation of the Goddesss will.

Ray gestured toward the window.

If you are worried about the people, that is unnecessary.

Dozens of individuals stood outside.

We want to go outside!

We dont want to kill our friends anymore!

Please consider it, just this once!

The voices filtering through the window all expressed a longing to venture beyond the sea.

The success of quietly nurturing favorable sentiments towards the outside world was evident.

A triumph of indoctrination.

And yet, despite the sizable crowd gathered, their expressions remained largely unmoved.

Even if it is the Goddesss will, the Spirit Tribe Leaders decision still prevails.

Spirit Tribe Leader?

Intrigued, he inquired, and Hael gestured toward a massive stone door.

What was initially mistaken for a mere rock was intricately carved with various patterns.

He has been in meditation behind that door. It has been three years to this day. Since he decreed a ban on entry and exit until his emergence, we have been left with no choice but to wait.

Three years locked away in there?

What in the world could he be doing all this time?

Staring at a wall and playing patty-cake?

Even a renowned monk would have burst out after three years of wall-gazing meditation.

Ray looked at the rock and knocked on it, infusing mana.

Knock. Knock.

Are you there?

The crowd gasped at his seemingly insane action.

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