Published at 11th of April 2024 05:02:12 AM

Chapter 235: Death And Resurrection (2)

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Chapter 235: Death And Resurrection (2)

has returned to the side of mana.

In the silence of Hesias cabin, as a presence was felt from the entrance, Hael reacted.

Clutching the sword with downcast eyes in alert, a voice was soon heard from outside.

Open the door!

Responding involuntarily to the urgent voice, I asked.

Who is it?

The Saint!


Claiming to be the Saint, the door was broken down and entered, turning Hesia, the cabin owners expression gloomy.


Regardless of Hael pointing the sword, Iriel hurriedly approached Ray, who was lying on the bed, and swiftly summoned divine power.

Feeling the gentle divine power emanating from her, Hael retracted the sword.

With such an aura, it must indeed be the Saint.

Was it the will of the gods to send them out of this island, and now both the Saint and the Saintess have come together?

Moreover, two saints in one era, what is this all about!

Curiosity flooded in, but seeing Iriels serious expression, she silently observed the situation.

Iriel, checking the breathing by bringing a delicate finger to the nose, murmured with a pale face.

Hes dead.

At those words, a shadow waiting outside stepped into the room.

Heukyeong tightly clenched a fist while staring coldly at the lifeless Ray.Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

Its my fault. I will atone with my death, my lord. But please allow me to eliminate that despicable beast before that.

Bowing deeply as if exchanging a final farewell, Hael too found himself unable to say anything in front of such devoutness.

Iriel slowly infused divine power starting from Rays wrist.

How long has it been like this?

About a minute now.

If it had been a minute, there was still a possibility.

Divine power swirled and filled the room.

Even in death, he causes trouble!

Her endless divine power was absorbed along his mana road, and soon, a bright burst of light erupted.


A blinding flash of light engulfed the surroundings, causing Rays body lying down to start trembling.


The immense wave of divine power was enough to startle even Hael nearby.

Such a powerful aura. To handle such immense force at will, shes no ordinary Saintess.

Having her as an ally would be incredibly reassuring, but as an enemy, it would be a dreadful feeling.

The divine power she emanated was immensely strong.

Iriel concentrated the divine power she had spread throughout his limbs into one place.

The mana road was so vast that it delayed the use of holy magic.

A voice announcing the start of resurrection burst from her lips.

Holy Recovery!

Among the divine healing magic, the one considered the highest was cast, rapidly healing Rays wounds.

Color returned to his face, and the severe bleeding stopped.

His body, previously beyond saying alive even in jest, gradually returned to a healthy state.

Lying quietly on the bed, he slowly opened his eyes, feeling refreshed as if he had a new body.

The miraculous healing magic of the Saintess.

The divine power of her, known to revive even those with a burst heart, resurrected him from death.

Without a moment for Hael and Hesia to be surprised, Ray slowly started to get up.

Heh heh heh. Im late, Iriel.

With the sound of bones crushing, the middle-aged man was slammed into the wall.

With just one punch, Ray had incapacitated a tribe elder and slowly walked back toward the elder.

The other elders seated around the round table urgently began to intervene.

Calm down! This is a sacred chamber!

How can you cause such a disturbance in the presence of the tribe leader!

But to Ray, who was blind with rage, their efforts only backfired.

As they blocked his way and exerted their presence, he became more enraged.

With a few gestures, the elders were sent flying, and the ground was indented with a few kicks.


Amidst screams, Ray clenched his fist as if holding an egg.

Then, an aura blade sprouted from his hand.

His aura, qualitatively different from that of the criminals, pushed away the surrounding mana, causing the other elders presence to vanish like a collapsing sandcastle.

He looked at Elder Meard, slumped in a corner, dripping with saliva.

He stared back with a resentful expression, but there was no laughter.

Without hesitation, Ray chopped off the elders hand with the aura blade.

Bright red blood splattered everywhere as Elder Meards screams filled the chamber.


Grinding his teeth, he raised his sword to counter.

Ugh Do you think you can get away with this? Attacking an elder! Youve turned our entire tribe against you!

He sounded like a freedom fighter, but if Ray had been afraid of those words, he wouldnt have started this.

Hael, who had followed behind Elder Meard, frowned and shook her head.

No, that wont happen.

With a gesture towards the surroundings, the elders began to retreat.

They had already felt the intensity of the mana radiating from her small frame.

With no means to counter, they had no choice but to protect themselves.

Now, only Elder Meard and Ray remained.

Ugh! Since when did our tribes elders become so cowardly! To kneel before power and entrust the tribe leader to a foreigner!

As if he were a great independent fighter, he tore his own aura-embedded hand and swung his sword, which Ray caught.



The mana he forcefully exerted was blocked midway, causing Elder Meard to spit blood.


With a short incantation, Elder Meards body momentarily stiffened like stone.

Ray, with a hand on the frozen Elder Meards abdomen, smirked.

Thanks for earlier. Now its my turn to give a gift.

He flowed his mana into Elder Meards mana road, just as he had done with the tribe leader.

As immense mana tore through all the blood vessels, blood vessels appeared in Elder Meards eyes.


With a burning pain in the abdomen, all the blood vessels in his body burst.

The pain that Ray had felt was now overwhelming him.

It must be excruciatingly painful.

The rampaging mana was uncontrollable.

Bouncing around in the mana road, it would destroy itself even if left alone.

But Ray had no intention of letting it be.

The thrill of revenge was just beginning.

Having been brought back from the brink of death because of this elder, his anger was immense.

The night is still long. Ill make sure to enjoy it slowly.

Still feeling the pain in his chest, he smiled coldly and accelerated the mana.

With that, Elder Meards screams intensified.

Everyone was too shocked to notice, but in that moment, the tribe leaders hand twitched and moved.

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