Published at 11th of April 2024 05:18:47 AM

Chapter 24: Village Of Elves (7)

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Chapter 24: Village Of Elves (7)

His daily routine suddenly began with caring for Aira.

Having obtained permission from his parents to stay out, he had nothing to fret about.

Initially, Saein was apprehensive and declined, but when he earnestly pleaded, his parents eventually consented.

Unlike Saein, Eil had no concerns whatsoever.

Ive not heard of any monsters around here that could pose a threat to that guy. At most, there might be orcs. Sure, there are elves around too, but as long as the elves dont attempt to capture him as a group, hes safe.

Ray winced at the final remark, but kept his composure and packed his bags.

Filled with books, food, and clothes, Ray departed from his house and, as usual, made his way to the elf village.

He concealed his packed belongings well and proceeded to Pias house.

Now on friendly terms with the other elves, he greeted them as if he were a local elf.

Pias eyes slightly rose, but she simply let it pass.

After conversing with Pia for a bit, Ray quickly returned home as lunchtime neared.

She waved him off, confused.

After retrieving his hidden belongings and struggling to climb a tree, Ray reached Airas house, utterly drained.

Huff Huff I cant move anymore.

After resting for about 20 minutes, Ray, who had regained his strength, stood up.

Next time, I should bring only a little at a time.

It was challenging to climb the tree with everything all at once.

Before entering the house, he filled a small wooden barrel with water.

This was because a wooden barrel could contain more water than a leaf-made scoop.

Inside, he gently cleaned Aira, just as before.

Since he was alone, he had to cradle her almost like a hug while cleaning her.

Ray, who was holding her in front and cleaning her back, nodded his head, noticing that her back had significantly improved.

At this pace, the wounds on her back should be healed in about two weeks.

Ray, who had meticulously cleaned her, laid her on her side and leaned against the wall.

In his hand, he held a book he had taken from his packed bag.

It was a book about the plants of this different world.

Having made up his mind, he decided it was time to study.

The book contained information about basic herbs, edible grass, and toxic grass, but he was fully absorbed in it.

He understood that small pieces of knowledge like this accumulated to form a larger understanding, which allowed him to concentrate so well.

While he read the book and adjusted Airas posture, evening arrived and the sun set.

As the room grew too dark to see anything, Ray put the book down.

He simply lay down haphazardly around the room.

If he lit a fire or used magic to read the book, the elves would quickly notice.

So, when evening arrived, he simply had to sleep.

And so, the days passed, each one repeating the same routine.

Books began to pile up around Ray.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Iriel placed her hand on the priests head, her unique smile gracing her face.

Allow me to find the saint myself.


The saintess intended to find the saint herself.

This was not a praiseworthy act.

The Silia Kingdom would undoubtedly have grievances about the holy country moving around their kingdom as if it were their own home, and they would struggle to respond to that.

However, if they voiced opposition now, the consequences were clear.

The saintess, aware of this fact, had waited until now to speak.

Then, we will depart tomorrow. The personnel will primarily consist of the upper inspection team, with a few from the lower inspection team as well. There would be strong opposition if we only included the upper inspection team.

Understood. We will prepare the personnel accordingly.

I order you to do so.

Iriel murmured as she watched them bow their heads once more.

I can finally meet the saint.


As Ray was hanging the laundry, he noticed a change in Airas condition and rushed over, leaving the laundry behind.

Her condition had been slightly odd since a week ago, but there were no specific symptoms, so he had held onto some hope.

Ray was taken aback by the sudden change in her condition.

Her weaker breaths indicated that her breathing was becoming labored.

If her breath stopped in this place with no respiratory system, it would mean certain death.

What should I do? If I inject mana to forcibly maintain her breath No, its the same as death if I let go.

In a brief moment, several methods to treat a patient with dyspnea symptoms came to mind and then vanished.

All of them required modern medical equipment.

Dont die, Aira!

He pleaded with her, his eyes filled with anxiety and unease.

It had only been slightly over a month without conversation, and they hadnt even made eye contact once, but he seemed to have grown fond of her.

The idea of her dying filled him with desperation.

Hundreds of medicinal herbs that could sustain her breathing came to mind from the books he had read over the past month, and herbal prescriptions also crossed his mind.

His remarkable concentration and memory skills combined to recall all the knowledge as if he had professionally studied herbology.

But none of it could be applied right now.

It seemed like her breath would cease if he went to pick herbs.

In this time-sensitive situation, Ray bit his nails nervously.

Why, why, whats the issue exactly? Its not symptoms of poisoning. Theres no trauma. The major organs are functioning correctly.

There was no time to contemplate why her condition had suddenly deteriorated.

What he needed now was a method to heal her instantly.

Heal instantly?

There was one technique that crossed Rays mind at that thought.

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