Published at 11th of April 2024 05:01:30 AM

Chapter 247: Reconciliation

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Chapter 247: Reconciliation

Upon entering the mansion and passing through a long hallway, Iriels bedroom, accompanied by a splendid garden, came into view.

Stopping in front of the door, a brief knock was made, followed by a voice from inside.

Come in if you like.

The voice, unmistakably upset, was clear.

Ray entered and said,

Lets end this anger now.

Im not angry.

Despite the sharpness in the voice, it continued to deny any anger.

Sitting carelessly on the bed, he began to speak.

Im sorry I didnt tell you. But I had always planned to leave the Holy Kingdom eventually, and it just so happened that the time was right. I hope youre not too upset about it.

Moreover, there are still matters in the Holy Kingdom that need attending to, so I have no immediate plans to leave. That was the first time I spoke of leaving the Holy Kingdom in front of you and Mr. Eckley.

So, you were preparing for the eventual disappearance of the Saint.


After a moment of silence, Iriel spoke quietly.

Even so during this journey, I was the one by your side. Inside the Holy Kingdom with the Academys affairs even matters related to the Western Continent and the heros lineage Ive supported you in everything. And this is all I get? You could have at least given me a hint!

If I cant stand by your side being nearby should still be okay!

She swallowed the last of her words.

Of course, Ray was well aware.

She had been the one to nag yet support him all this time.

Thus, his disappointment was even greater.

When the silence continued without a word, Iriel spoke again.

Do you really have to go? If you need something, the Holy Kingdom can be a great support.

Unfortunately, theres something I cant get from the Holy Kingdom.

Like always, Ill join you. Then somehow.

Her voice trembling, he firmly shook his head.

Then, Iriels already pale complexion grew even paler.

Resigned, she let out a forced laugh.

I see. Alright, I wont stop you anymore.

Im sorry.

Its okay. Well it will be a bit lonelier from now on, but thats only natural when youre not around.

Despite her characteristic smile, her hands on her shoulders trembled.

Without even trying to speak, she simply turned her head away from reality.

The memories, once joyfully painful, would soon turn to loneliness.

Iriel turned her back and said,

Since this is the last time, Ill help you as much as I can with your remaining tasks.

Thank you.

Its not much of a consolation, but Id like to be alone for a while. Youll help me with that, right?

In essence, she wished not to be sought out.

Ray quietly stood up.

Glancing at Iriel, he saw she still had her back turned, looking out the window.

He stepped out of the room with heavy steps.

Outside the bedroom, Faeya was leaning against the wall.

She offered an awkward smile.

Saint, could we talk for a moment?

I walked through the dimly lit garden for several minutes.

It was a beautiful garden, blending the fragrant aroma of flowers with the fresh scent of grass, but it didnt quite register in my mind.

Faeya sighed and said,

Haah What happened this time? It must be serious if the Saintess is in such a state.

If you were eavesdropping, youd know.

Who said I was eavesdropping? I even covered my ears, wondering if it was something I shouldnt hear.

Whats going on!

Aaaaah! Iriel wont see me!

Crying profusely, the usually dignified and quirky Saint was nowhere to be seen, replaced by a mere child.

She sighed.

Lets talk a bit farther away; youre getting my clothes wet.

At Faeyas urging, he kept his distance.

While drinking terribly tasteless poison, which was supposed to be tea, Ray calmed down and explained the situation.

Faeya exclaimed in astonishment after listening.

So, the Saintess is refusing to talk?

I nodded, and she fell into serious thought.

This isnt just a simple pout. Maybe even food wont lure her now

Faeya, who believed even the emperor could be persuaded with a piece of meat, abandoned her plan.

What now?

Hmm. Cant help it. Women dont just like food. They actually like jewels too.

She said, showcasing the necklace around her neck, which sparkled brilliantly.

Surely, such jewels might be appealing.

He, who knew as much about a womans heart as an ant knows about arm muscles, was intrigued.

Once again, Faeyas suggestion was taken.

Sending the jewel resulted in a ring being returned, cut in half.

Showing this to Faeya, she wore a troubled expression,

Was the design wrong?

I dont think so

Hmm. Whats the problem then?

As she pondered, she suddenly clapped her hands.

Ah! How about trying this method as a last resort?

Seeing my skeptical look, Faeya, who had lost confidence after the previous strategies failed, flinched.

Th, this time its really trustworthy.

Spit it out.

Its about showing your willingness to reconcile.



She answered succinctly. Asking what specifically I should do, Faeya exclaimed as if it was obvious.

Saint, youre really taking the easy way out. Its up to you to think about it now. Show the Saintess your willingness to reconcile.

I briefly imagined murdering Faeya in my mind, but the thought vanished.

As always, her words sounded plausible, so I decided to follow her advice.

Eventually, Faeyas last suggestion was also adopted.

Thinking about what I should do, I considered various ideas.

More than twenty strategies for persuading someone whirled through my head, but I soon shook them off.

After pondering for two days and another day passing, what came to mind was to empty my thoughts and follow my heart.

The simplest method.

I just stood quietly in front of the mansion until Iriel would come out.

At first, passersby tried to dissuade me, and even Euclid scolded me for not maintaining my dignity, but it was futile.

Standing like a statue, I leaned against the wall to sleep at night and watched the clouds flow by in the morning.

One day it rained, and it was the first time in a long while that I felt the rain sting my body.

Yet, I didnt know how to leave the Saintesss mansion.

If it rained, I got wet; if the sun was hot, I endured the heat.

After ten days passed in this manner, without eating or resting, it would seem logical to leave from exhaustion, but after enduring ten days as if they were a single day, the paladins were moved by my determination.

One day, they joined me in standing for a few hours, but standing still was not as easy as it seemed.

Unable to endure even a few hours, they left, and eventually, no one was around me.

It was the night of the thirteenth day after waiting ten days in front of the mansion.

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